I'm not going for .cn names cause I'm done with names but I think this one would have some value. Which registrar did you secure the prereg with if you dont mind me asking?
I would aim for specific item names as opposed to concept names. China is a gamble anyway. They could one day soon say, ya know, screw it, we aint even doing that and then you are out of luck. All it takes is one our spyplanes to crash in china and its all done for - at least for democratic country names...
But, in the case china honors its obs. I would definitelygo for non auction registrars - much less hassle.
If you have a spot in a non auction queue - then I would say that is good in and of itself.
I would go for items (cars, insurance, homes, money ((with money being as abstract as I would get)) etc...
Many say .cn is worth it - because china is huge - they are probably right - but china brings other baggage to the table which might negate the pop. element.
Make sure your queue names are not wasted - there has been some talk of .com .cn names being given .cn names by default - also make sure a particular name is not restricted - and wont be in the future potentially.
Bottom line - stick with secured queue names with something tangible to sell. And hope for the best.