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DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 29, 2004
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DATE PURCHASED: November 5, 2004

DOMAIN: Cemetaryflowers.com

PRICE: A little under two years projected revenue: $800 paid through Paypal

BACKGROUND INFO: I posted a wanted ad HERE in search of generic .com typo domains. I got responses and private messages from several people including this one from RaDiSTAR:

"hi iHQ,

I can offer CemetaryFlowers.com (instead of "cemetery"). It makes about $40 /month on Sedo - the clickthrough rate is great and ppc is more than $0.25 - up to $0.37 at times. Pure type-in traffic, about 400 uniques /month - zero promotion."

Looking for 24 months of monthly revenue.


I purchased the domain after RadiSTAR provided a link to the past two months revenue stats on Sedo. He said he had just gotten another offer for $850 just moments after we agreed on a price of $800.

THE PROBLEM: Everything was perfect the first week. Stats/Visitors were on target and even a little higher with the domain parked at Domain Sponsor. HOWEVER, After owning the domain for appoximately one week, stats dropped to 0-1 visitor per day, zero most days. I PM'ed Theo after about a week of poor results and told him the problem. He called me and we talked about it. He suggested that the problem was with the DomainSponsor design or lack of design and that's why people weren't clicking. I tried to explain that it wasn't they weren't clicking on the ads it was that they weren't there to click on them. He said he'd never used DomainSponsor and that he didn't know if they had some downtime, etc. etc. and suggested changing it back to Sedo's parking. He also suggested I add a link in my signature of all the forums I post on (wouldn't that kind of defeat the purpose of buying a type-in traffic domain?). So a few days later I was able to make the change back to Sedo's parking. As I expected this made absolutely no difference and I continued to recieve barely any traffic. I think more than half of the 8 visits are from me checking to make sure the ads are up. Theo even said he visited it at least once since it was parked on Sedo. It's now been parked at Sedo for 10 days and recieved eight total visitors with one click the first full day it was parked (before it was optimized: Theo's visit?).

RESOLUTION: Several times I offered to drop the whole issue for a full refund of the original purchase price. Theo declined and offered no alternatives or solutions. Furthermore his last PM stated he would no longer respond to my messages. He maintains that all domains are sold as- is (I completely agree with that but not under these circumstances) and that the traffic was completely legitimate. However never in my experience has such an irregular traffic pattern for type-ins (8-15 visitors a day for 2 1/2 months and then overnight 0-1 for two-three weeks now) ever been displayed. Funny, how it dropped off within just seven days of purchasing the domain. Keep in mind we are talking about "cemetery flowers" not some fad or domain mentioned on TV once. Not every funeral in the US is scheduled between October 1st and November 11th.

I am fully aware that the Sedo stats Theo provided me with are accurate. HOWEVER that could have been due to advertising the domain elsewhere such as in his signature as he's currently doing with americasflowers.com or he could have been redirecting traffic or buying traffic from elsewhere. WHATEVER I really don't care, but the fact of the matter is that the traffic was NOT "type-in traffic", and by refusing to send a full refund upon pointing out these inaccuracies, Theo has taken unfair advantage of me.

I'm also well aware that there are many people who have made deals with RadiSTAR or Timechange that were successfully concluded on this very forum(many of which were name-only deals). However, I am out $800 here on a typo-domain that gets no traffic. It doesn't make any difference how many deals he's done in the past, I have simply presented the facts to you. I am requesting the mods ban this user if he isn't willing to settle this.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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I researched the name using my domain valuation tool and it reveals it should get some traffic (not sure how much, and not sure about natural type-ins, but definately more than you are reporting) from a combination of links (it has some active outside links), and in particular from the old flowers website. It seems to have been an active website for some time.

It is likely you are losing traffic due to having it parked at Sedo rather than hosted yourself. There are several little known but very effective and powerful ways to capture extra traffic, sometimes a lot more traffic. I have used those methods to increase traffic to some of my domains significantly vs not using the techniques.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Bryan (iHQ)

It seems that you decided to display your ignorance & lack of professionalism in public, and not simply in your private conversations with me.

When I sold you the domain CemetaryFlowers.com (a typo domain with type-in traffic) it was parked with Sedo.com and was generating $37 to $40 a month using the keyword "Flowers".

After you reviewed the Sedo traffic screenshots, you agreed to pay me $800 for the domain - less than 24 months of revenue. I engaged in a phone conversation with you prior to the sale because I like to "cop a feeling" of the person I am dealing with and vice versa. Although you appear intelligent and professional apparently you are unwilling to understand how typo traffic domains work.

The domain CemetaryFlowers.com had no backlinks; prior to me parking it with Sedo I noticed an ever increasing traffic at my syslogs and decided to park it. At $0.25 to $0.37 a click at Sedo, it was steady income for me. I decided to sell it 3 months later only because you were looking specifically for typo type-in domains.

So you took control of the domain after the sale was complete and you parked it for 2 weeks with Domain Sponsor. Then a week later you contacted me stating that your traffic is minimal and that there are no clicks.

First off, you cannot compare apples with oranges; I have no idea why Domain Sponsor - whose parked pages are VERY ugly and unappealing - did not track or generate the income I was getting with Sedo. Seeing that you are frustrated, I called you and advised you to park it with Sedo. At that point, you had the audacity to insinuate that the screenshots that I had originally showed to you were fabricated!

I did something for you that in 20 years of dealing with computers have not done before: I gave you full access to my personal account! You logged in to my account with Sedo while we were on the phone, and since the domain was still parked with Sedo you confirmed that the screenshots were identical to the Sedo traffic stats as viewed through my account.

Perhaps I had a hunch that your lack or professionalism would soon again arise and I gave access to the DNF Moderator Don ("biggedon") - he logged in and CONFIRMED that my screen captures and the Sedo data MATCHED. I will post his messages here when I receive his permission - unlike your unauthorized post of my message above.

So then I removed the domain from Sedo - in order for you to park it - and what did you do? For 2 weeks - I monitored it - you were using the keyword "Personals" for the domain CemetaryFlowers.com! From my understanding, you are an adult and you can distinguish between playing with words and trying to optimize domain keywords. But this act of yours is beyond me.

You contacted me 2 days ago stating again that you are unhappy and you want a refund - this time FURTHER SHIFTING the subject and alleging this time that I was somehow pushing traffic to the domain, pumping it up in order to sell it. First of all, I would never do anything like this - especially for a domain that was a steady money-maker at Sedo, whose regulations and tools are extremely intelligent - they can track IP, referrers and any means of pushing traffic.

I feel very insulted by the way that you approached the matter towards my professional integrity. You fail to realize that what worked for me & did not work for you is not my fault. If you are unable to reproduce the results I do not have to give you a refund, just because due to a cosmic chance your numbers did not turn up the same.

Even though I do not feel obligated to assist you any further with this matter, due to my goodwill I have contacted Sedo and asked for their assistance to provide me with access logs for the domain, for the period that it was parked under my account; this way we will be able to settle the issue of where the traffic was coming from. If they are able to provide this information or not, that is beyond my ability to predict.

Bryan, I ask you to refrain from further smearing my name with false allegations and to behave as a professional adult in this community.

I hereby ask Biggedon to please step forward and to confirm the validity of my statements and Sedo logs.


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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iHQ, your complaint is frivolous. You were given access to Radistar's stats and saw them for yourself. Past performance is no guarantee of future results, but to top that off you CHANGED the conditions under which the domain name was operating. Yes, that would certainly produce a change in results.

I am fully aware that the Sedo stats Theo provided me with are accurate

So what did you want him to do? Lie?

refusing to send a full refund upon pointing out these inaccuracies

What inaccuracies? You just said you are sure the numbers were accurate. You have a theory that traffic "could" have been generated somehow, but your concern for the facts is interesting - "Whatever I really don't care"

You don't care what the facts are? That's a heck of a strange way to make an accusation against someone whom you are 'sure' gave you accurate numbers prior to the sale.

"However, I am out $800" - and Radistar is apparently out $50, since he could have sold the domain name to someone who probably has more concern for facts.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 29, 2004
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The domain was described as having "Pure type-in traffic, about 400 uniques /month - zero promotion." Parking the domain at Domain Sponsor is not going to reduce traffic from 12-15 visitors a day average to 0 to 1. Even after changing the domain back to Sedo, on their servers, exactly as RadiSTAR had it parked for 2 months, it recieves 0 to 1 visitors a day.


Claimed Stats at the time of sale: Average of approximately 13 visitors per day

Stats from the first seven days after the sale (it was only parked for a few hours the first day): 74 visitors total

Stats at Domain Sponsor November 12th to November 22nd - 6 Visitors

Stats at Sedo November 23rd to December 2nd - 8 visitors

RadiSTAR I would never have made this public if we could have settled this otherwise. Honestly, it has been nearly a month since the sale, three weeks since I first contacted you about a problem, and I requested a refund three times. In the last private message you said, "I will not respond to any other messages from you on this subject."

If the domain was as you described (400 Type-ins a month), I would have no cause for action and I would be pleased with my purchase.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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I did view the stats for domain in question, via full login access which was provided by the seller.

IMO, the buyer is fully responsible for verifying any "traffic statistics" relating to any domain claiming such.

Since the buyer has stated that he did so, prior to purchasing the domain,then any risk associated is totally assumed by the buyer!

Therefore,based upon evidence provided by both parties involved, I cannot recommend that the seller be banned as requested.



Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 22, 2004
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Ive never seen complaints about RADiSTAR since I joined this forum, Which was around the same time as him. I do however wish you the best luck iHQ , That is alot of money.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 29, 2004
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Stoned, I have to say RadiSTAR is the very first owner to ever call me BEFORE selling the domain. Most sellers would care less who they are dealing with as long as the funds are guaranteed. RadiSTAR was the last person I would ever expect to get ripped off by. We even talked about the importance of a sellers reputation and integrity on the phone. However, the numbers speak for themselves and I can not think of any reasonable explanation why the visitors would drop so drastically in such a short amount of time for a domain based on type-in traffic for cemetery flowers.

Biggedon, I understand


Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 9, 2002
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I have completed many deals with Theo and I never had any problems.

Just my 2 cents...


Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2002
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If you are forwarding with enom (not sure of other registrars), make sure you have wildcard forwarding set as well.

I'm moving this thread to the lounge unless some proof surfaces that this was a scam.


Timechange is okay. Park it back at Sedo.com and observe the results.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Bryan, I strongly recommend that you cease and desist from using my name, username and domain name alongside the words "fraud" and "ripped off". It is evident that you do not want to observe the rules of fair play and you are unprofessional & unable to stop when all the facts and figures are against you.

I am currently on a trip outside the US and once I return home I will seek legal advise if you insist to continue your libelous posts.

This thread should now be closed.

Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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Seems that this has been aired and has not been found to have substance as a complaint of fraudulent activity.
Seems reasonable to close the thread as requested.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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With regard to the thread at http://www.dnforum.com/showthread.php?t=73955

As I promised in my last post, I contacted Sedo on the matter, below is their response which I received today.

I consider the matter closed; any further attempt(s) on your part to cause harm to my name and reputation will be dealt with swiftly via all legal means available.


Dear Theo,

The new owner has the domain parked with us since November 23rd.
Since then, it has earned 33 views collectively and has an average CTR of 16.67% with the KW "flowers" (18 cents per click on average)
I'm afraid that I have no way of accessing parking history of a domain after it has been deleted from the database.
It is now re-entered in the new owner's account which makes it impossible for me to trace it back in your account.
Once you deleted it from your account, parking history for the domain name as it stood in your account was erased.

This is all I can source:
KW From Views Clicks CTR CPC
flowers us 14 2 14.0% 0.25 2004-12-09
flowers other 11 1 9.0% 0.03 2004-12-08
flowers uk 3 7 33.0% 0.32 2004-12-04
Dating other 2 1 50.0% 0.03 2004-11-25

Sorry that I cannot be of more help to you on this one, but once the domain is deleted, the history can't be tracked.
There is no history of unusual traffic or fakes in your parking account and I'd be happy to explain this to the new owner if you like.

Kind Regards,

Nora Cotter
Domain Broker

SEDO.COM :: Buy and Sell Domain Names and Websites

tel +49 (221)-420-758-287 :: fax +49 (212)-202-3951
email: [email protected] :: url: www.sedo.com

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