Um, i wanted to upgrade, but i cancelled it because my account didn't work.
Which account didn't work? Your bank account? Because that's what the transaction record says.
So, let's see if we understand you now. You posted this thread, asking an admin to upgrade your account, saying you can prove you paid, AFTER you cancelled the payment?
That makes about zero sense. And since the transaction record you posted shows the payment as "Cancelled", then you couldn't have cancelled the payment AFTER you posted the image here and asked for your account to be upgraded.
What it looks like is that you requested a payment to be made to upgrade your account. You didn't have enough money in your bank account to make the payment, and so the transaction was cancelled by paypal.
You can't "cancel" a paypal payment after the other party has received it.
Bottom line here is that DNForum never got paid a dime, and your statement that you can prove you paid is dead wrong. Moreover, it looks like you are making up a seriously lame excuse to explain why a $35 payment shows as "cancelled", right above a $35 bank account draw shown as "failed".
Now, you might just be one really confused person, but I can understand why support might have thought you were making something up because, again, the bottom line is that DNForum never received any payment from you at all.