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Registrars: Good, Bad & Ugly

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Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Feb 13, 2007
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We're putting together a Comparison Table for
Registrars: Good, Bad & Ugly

We're also starting a Hosting Table. Need input from good people.
Losers: go scratch your butt.

Send us your input either directly to
[email protected]
or pm here


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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any reason why you haven't printed Monikers pricing for tlds?
because it would put it at the top?
1 and 1 at the top? lol
try being a UK customer, it's about 3 times the price, they have a two tier system
think you need to revisit those sites, as the prices are way out. particularly enom for example, there are different type of accounts you can have.
what is all this rubbish you keep printing about Monte?
not quite sure what your objectives are


Open-source developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 5, 2002
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There's just so many metrics to judge a registrar by. I'd be hesitant to trust any site like that.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Well, honestly, I am not sure what to expect from this lad or lass anymore.

I find it odd that a newbie want's our opinions and appraisals but does not care what the hell we think or have to say.

I also find it odd that a newbie would come in here to discredit other members and their opinions and worth. I am also referring to this very forum's polling of it's own members ranking, evaluation, and opinions of the very registars that NYdumainer is referring to.

Send us your input either directly to
[email protected]
or pm here
A new chapter in How to Win Friends and Influence People has been written.

Belittling registrars that domainers, professional and newbies alike, have built up trust and confidence in is not the way to garner new customers. Sure, you garner new attention but in such a negative manner that you seem to bask in that ray of light just for that one fleeting moment.

In regards to some of your other threads, you have made serious allegations regarding illegal practices (shill bidding) against sedo. Tell us now the real deal or be done with it. Publish your comments and names and contacts. Be prepared to back this up because once it is published it can be used against you if you have lied, decieved, and falsified documentation. If it is truth and factual, then you have nothing to worry about and the heat will fall will it may. Many of us here have much at stake with Sedo and the registrars you claim are the worst and also have quite a disdain for those that you rate as high on the whatname.com chart. Which, I would assume you are aware by now, that this is totally irrelevant and such as waste of bandwidth and webspace.

My feeling are this...controversy is free publicity. You are getting many of us to view your threads and view bullshit domains and sites while it is being registered as traffic on whichever service you are using. In my opinion, you run the risk of all of us catching onto your game and your scheme and literally not being taken seriously (90% rating perhaps already in the making) and members totally ignoring you altogether.

On the other hand perhaps you have something to contribute and we can benefit. Better yet, perhaps there is much you can learn. But I am not sure if you keep up with these games and schemes your mind concocts that you will get any attention whatsoever.

Here's an example: your BS restaurant.com. We are all one community of domainers here, but we are not from the same community. There is this new fangled contraption called the internet that brings people with the same interest together in one place...DNforum.com.

You have people who speak French, are of French heritage, are natives of France and yet you insult these members by insisting they are wrong. Not cool.

In the meantime, the real deal was right in front of your own eyes. You inspired me so much that I posted the translations for restaurant in so many languages. That inspiration that you gave me prompted me to check for myself which legitimate IDN's were not taken.

Thanks to you and my posting of the native languages and spelling, I decided to reg these domains.

飯館.net Chinese (Traditional): 飯館 Restaurant
2.390 million returns for 飯館

مَطْعَم.net Arabic: Restaurant مَطْعَم

And two that are not even IDN's but in my opinion sweet cause the good Lord knows I like me some good brauts and red cabbage and German potatoe salad and wienerschnitzel:

German:das Restaurant
3.010 million returns for das Restaurant

Legitimate domain names, legitimate IDN's, great keywords and great search results, all inspired by you.

Am I going to get rich off of these? Who the hell knows?

But if someone wants to buy them, they are going to be purchasing the real deal and not some contrieved BS domain that is not correct in any language and can not even be pawned off as a typo because it is still contrieved.

The currently value of my domains? Reg fee. Future value? More than Réstaurants.com seeing that you went in the hole 8 bucks on that one.

So see, you have something to contribute. I guess we just have to find it.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 29, 2005
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You should be worried about being sued


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Feb 13, 2007
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this is not Nigeria.
Ever heard of the First Amendment?
We had to kick out the Brits for the right to speak!


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 29, 2005
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That depends on which country the date is accessed :cool:


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Feb 13, 2007
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Lovely suggestions.
Send me the 1$1's UK data and it will be incorporated.


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Feb 13, 2007
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if you want to be constructive -- just send me your hard data.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Boy, so much venom?
Willing to offer constructive criticism and lend a helping hand and you call it venom.

Venom is referring to a group of people as nazis, soviets, and now brits. Those very same groups that make up part of this community called DNforum that you voluntarily joined but obviously want to distance yourself from.

Venom is this poison that you are attempting to claim you have regarding a company called sedo and shill bidding accusations.

Venom are these weak arguments that you present to validate a claim that you are selling a legitimate product when it is nothing more than a contrieved and concocted and fabricated word.

Have it your way.

Venom is the snake that could very possibly bite you in the ass if you keep playing these games of making and publishing false claims and you find yourself facing possible litigation, regardless of your age, gender, race creed, religion, or sexual orientation. As they say, justice is blind.

And seeing that you are such a advocate of and a huge IDN expert and guru, this is for your added pleasure:

WARNING: German, Soviet, and British words posted and interpreted that you may find offensive.

venom1 [ˈvenəm] noun
the poison produced by some snakes, scorpions etc, transmitted by biting or stinging
Example: the venom of a cobra

Arabic: سُم الأفْعى
Chinese (Simplified): 毒蛇的(毒液)
Chinese (Traditional): 毒蛇的(毒液)
Czech: jed
Danish: gift
Dutch: vergif
Estonian: ussimürk
Finnish: myrkky
French: venin
German: das Gift
Greek: δηλητήριο
Hungarian: méreg
Icelandic: eitur
Indonesian: bisa
Italian: veleno
Japanese: 毒
Korean: (뱀·거미·ì*„ê°ˆ 등의) 독액
Latvian: (čūskas, skorpiona) inde
Lithuanian: nuodai
Norwegian: gift, eiter
Polish: jad
Portuguese (Brazil): peçonha
Portuguese (Portugal): veneno
Romanian: venin
Russian: яд
Slovak: jed
Slovenian: strup
Spanish: veneno
Swedish: gift
Turkish: zehir


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Ny ? I'm giving you legend status. Why?
because you've been here 5 minutes & every thread you've started has ended up as a popcorn thread.
Geez! Doc Com has piled on 5 pounds in weight since you arrived! LOL :smilewinkgrin:
:pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: :pop2: >:preggers: >:sick: > :yo:> :painkiller:> :rain: >:first:


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
7 pounds. I went supersized while you weren't looking as I knew this would take a while :popcorn:


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
You didn't read it carefully::
We're also starting a Hosting Table. Need input from good people.
Losers: go scratch your butt.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Is this the venom you were referring to?

lets cut the crap.
There was no min on SEDO so I offered $100.
Big fvcking deal!
Also, I understand Rockefeller is a decent guy & didn't mean to insult him.
I was joking & he took it badly.
My apologies.
I still want the name, though.
And by the way -- I'm in the biz of providing FREE data.
First Amendement Rocks!

we get s.h.i.t like this from sedo.
they're just a bunch of new nazis trying to fvck us

you should pitch it to the Chinese, since they are the ones who are going to be the dominant force in Australia's future.

biggedon is deleting my postings about SEDO.
I wonder why.
Are you on their payroll?
SEDO has shown time and again that they don't play by the rules.

biggedon is using censorship the way bad guys (soviets & nazis) did in the past. shame!

Der Deutsche swine went to sleep

Moniker is run by Monty Con -- could be a fake name.
He runs it out of his bedroom in Florida.
Monty has a mental disorder, and he gets really upset.
That's when he changes DNS on your domains or prevents you from transferring domains altogether.

how would you know French?
You don't even know English.
Yes Virginia, Réstaurants.com is 100% French.

Tell'em you're German and your Daddy fought the Yankees

This is a very interesting collection of misfits.
And I don't mean the IDN names.

Need Appraisal for xn--wne-nma.com or wìne.com

Yes, we know you're all good domainers with noble intentions. But this is an interesting exercise.

More to come!

The real aliens are the whites who stole the land from the indians. Don't you forget it, gringo.

My fellow domainers!
I'm proud of you. And I thank you for your input.
And here's a little info re wìne.com:

The name was concocted less than a month ago.
Some may think it's a jewel, but to others it's either 'merde' or 'Scheiße'.

"All our of ancestors got off the boat, and went through the orderly process of immigration, period."
Total bs.
The exploitation of the Irish, Italian, etc immigrations in the XIX c. is an "orderly process" ??
I would call that murder and rape.

Potato famine:: British complicity
The exploitation of the Irish, Italian, etc immigrations in the XIX c.: Waspy complicity.
Destruction of Iraq:: Waspy Cheny complicity.

it's all about the race.
And religion too.
If you ain't a wasp - we don't want you.
We kinda tolerate the Irish. As long as they babysit for us.
But that's about it.
And if you disagree with me Mr. Cheney will shoot you in your ugly face!

NYdomainer said:
Appraisal - How worthless IDN name for sold 31,000 EU

How worthless IDN name for sold 31,000 EU

Investigative Reporting!

this is not Nigeria.
Ever heard of the First Amendment?
We had to kick out the Brits for the right to speak!

You didn't read it carefully::
We're also starting a Hosting Table. Need input from good people.
Losers: go scratch your butt.

Time and time again you are invoking your right under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Yet, as clearly shown in your posts, you care not about the rights of anyone else.

You have made it a point to not only insult individual members on this forum, but have made serious accusations against Sedo, Moniker, and others including one of the moderators on this forum.

You refer to members on this forum as losers, misfits, and other pet names.

What I find most disgusting is your insults directed at the French, Mexicans, Italians, Irish, Nigerians, the Brits, the Australians, Irish, the Germans, the Russians an on and on.

But lets not overlook the repeated Nazi and Soviets references. Most disturbing, the WASP references that keep appearing.

So for the sake of those that may or may not know what this refers to, let’s spell it out…
White Anglo Saxon Protestant.

In the process of hiding behind the First Amendment, you have violated the rights of nearly every race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, and core members of this group…all in less than a month since your first post on 02/13/07.

There are other forums that preach the hatred and vileness and the venom you spew. Somehow I think you took the wrong turn on the way to those forums and ended up here by accident.

Keep in mind other amendments, most notably the Second Amendment when you preach the hatred and prejudice and disdain for anyone that is not in agreement with you, the same religion you are, the same color you are, the language you speak, the neighborhood you live in, the heritage you come from.

Also be aware of the Fifth Amendment as you continue to level unfounded and unsubstantiated accusations against individuals and business and publish those accusations.

The best thing for me to do is ignore you after this posting as I exercise my First Amendment rights.

I find it ironic in a way that my code and credo and my faith and beliefs would require me to save your sorry ass if you were to show up where I work one night…never once taking into consideration your race, gender, age, religious affiliation, your ethnicity, your heritage, legal or illegal alien, how and if you can pay, where you come from, where you live, who your parents are, if you are a native or an immigrant…

I was wondering how hard it would be to actually ignore you. But I guess I could treat it like any other fungus or parasite or germ.

You really don’t get out much, do you?


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 11, 2006
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I'm sure people are simply going to be flocking to do business with this guy :rolleyes:
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