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.pro a few months on

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I was bored so I went through the icann site reading RFD's and crap on the new .org swarm and thought about the tld's available.

Now then last discussion I saw on this was in May, anyone have any info on how .pro. aero .musem and .coop are doing since their inception?

I am guessing that as highly regulated domains they would be near dead and not even covering their main registry costs, although at the prices i'm seeing I doubt they need such high turnover. But i'm curious whether anyone has had any requests to reg any of these wierd .whatevers or if they have numbers for the registries?


Welcome to the twilight zone, Mik.

The extensions you mentioned are for the boy's club, and should remain in the twilight zone.

Ever wondered how many .mil have been registered? Same case applies.


I'm just going thru the forums on icann, some funny stuff on there, I can't help but laugh at most of the posts for some reason.

Anyway, yeah I know it's meant for specialised cases but I am guessing they are seeking active registrations for .pro .coop and .aero whereas .mil is highly restricted by the very implication of the word, same as .edu but I still wonder how they are doing, they are trying to be highly regulated yet commercially successful in an unregulated and cut price environment.

Oh yeah what happens if those registries go bankrupt? would a buy out be possible or would icann go through the whole reassigning bit like they are with .org?


Most of the other forums I go to are dead so i'm doing research. :)
It's interesting that some registries are proposing a drop to $5 for .org, hmm there's an idea for another thread. :)

But yeah sticking on topic. Not bored just curious since they do exist and while most here may be investors and these ones don't suit investors I am guessing that others here run hosting companies or domain reg companies and may have legitimate clients wanting one of these.


hehe that's an interesting site, mensa member and all. Read some pages and saved some for later since I like to jump around.
hmm new.net, never heard of those guys before hehe. Wonder what would happen if ICANN introduced names they claim to use as tlds?

.biz was a new.net "domain" at one time.

Anyone can create an alternate root. It's just that no one will be able to use the domain names without a convoluted process at best.

Microsoft would be the one player who could probably get away with it, and build in automatic use of the MS root if you used IE or Outlook...

As for .pro, .aero and .coop, they will do fine for what they are intended to support.



I always viewed .biz as a bit unprofessional, don't know why it just sounds like the domains were trying to be hip or something?

Yeah those alternate guys are funny, I like their forums, nothing like a company with some guts to leave the negative comments in for my viewing pleasure. Now if only the mlm ones would do the same I could be amused while examining bad business practices and scams in the offline environment (not saying anything is wrong with new.net but I re-read that and it might sound like that due to the sentences running after each other sharing some of the same concepts etc).

I see potential in coop (though as mentioned in may it is open to awkward mispronounciation/typing) as well as pro (apart from .uk and .au hookers). Museum should be fine since that would be self regulating mostly .gov sponsored registrations. .aero I don't see going anywhere, the industry is down and apart from intra industry sites I don't think people will warm to it due to spelling.

I thought .biz was an alt root name, operated by someone caled Leigh and not a new.net tld.


Originally posted by Mik
I always viewed .biz as a bit unprofessional, don't know why it just sounds like the domains were trying to be hip or something?

Funny you say that, Mik. In the old days, .com was a joke eg a vestige of the command.com of the bygone DOS OS. We all know its meaning was/is 'commerce', but who does Commercial Studies today hahahaha?

COM is a 17 year old vestige of DOS geeks developed in an era where the WWW and HTML were just science fiction.

In my industry, the word biz is not unprofessional. On the contrary, if you didn't understand biz, you would be seen (very snobbishly so) as part of the unwashed uneducated masses, sorry.

nuff said :swg:

Sorry, of course you guys are right - the alternate root crowd all blend together to me sometimes...



Don't be so quick to judge commerce :) no commercial studies (although I did do a business studies course at HS) but still plenty of Bachelor of Commerce degrees around so commerce is not dead in academia.

I never considered the double meaning of the dos.com before even though I have used dos in the olden days, thanks for pointing it out :D It always just seemed like a logical progression
.com - Traditional Commercial entity
.net - Network/NEwTech/Group entity
.org - non-profit Organisation entity

If I would go to a potential client and say "go check out my site at businessname.biz" i'd feel weird, i'm sure if I was making money off it I wouldn't mind as much though :D Sure .com has some stigma of the whole bubble bursting over it but I still feel it is a bit more professional, I always think, would a large corp. do a site under .biz and most times I think no they would go for .com. Not that a large corp is infallible and if I ever dabble in .biz and make money off it i'm sure i'll change my mind :D For overseas/country specific market purposes I might consider .biz if I find a good enough market reaction to it, for US or broad Int appeal i'd .com it all the way though. Kinda like mobile phones, people in German speaking countries call them Natels, first time I heard it when I was over there I was like "What the f*@#(? what do you want me to call you on? is this like some new technology or something?" :D


True what you say Mik. Large beauracratic corps will give you a funny look whenever you mention a .biz, at this point in time.

Seeing that you've been to biz school, you would understand the underlying psychology of the early adopters as opposed to the laggards.

.biz is inherently limited in the sense that it caters to the B2B sector of the industry. Most resellers are familiar with B2C, and have only some working understanding of B2B operations.

Most of the success stories of the Internet were driven by B2C, thus the lack of examples of B2B applications.

The WWW as late as a year ago had no other option, it was .com or nothing. Remember that this is a recent phenomenon.

I've seen too many examples of industries caught off guard during a tide of change. Look at Kodak today, and Xerox...

For the early adopters of .info and .biz, the benefits are very simple. You get prime property to an extend unimaginable with .com. And I mean a major extent.

As the internet unfurls in the coming years, we'll see how things pan out. But never will the excuse ever be again... I wish I had the foresight back in 1995 to register .coms.


Yeah did a whole semester of consumer behaviour as part of my marketing major.
I agree with the caught off guard and changes etc but the entire .biz and .info name space seems to have a certain amount of expectation behind it and that URL you gave me backs it up. There might be a huge rush for the names and no one knows what the future holds. However when people expect to get information about cats when they go to cat.info and get Caterpillar tractors instead I think it will disillusion many people who will just go and think "oh yay another extension like dotcom for the rich to exploit" and see no real substance or community or honor behind it. It's the illogical and bad faith that some registrants put into the names that will see them fall to the wayside. Just because a handful would put useful info into a .info site will not mean that it can not fail due to badly placed tm sites pointing to their .com equivalents. That is all I see happening with new TLDs, a huge rush to grab generic and tm names to sell later on. All we can do is wait and see whether some kind people will put useful stuff into the remaining names of little value to live up to the intended spirit of the extensions or whether the whole tld will become a simple redirect for the .com equivalents.


Granted that the internet is filled with speculative debris. It is estimated that over 90% of all .com names end in 404 or a parking page. Same thing will happen to .info and .biz too I suppose. But this doesn't change the fact that when used in the right context, these new gtlds make loads of sense to the site visitor.


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Apr 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Mik
I was bored so I went through the icann site reading RFD's and crap on the new .org swarm and thought about the tld's available.

Now then last discussion I saw on this was in May, anyone have any info on how .pro. aero .musem and .coop are doing since their inception?

I am guessing that as highly regulated domains they would be near dead and not even covering their main registry costs, although at the prices i'm seeing I doubt they need such high turnover. But i'm curious whether anyone has had any requests to reg any of these wierd .whatevers or if they have numbers for the registries?

:D :D :D

Can't wait for all the new "good" extensions to finally come...

hmmm .museum, .med.pro, .aero, .crap ....
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