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reply time in forums

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Was hoping to get some feed back here. Most know me as keshe but I am moving over to my business name instead of my personal site(really only email) as I got sick to death of changing email addresses as ISP's got bought out monthly.

Anyway I sell sites(and names), mostly on forums. If someone posts sold I normally PM paypal details in minutes. If I don't hear from them in about 6 hours my odds of selling stink based over the last 3 years. If I don't hear from in 24 hrs it drops to near single digits. Now granted that 10% do come back to me in say 36 hours, but I can't live off that 10%, and when I tell back up bidder I will be in touch when I hear then it falls to say 50% as most of the time they spent their money or lost interest. I mean if you post sold, get paypal address, why no contact for 8 hours.

I have someone mad at me today and I hate that. They did get back to me and it was easter. I want my clients to be happy, but I have to pay bills and play the odds. If someone posts sold and I have no contact how long should I allow. 90% of my payments are within two hours, less than 2% of them are from people that haven't replied in 24. Any one have thoughts on this. I mean business is business. My clients get pretty decent turn around and I here for business. I cant make all happy but opinions on what I need to do in this matter are greatly welcomed.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 24, 2003
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I think part of the delay time can vary based on the $ value of the transaction.

If you're closing $$$$ or higher deal, I think it is normal that the closing process may take more than a couple of hours. Unless, of course, you specify that you want a QUICK close to the transaction, using equally quick (and costly) methods such as PayPal.

In the case of wire transfers between banks, the setup time can take between 1-2 business days, and then an easy 2-3 business days before you necessarily see the funds.

But I agree, it's a matter of courtesy to at least acknowledge the close of a transaction and begin the closing procedure...




DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 13, 2005
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People live in different time zones and not everyone is glued in front of PC or has email notification on.

If someone is not responding within 3 days or so they should really let you know they will be out of town or are fishing around behind the couch for some loose change to pay you with. I would say 1-2 day delays are acceptable.

I think talking about hours in response time is a bit too keen although normal if your work is online based, but many people might not have full time jobs online.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 4, 2003
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Post in your sale ads that anyone posting "sold" must respond to you within say 2 days.

Size of the transaction shouldn't matter if one has already posted "sold" - if anything, larger (high 4-figure+ transactions) often tend to be fast contrary to what many folks believe.



DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 8, 2002
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LeftRightOut said:
People live in different time zones and not everyone is glued in front of PC or has email notification on.

valuenames said:
Post in your sale ads that anyone posting "sold" must respond to you within say 2 days.

This was exactly what I wanted to say.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2002
Reaction score
I really cant wait for two days for people. They have to by a pc within a day and if they have funds why not send. If they don't then they need to tell me it will be three days. Plus I have had bad luck with that as well. People post sold and disappear. They should at least PM and say I'll be in touch in two days. Would you want me not to give you your site for two days?


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 9, 2004
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days, no...i disagree...if they have the time to post 'sold' then they have the time to contact the seller to arrange for payment, but no contact for days, i cannot say that's fair to the seller...now, if the 'buyer' posts sold and then contacts the seller saying it will be a day or two - i can completely understand this...

that's my 2 cents..


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Yes two seconds with pm saying contact in two days is enough really, although I need some type reason. Its kinda rare to be away from pc for two days unless really trying. And still I say as a seller not many buyers would like if I said i'll give you site in two days, or if i didn't contact for two days. Cant have it both ways.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 8, 2002
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I think you never understood clearly what was mentioned above:
"Post in your sale ads that anyone posting "sold" must respond to you within say 2 days."

You can put in any timeframe that YOU like. 1 hr. or 10 days. You're selling. you set the rules : )

I have dealt with you before and you're terrificly fast, but what is the reason I said what I said above:
a. I live in a different timezone
b. Unfortunately I am not always on these forums..... (ps: hence I prefer people emailing in)


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2002
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and thats parly my point, a pm after posting sold saying email paypal here and will pay in my am is fine. If its going to be two days I deserve to know why. If I buy something a Pm with payment details request follows whithin seconds. If they send it in a few mintues then the money is there 2 minutes later. If its a larger purchase and need couple days I ask before I post sold. About 8 hours is about the longest lag time for me. I really cant change my policy, unresponed email and non payment for 24 hours means to me the site is still for sale. I do hate that a small percentage is going to get hurt by that policy, but too many others have burnt that bridge. Like at flea markets in my youth when people said set that a side for me, and I wouldn't without deposit. And I don't even care if the other person backs out but they should tell me. its something like 3% of people that write and say they changed their mind. I used to hold sites, try to write buyer, and turn down offers, and I was stuck almost all the time. So for the few that do post sold and contact me two laters I'm sorry, but I'm not asking what I wont do. The latest anyone waits on me is next business morning, ever. Most of my deals are send in under 10 minutes of payment. I dont want to promote two day payment, esp for $35 sites. Contact is what I need most. Just tell me that it will be Monday am, and Monday Am write me and give me update. But posting sold too often doesnt mean I get my money. Someone else writes and asks where should I send money why should I wait for person that didn't even bother to PM me. you post sold, you entered a contract, at least write and say Monday or what ever.

post likely harsher than I meant it.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 1, 2002
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What CEO is saying and what I agree with 100% is that you should CLEARLY post your terms in your for sales thread.
Example: "Upon posting sold I must receive payment within (you put the number of hours you are willing to wait here). If I do not receive payment the site/domain will be put back up for sale"

This way if someone isn't prepared to pay immediately they will either A) Contact you to explain why and tell you when they can pay in full and at this point you can request a non refundable deposit. Or B) They wont post sold knowing they cant abide by your terms.

I agree many times people post sold and it has been my experience when I sell domains here on the forum I am paid very quickly and I transfer very quickly. I also agree that in the cases where someone posts sold and I dont have payment within 24 hrs I usually never get paid and relist.

Another route to go is to use MrsJellos (igal) method. The domain is not considered sold until she receives the money via Paypal. I am not sure if it deters anyone but the last domain I bought on this forum was from MrsJello and I simply sent the funds and received the domain the next morning.



DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 8, 2002
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How well said.....Togoodhlth.
Thanks for taking the time to explain.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2002
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My point isnt being taken. If you post sold at least write and say when payment is pending. Thats all Im saying or request. If someone paid and had no contact for 48 hours they would be beside themselves. Post sold and Pm when payment is pending.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 13, 2005
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Why don't you setup an ecommerce template website with all your current offerings and then post on the forums what is available and if people want to make offers they can do so. Then post for purchasing please go to this website directly and whoever pays first gets it.

That way if someone offers 10bucks and you want to take it you can always get rid of the store item but if someone offers 10 and another person has already bought it at 50 well tough luck to the person who didn't BIN straight up. That way everyone can see on the site what you still have available, especially if you post on several forums and work on a "sold by timestamp" type deal.

I know it kind of defeats what you are saying but it's easier to sometimes change business practice than it is to change consumer habit. Especially if you have several buyers and you usually have to tell a few that it's already sold when it isn't really.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 8, 2002
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I get your point, but what you are trying to do is have all 1000's of members get into this habit; that they are not in. I wish you success there.
IMHO it'll be much easier you stated your preference in your post. Changing the way YOU put up something for sale, will be just 1 person needing to change and will lead to success in what you are wanting to achieve ultimately...


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2002
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My main point is why should I hold a site for two days when the person didnt even bother to do more than post sold. 4 keystokes seems little reason when 200 times and 3 years has told be not a good idea. I also cant imagine what a buyer would think if I didn't contact them for two days. I've had people mad at me for not getting it to them in 5 mintues and in that case the upload took 12 minutes. Heaven forbid I go out and dont reply after my date.

BTW my sites for sale site will be fully stocked I hope by friday. At that point likely only list my custom sites or maybe just my ebay ads as the forums dont pay what they should for custom sites without traffic.

Kinda regret making this thread now. I hate unhappy customers. That said I have to do what makes sense. History has shown that the person that does nothing more than post sold gives me about a 9% chance of it being sold if they dont contact in about 8 hours. The 9% is the ones that are hurt, but this is the point. If you post sold, why would you not PM and ask for payment details and say that it will be two days? Is that asking too much?


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 4, 2003
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Two days was only given as an example ... use any time limit you want - key is to be clear in your sale posts that you expect a response within X time by buyers.

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