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Refusing To Accept Refunds

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
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As I posted a few weeks ago, I needed hosting for a Web-Based proxy site. Slavahosting was one of the people who PM'd me offering to provide it for 50% of adviews, I agreed.

He then asked me via AIM could he purchase the other 50% of the Adspace to put his YPN! ads on, I agreed, He paid for November, Which has not started yet. I am interested in selling the site and politely asked him how much it was earning, He refused. A few days later I politely ask again and he again refuses demanding they are his financial records.

If somebody cannot be polite enough to send revenue information from my site then quite frankly I do not want to do business with them, I got speaking to a friend on msn who said he would offer the same service as slavahosting does except he would give me screenshots and is a very polite and respectable person. I ask slavahosting for his paypal address so I can refund him, He says he does not want a refund and wants his adspace, I got his paypal address from history and refunded him, He threatens to send the money back to me, What can I do if he insists on sending the money back to me? And better yet, What can I do if he keeps harrassing me about it?

Im posting this thread to:

A) Ask Advice and Opinions
B) To let users know what he is like
C) To make sure Slava doesnt twist anything. (PS. I keep chatlogs)

PS. There was somebody in Chatroom who said something about Slavahosting lieing about revenue on a site you ran together, Im 50% positive I know who it is, To confirm, If you see this thread could you drop me a PM.
Domain Days 2024


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 16, 2003
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It wasn't smart to agree on these terms ahead of time, but I think it's pretty pathetic of slavahosting to refuse to show you stats. I would refund him and use someone else. If he sends you the money back, that's his problem. You've refunded him before the month of November began, so he really can't complain too much.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2003
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I don't see what he has done or what he is doing as wrong:

#1 You agreed to sell him something (PERIOD). It was not one of the terms of the sale that you could cancel the agreement at any time and issue him a refund.

#2 I'm pretty sure that you aren't allowed to legally share revstats, I know you can't for google, but even if you could he has every right to not give those details.

just my opinion since you asked for it :)


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
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I have heard things from two people about slavahosting and have been warned off, I am in no legal contract to stay in business with him and I refunded him appropriately, I want nothing more to do with him.

Also, NameTower could you rephrase your side note, Its a little confusing for me to understand.


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
May 30, 2005
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Now lets see what really happened.

paulrogers250 was looking for somebody to host his site in return he offered to show ads 50% of time in rotation with his own. I agreed to this and everything was going ok.

The revenue stats were sporadic, having no consistency so I figured one day I was getting the good half of traffic next day the bad half. I asked him if I could purchase the other 50% of ad rotations so that I would get 100% of traffic showing my ads. We negotiated on price and agreed on $25/month for 100% ad rotation to display my ads.

I paid him on Oct. 24, 2005 and we agreed that $25 would cover 30 days of 100% ad rotation, he implemented 100% rotation almost immediately so he knew ads start upon the reciept of payment not in November. Yesturday Oct. 28, 2005 he contacts me via AIM, and requests that I provide a screenshot of revenue stats because he is looking for a buyer for the proxy site, I tell him I would think about it, and after dicussing with somebody I was recommended not to provide stats. Yesturday afternoon I IM'd him and told him that I have made the decision not to provide him a screenshot as those are my financial records and I wish to keep them private. HE WAS HARRASSING ME for approximately 2 hours asking me over and over to provide screenshot, each time I responded I have decided not to release the revenue stats as they are my private financial records.

When he advertised originally for hosting in exchange for 50% of ad rotation, and later when I purchased other half of ads he had never mentioned that I would have to provide screenshots of revenue stats. They are my stats and I am not obligated to provide them if I wish to not do so.

Today Oct. 29, 2005 he told me that he is refunding my money and does not want to have anything to do with me, he told me I was not a decent person and he does not wish to do business with me. I told him that I wasent interested in a refund, that I had purchased ad space for one month starting on Oct. 24, 2005 and I want to receive it. I said if you do not wish to do business with me then thats your decision but you sold me ad space for a month and you must deliver.

As for his complaint, he told me the complaint came from NameLegend, NameLegend holds a personall vendetta against me for a seperate matter, he complaint was a complete lie and cannot be held as a legitimate complaint. To further provide proof of ilegitimacy of this complaint NameLegend has been banned from this forum. I am an honest person and have not once lied to paulrogers250, calling me indecent was a insult that I did not deserve.

He had made an agreement with me and he must keep it. If he doesent want to do business with me as I have told him he can put anybody's ads on there that he likes after Nov. 23, 2005, however untill then we still hold an agreement which I plan to keep. I held up my side of bargain by providing hosting and paying additional $25, I expect him to keep ads on 100% rotation.

As of this moment the site still shows my ads at 100% rotation, I have resopnded merely to defend my good name and reputation. If he removes my ads then this will become a formal complaint.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 4, 2005
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You have no reason to know how much income he is making from his links. Advertisers do not need to provide this information to publishers unless agreed upon before the transaction.

You don't ask google how much they are making when you put adwords on your site. You accept the money they pay you, and then they make money on top of what they pay you. This is the same situation. To say he has done something wrong is absurd.

As for not wanting his ads on your site anymore and saying you had no "contract" with him, you offered him advertising and accepted his payment. Now you are backing out of an agreement by refunding him the payment.

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Legally, I'm pretty sure slava isn't required to show stats.

Ethically, he probably should, but because it was not part of the agreement, slava doesn't have to show anything if he doesn't want to.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
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You did not have to make it difficult, All i wanted is simple revenue figures of what my site was creating. I take back what i said. I really hope your grown up enough not to hold a grudge against me. Im really sorry that it ended this way and yes, I admit some wrongdoing, We all wish we could see into the future but we all make mistakes and im sorry, Hope you accept my apology.

I will refund the payment once again and I hope it does not come back to my account.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2003
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paulrogers250 said:
I have heard things from two people about slavahosting and have been warned off, I am in no legal contract to stay in business with him and I refunded him appropriately, I want nothing more to do with him.

Also, NameTower could you rephrase your side note, Its a little confusing for me to understand.
Didn't realise all you needed was hosting.

side note edited..


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
May 30, 2005
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It is al right we all make mistakes, lets just forget about this one.

I am not interested in a refund, when my renting of your ad space expires, on the 23rd of November, we can discuss the future of my advertising on the proxy site.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
I sent you a refund. Allthough I said im sorry and mean it, Im sorry for the mess, it does not mean your ads will be placed on my site. Im sorry if you got that impression.

I actually had a lot more to say but I thought maybe I best just stay polite, Maybe you will have got the message.


Mr Domeen
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 30, 2002
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paulrogers250 said:
I sent you a refund. Allthough I said im sorry and mean it, Im sorry for the mess, it does not mean your ads will be placed on my site. Im sorry if you got that impression.

I actually had a lot more to say but I thought maybe I best just stay polite, Maybe you will have got the message.

But You made the deal for 1 month??


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
May 30, 2005
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It was my understanding that you withdrew your claim to refund my money and not too provide me with ad space.

I paid for one month of ad space Oct 24, 2005 - Nov. 23, 2005 and I expect to receive it. Even though you have not signed a contract, we had made an explicit agreement, and I expect you to keep it.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
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Yes, I said im sorry.

I will not go ahead with it, I refunded you for a reason, If I receive the money once again I will contact paypal asking them to stop the harrassment.

You need to drop it, Go find some other sucker to bully. How many times have I said it.

Yes im sorry, I made a mistake, What did you think the mistake was? It was making the agreement.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 16, 2003
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So Paul wants to sell it, but slavahosting is as unhelpful as possible because of his profit. Paul is offering a refund of what was paid but slavahosting isn't interested.

Cut him off before he makes any more profit from you, Paul. Switch hosting. If he keeps sending you payment, just keep it.

And next time, be careful who you deal with.


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
May 30, 2005
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We had made an agreement, it is your resposibility to do the right thing and keep it. I do not want a refund I want the ad space that I had paid for.

You called me indecent, and now you are doing this, show the members of this forum who you really are?

You are openly admitting you broke our agreement and refuse to follow it, thats grounds for being banned on this forum.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
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Alex. I admit we had an agreement and I admit I broke it, I also said I am sorry.

It does not matter how many times you send the money, you will lose the Paypal fees so it hurts you more. I will not backdown to you, My decision is final.

Just take this in mind: I will not display your ads no matter how much you harrass me, I removed your ads 5 Minutes ago per a members suggestion.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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a deal is a deal is a deal.....you should give him the month of advertising you agreed to do with no other attached requirements (assuming there were none) frankly, it's really none of the adspace providers concern what the advertiser is making revenue wise, if they wanted to know those figures then they should advertise themselves and not sell the adspace...after your month is up then you can do what you want or renegotiate a better deal if you feel you are "losing" money...do the right thing here. A deal is a deal. - he paid you and you really have no legitimate reason to refund him.

I like both of you ALOT, but this is just a business matter, not personal.

Paulrogers...dont make it personal, just accept your payment for the deal you agreed to and provide one month of ads, and then all is happy again and after that you can part as friends. Nobody will repect your word or business deals if you don't do so...including me, so let us know what you will do to make it right.. :huh:

Chris Williams


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2003
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paulrogers250 said:
Alex. I admit we had an agreement and I admit I broke it, I also said I am sorry.

It does not matter how many times you send the money, you will lose the Paypal fees so it hurts you more. I will not backdown to you, My decision is final.

Just take this in mind: I will not display your ads no matter how much you harrass me, I removed your ads 5 Minutes ago per a members suggestion.
You cannot say sorry and break an agreement.

Things don't work that way.

$1 agreement is the same as $1,000,000

And you better believe that you would get sued big time if you cancelled an agreement and said "sorry" :p
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