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Result of godaddy 7 day public auction with HOMEPAGE FEATURE

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Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2013
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i want to know from people who has the experience of FEATURE LISTING on 7day godaddy auction . how often you see your domain name on homepage ? how much visibility increase is achieved ? plz share your experience .

Stormy Seas

Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2012
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I have alot of good domain names and couldn't even sell them for 15 bux on godaddy or any of the auction sites. Every now and then I will relist in the hopes something may sell but I've pretty much given up on the auction sites. I feel there is some kind of scam going on. The domain name market is a small industry and something stinks bad. There needs to be some kind of regulation for the domain name market. Its the wild wild west. I most likely am doing something wrong but I've heard from so many other ppl that list their domains on Godaddy auctions and only got 7 views. I've found success just marketing in groups and forums but not in domainer forums like here but target forums. I think my experience is a heck of a lot more common than most will admit.


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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Its the wild wild west.
Ironically, wild west is rewritten to a referal link to go.daddy :D

I wouldn't call it a scam, but it's clear that people are gullible and the registrar is the only one that is consistently making money on each and every registration.
Then people pay to list their domains, thus wasting more money, the registrar wins again... like the casino.

A number of things to consider:
  • there are so many domains on sale right now (literally millions), all vying for exposure
  • at the same time, exposure is not the problem: exposure will not help if nobody wants your domains
  • why nobody wants your domains ?
  • either:
    a. they suck, like 99%+ of all domains
    b. they may be decent but the end user isn't there yet. End user buy a domain when they need it. Maybe they will need your domain in 3 years, they don't need it now.
    It's hard to sell stuff nobody wants. If nobody wants your domains, how much are they are worth really ?

Let me repeat again: exposure is not the problem.
If you have good names, end users will find you.

Stormy Seas

Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2012
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I really wish that was the case. I have some good domains not all are good. I've sold good domains to end users. I think it does not matter if the domain is good or bad not when it comes to selling in the auction sites. I think that part is irrelevant. The only way end users will find you is if you market to them which I do. If I did not and relied on the auction sites like godaddy , sedo , moniker etc... I'd be sitting with a ton of domains and no sales. I started in the domain industry marketing my domains to end users. I thought I could cut out some of my marketing time buy selling on the auctions sites. What a mistake it was to try that. So Im doing it the iron hand way using email and social media but I'd love if I could list and sell on the auction sites.

Jack Gordon

Serial Entrepreneur
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Nov 6, 2002
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the auction sites like godaddy , sedo , moniker etc... I'd be sitting with a ton of domains and no sales.

Yeah, I think the problem is that those are not really end user buying markets. This is a business like any other. You have to find the hungry markets for what you are selling. They will not usually be looking for you, begging you to take their money. Well, unless what you are selling is crack. Now THAT would be an interesting business to be in.


DNForum Moderator
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Sep 4, 2002
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I have some good domains not all are good.
I've sold good domains to end users.
I think it does not matter if the domain is good or bad not when it comes to selling in the auction sites.
I think that part is irrelevant.
The only way end users will find you is if you market to them which I do.

if you feel the quality of a domain in auction is irrelevant, then maybe that's why you 're not having success there

and to say, "the only way" end users will find you is if you market to them.....is "false".

perhaps rephrase to... "you've only sold a name to an end user, after sending solicitations to them."

cuz i've been found


Stormy Seas

Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2012
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In the Inner city I can tell you that the crack business is a good business to be in. A tad dangerous but good money. LOL. I've never met a crack dealer that had to beg someone to buy their product. LOL.

I didn't say that the quality of my domains are irrelevant Biggie. I'm saying that I believe the quality of the domains in the auction markets are irrelevant.
I'm not the only person that is having this same experience either. So I don't need to rephrase my words I expressed my opinion exactly as I see it. If you are GrandFathered in.... then sure you will sell domains but one guy with one domain , no matter how good it is , isn't making it. You Biggie as a professional domainer, I'm sure you know everyone in the biz... its a small market and I believe its controlled by a few small group. Not accusing you but I feel that something unfair is going on in the domain industry. Now that is simply a speculation that I hope is wrong but if I was the only one in this position with quality domains then yes Biggie you would be right. There are simply too many ppl having the same experience as I to chalk it up to good or bad domains names.
Feel free to go out of your way to discredit me. I've expressed my opinion before and Rick Swartz and his gang attacked me for weeks.
I was getting emails from ppl I've never talked to before cursing me out and all kinds of strange emails just because I said that I think the domain name industry is slanted. Literally I sent that one sentence to Rick Swartz and wow zing about 100 emails cursing me out of my name. No joke
That's how I know I touched a raw nerve. This guy has supposedly sold millions upon millions of dollars of domains and I send him one sentence expressing my opinion , no different than here and I was cursed out of my name to no avail. If I was wrong then why that reaction ? A professional would of just erased the email. Cattle Ranchers putting up barbed wire is what I see.
I hope I'm wrong but know I'm on to something. I don't know the specifics but I know there is something. There simply are too many ppl mirroring my experience.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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In the Inner city I can tell you that the crack business is a good business to be in. A tad dangerous but good money. LOL. I've never met a crack dealer that had to beg someone to buy their product. LOL.

I didn't say that the quality of my domains are irrelevant Biggie. I'm saying that I believe the quality of the domains in the auction markets are irrelevant.
I'm not the only person that is having this same experience either. So I don't need to rephrase my words I expressed my opinion exactly as I see it. If you are GrandFathered in.... then sure you will sell domains but one guy with one domain , no matter how good it is , isn't making it. You Biggie as a professional domainer, I'm sure you know everyone in the biz... its a small market and I believe its controlled by a few small group. Not accusing you but I feel that something unfair is going on in the domain industry. Now that is simply a speculation that I hope is wrong but if I was the only one in this position with quality domains then yes Biggie you would be right. There are simply too many ppl having the same experience as I to chalk it up to good or bad domains names.
Feel free to go out of your way to discredit me. I've expressed my opinion before and Rick Swartz and his gang attacked me for weeks.
I was getting emails from ppl I've never talked to before cursing me out and all kinds of strange emails just because I said that I think the domain name industry is slanted. Literally I sent that one sentence to Rick Swartz and wow zing about 100 emails cursing me out of my name. No joke
That's how I know I touched a raw nerve. This guy has supposedly sold millions upon millions of dollars of domains and I send him one sentence expressing my opinion , no different than here and I was cursed out of my name to no avail. If I was wrong then why that reaction ? A professional would of just erased the email. Cattle Ranchers putting up barbed wire is what I see.
I hope I'm wrong but know I'm on to something. I don't know the specifics but I know there is something. There simply are too many ppl mirroring my experience.


as for me being "a professional domainer, I'm sure you know everyone in the biz"

i ain't trying to all "bout it bout it", all up in celeb domainers faces, in the same places they be and all that.

that ain't me, i'm low key. dig... :)

but let's go back, you said "I think it does not matter if the domain is good or bad not when it comes to selling in the auction sites."

i bolded the keyword "selling" that you left out from your restatement.

however, it's not about trying to "discredit" you, when you say things that are not credible. (don't take it personal)

there is a big diff between "listing in an auction and having a domain sold thru an auction"

where domains sold, are more likely to be of higher quality, than those not sold.

you feelin me?

next your speculations about something being unfair:

the world is unfair, it's unfair for cocaine traffickers to spend less time in jail than the dude on the corner selling nickle bags of crack.
as those minimum sentences has put many brothers on lock down. shall i continue?

next auctions:

as a practice, i don't put names in auctions

i can count on 3 fingers the number of times i've done it.

if you think there is a conspiracy there, stop patronizing them.

next, your convo with Rick;

if i was him, i'd be tired of mo-fo's using my name in their posts and as headline grabbers.

still, you said you sent him an email and since you look at him as a "professional' cuz he sold millions and millions of duckies worth of domains, you expect some "preconceived" toned response, that should have been tailored to/or within that perception?

why do you assume the content of the message illicited the response?

maybe it was just one more of those annoying emails that he probably gets everyday, and he just decided to go off on you, in particular.

all professionals won't be understanding or elaborate with empathy or even express their opinion to your satisfaction or comfort level.

especially when they've sold millions and millions of dollars worth of domain names

ya feel me...


Stormy Seas

Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2012
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Nope I don't feel you because I"m no MoFo.
A professional doesn't behave this way. If you were a professional expect to be questions. You put yourself out there and if you were real you'd not let a simple question get to you.

See your hostility is showing. You might want to pull back the claws.

Stormy Seas

Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2012
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The fact that you've decide to attack shows that your mentality is off. You are attacking when you shoujld be conversating. To say that I'm not credible shows that you don't know what the hell you are talking about. You think you make a point by attacking ppl , you ppl that behave in this way shows your imaturity and how full of **** you are.

Go ahead continue. Pour it on Biggie. Every attack you make my point for me. Grew the hell up and behave like an adult in a sensible conversation no matter how much difference of an opinion you may have. This is exactly how Rick Swartz made himself look so bad.
So go on show your colors Biggie


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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Back to topic:

one shouldn't pay to sell domain names, especially to have them listed at the flea market.

go.daddy charges for lots of things and benefits hugely from domain newbies.

go.daddy even charges for parking, the only PPC program I know that isn't free to join.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Stormy Seas, dude, just WTF....!? I mean, serious, what's that reaction all about ? Before writing posts when you're pissed, pull back a bit and read the thread again, I don't know Biggie that well but I follow his posts, you're kind of new here, you've only been here like 7 mos, when I saw this thread your posts jumped at me (the two I'm quoting) because I didn't read him as "hostile" and mods don't "attack" members, they may disagree, but that was no attack. His mentality is "off" ... ? whichever way you meant it, go study Biggie's posts and you'll see how knowledgeable, and friendly, he is ..... you overreacted, you misconstrued the points he made (his opinions, that's all, take 'em or leave 'em) and the way you took the whole thing was out of proportion

When you call a mod 'immature' people here will find that humorous, there's a reason the three of them do modding and many old-time domainers just can't. Biggie doesn't need any defending, he's big enough, before pickin fights with mods and saying they're full of shit, you may wanna measure the consequences your words have, work on your temper. He may be used to this and maybe he doesn't even get upset anymore, but other users who see your thread will be upset with you. You want that if you're a serious domainer ? I try not to post if I'm in a bad mood, so just as in regular life, reflect before you act

Stormy Seas, nice nickname, honest, I like it .... just make sure you don't get a reputation for coming here and making waves (pun intended) with the very people who run this forum

The fact that you've decide to attack shows that your mentality is off. You are attacking when you shoujld be conversating. To say that I'm not credible shows that you don't know what the hell you are talking about. You think you make a point by attacking ppl , you ppl that behave in this way shows your imaturity and how full of **** you are. Go ahead continue. Pour it on Biggie. Every attack you make my point for me. Grew the hell up and behave like an adult in a sensible conversation no matter how much difference of an opinion you may have. This is exactly how Rick Swartz made himself look so bad. So go on show your colors Biggie

Nope I don't feel you because I"m no MoFo. A professional doesn't behave this way. If you were a professional expect to be questions. You put yourself out there and if you were real you'd not let a simple question get to you. See your hostility is showing. You might want to pull back the claws.
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Stormy Seas

Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2012
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The advice you have posted here needs to be sent to Biggie. I reacted to Biggie and all of those attacking me based on an opinion.
Why isn't anyone really interested in talking about what is really happening instead you are sending salvos across my deck.
I posted an opinion. So what.... I don't need your advice about when I should post. I did not post based on anger and Im not responding that way either. This is about simple plain information but you ppl want to divert away from that to a slug fest. I'm more than willing to oblige if that is the route any of you want to go. I post real pertinent information , not some crap because I only want to sell my domains. This is real sh** and your reactions to me shows me that the domain name industry is a scam.
I'm not Stormy Seas for nothing. I'm not even remotely pissed about any of this but I find it very funny that you ppl don't want to talk about the specifics of what I posted instead you need to discredit , demean, and cast doubt. Saying I'm angry or somehow not in control of my emotions. This isn't my first rodeo and I call it as I see it and I see a bunch of crude based on most of your responses excluding Katherine.
I ruffle feathers , its what I do and will continue to do it if and when I find BS and the domain name industry is BS redefined. How can I be ruffling all of your feathers with just a simple opinion? I mean read Biggie's response and ask yourself who is really angry here. All I've post is an opinion that for all tense and purposes could be incorrect.... THAT'S WHY THEY CALL IT AN OPINION. I'm just one guy at a keyboard so I'm the one saying WTF Angel. You should read the entire post before you respond. Unless you are backing Biggie because you don't like my style. The truth always with no exceptions BURNS.


Level 5
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Sep 15, 2009
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And next on Conspiracy Theories with Jesse Ventura. ;)

5 minutes of my time wasted with a very compelling argument backed by solid facts...

Stormy Seas

Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2012
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And you are avoiding the subject matter by making such a stupid statement David Walker. Go ahead make a special post about me like Rick Swartz did. Instead of name calling David Walker... why not just talk about the topic?
You ppl have to demean , insult and do everything instead of talking about the topic points.... again that how i know I'm on to something.
So now i'm a conspiracy theorist and yet no one has been willing to talk about my extremely valid points. All you can do is insult and cast doubt but god forbid we actually talk about the subject matter and show a bit of respect even if you have a difference of opinion. LOL you have to demean me as if that is going to dis way anything. Grow up BOY!!

David Walker and Biggie are making my points for me. Where is your logic David? You didn't even read the post. You just to made a stupid statement about me being a conspiracy theorist which doesn't mean jack in this case. So call me Scully.
Thank you David for making my point for me even if it was a COP OUT.
Your point is not made with insults. If you want to make a point with me then you'd better use your brain and not high school rules.
So far I've been cursed out of my name and called crazy and not one person in all of this has even replied with any logical points to even remotely disprove my claims. So you can go on name calling and demeaning me .... it matters not online,,, its just words and text.
For you ppl to let my words get to you shows me i'm very close to an understanding of the scam that is the domain name market. Once I understand I will do my best expose this bull crap for what it is.
That is my purpose in all of this to get some Gov't regulators to start peering into this market. If that happens this market will fold like a deck of cards.

thanks for your consideration,
Conspiracy Theorist Extraordinaire with a Purpose!!!!!!!!!!


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Yes, I read the whole thread, hence the statement of wasting 5 minutes. Nowhere in my post did I name call, so don't slander my name. Merely I was pointing out that you are so involved with this big conspiracy, it may be overwhelming your actual duties of selling domain names or even developing.

The LAST thing we need is government regulation on anything, one right lost leads to another.

America was founded on capitalism. Don't be mad at the game or the players, but you showing up late. If I understand you (which is quite difficult) you're saying: damn, I wish I bought gold at $300 an ounce, damn I wish I traded Yen on high leverage when the dollar was strong, damn I wish I put money in Google stocks when it was $100 a share. Your post only tells me, "damn, I wish I knew there was a market for buying and selling domain names sooner so I could have category killers, geos, etc. and be able to sell them now so I could be in the position to retire like Rick Schwartz is...“. Am I right?

Stop *****ing and do something about it to make money. If you need funds, get a loan. If things are hard to sell it's either pigeon sh*t or you're not a salesman. Take the unsold ones, gather statistics about them and if they're worth it, then develop them.

And if you really believe in this theory, go to whitehouse.gov and start a petition, wasting more time.

Or the rough got to you, so quit.



Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Look, bro, the only problem the guys on this thread have with your posts is your attitude. That's the only problem, it normally isn't personal with you or anybody, Biggie gave you advice, he knows domaining inside out, you don't have to follow it, he also wrote his own opinions, normally those carry some weight cuz he's one of only three mods in the word's #1 domain forum, it seemed to me like your reaction was disproportionate. And if you don't agree w/David that's cool too but government's involvement always is the problem, in any industry, you'll find that out yourself eventually if you stay a domainer. And this is an already overregulated country, all ppl would agree unless you're at the far left extreme of the spectrum. And capitalism always wins, thru and thru, domaining seen as a business is no exception, so David was onto somethin too. There are plenty of rogue players, lots of assholes in fact, but it's a space like any other, cyber or brick & mortar, .... you always gotta take the bad with the good.....

Change that attitude. Apparently Katherine is the only one on the thread you don't got a problem with and that's ite with me. Funny cuz she's one of just a handful of prominent girls on DNF, it's like 2 or 3. The majority are guys and most domainers anywhere tend to be guys too, so expect heated discussions, open disagreements and much needed swearing at times so nobody here said anything to you they wouldn't say to another user.... ya live ya learn, man .....
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Stormy Seas

Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2012
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First David, Gov't Regulation is to stop ppl from bullsh****.
The mortgage industry was in serious need of regulations and is the reason the world is in recession. Now there is Gov't regulation to prevent that or at least trying to stop such a bubble from happening again.
You ppl don't want regulation becuase you'd have to be transparent. You dont' want transparency because you are all full of Sh**
Lying about the domains you've sold. I don't know how many times I've heard a domainer say they sold millions of dollars worth of domains only to say.... Oh I can't list them. That's a bunch of BS right there. Domains are virtual real estate and its public information how much real estate sold for. The face that most domainers wouldn't even list the domains they sold and what they sold for is BS right there.

I'm not hating the game. There is no game while you ppl are making others believe its a game and there is space for everyone to sell there domains. That's a bunch of BS. And your condesending tone is the real issue. Instead of constantly demeaning ppl you all need to stick to the point. You are lashing out. My attitude has allowed me to logically figure this out, so that isn't going to change. That fact that you are attacking my emotional state is to throw everyone off of the real trail. To think I'm upset because i"m not selling domains , or to think i'm pissed for that reason is shallow. I'm saying that after alot of investigation and research my story is very common. If it was not so common then all of your BS would be valid but there are just too many ppl like me out there and you are only focusing on me instead of the what i'm saying. HOw ignorant of you.
I am not upset , angry or anything about the domain name market. What I see is everytime this subject is broached ppl like you come out of the woodwork trying to tell me how I feel and do your best to demean me. Every single time. Now its my attitude..... LOL . Do everything in your power to ignor any point I but we can talk all day about someone's attitude. That's your logic ? Attack me not the issue ?
Understand what i'm saying before you comment. I make money selling domains without the need for the domain name industry. That's how I started. I'm an online marketer and started selling domains in the same way I rank my sites. I write articles and market in forums and groups. I only started trying to sell domains thru the auctions sites as way to make my selling easier... but what I found in the domain name industry is a lot of ppl going around talking about how many domains they've sold without showing any proof. The only person in the domain name industry to the actually list the domains he's sold and for what price he's sold them is Michael Mann. He seems to be the only person really listing the domains and prices he's sold domains for which makes him the most legit domainer I've run into.

So we can talk about points but do not reply telling me to that I'm angry , upset or even remotely talk about some emotional state .... further to demean me is not making your points either. YOu see none of that is making your points for you ... its making you ppl look the fool, because any logical person really looking at this can see that you are avoiding the real issues an focusing on me ..... thinking i'm upset about not selling domains.

So you ppl can clearly understand my POV , listen and understand what I'm saying......
The domain name market is a false market controlled by very few. I am not using only my personal experience to make this determination. I'm an online market that sells niche related products. Domains are just one of many of the niches I'm involved in. Before resorting to the domain name auctions sites like Sedo , Godaddy, Flippa , AfterNic etc..... I sold domains in different niches by contacting ppl in those industries. I use emails, forums, etc.. to do this. So I never needed the domain name industry and I still do not. I sell domains the iron hand way and thats the way I started and it seems to be the only real way because in my opinion the domain name industry is BS and is in serious need of REGs. So thinking im upset that I can't sell domains is you jumping to conclusions and has made you all incorrect in determining my motives for these comments.

Stormy Seas

Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2012
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Any takers on the actual topic??
Or do you want to continue to personalize this and talk about my attitude. My attitude has not been the problem , your personal attacks are in question.
And since you ppl are ganging up on me I think you need to go back and reflect on your own attitudes.


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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The mortgage industry was in serious need of regulations and is the reason the world is in recession. Now there is Gov't regulation to prevent that or at least trying to stop such a bubble from happening again.
You ppl don't want regulation becuase you'd have to be transparent. You dont' want transparency because you are all full of Sh**
There is no comparison between the two. The domain sales industry could crash, that would hardly impact the 'real' economy. If all the prominent domain investors were ruined overnight nobody would notice outside domaining circles.
Domaining is a niche industry that doesn't weigh a lot. Not like real estate, credit, or the stock exchange.

Lying about the domains you've sold. I don't know how many times I've heard a domainer say they sold millions of dollars worth of domains only to say.... Oh I can't list them. That's a bunch of BS right there. Domains are virtual real estate and its public information how much real estate sold for. The face that most domainers wouldn't even list the domains they sold and what they sold for is BS right there.
Yes, there is a lot of BS for sure :) The ability to sort the wheat from the shaft and discard the disinformation is important.
It's like in any other business, due diligence is not optional.

but what I found in the domain name industry is a lot of ppl going around talking about how many domains they've sold without showing any proof. The only person in the domain name industry to the actually list the domains he's sold and for what price he's sold them is Michael Mann. He seems to be the only person really listing the domains and prices he's sold domains for which makes him the most legit domainer I've run into.
Personally and like most domainers, I don't report private sales, but in my case the majority take place through se.do so they are reported anyway, provided they meet the threshold.
In fact domainers are a secretive bunch and to be honest, what's the benefit of advertising everything you've sold and for how much ? From a broker, I would understand because he has to show his performance at selling domains.
Otherwise, it's more about ego-boosting or the desire to be viewed as a successful domainer and make your peers jealous maybe ?
IMO many people also keep quiet because they don't want the tax authorities poking their nose in their business :)

Any takers on the actual topic??
Yes. As I said, you shouldn't pay to sell domains. Especially to have them listed on the flea market. You are only giving more money to Bob Parsons.
Or reach out to qualified end users and cut the middleman.

PS: don't overreact to the posts you don't like, Biggie makes good posts but you need to read between the lines -once, twice or more :eek:k:
But I have to agree that domain quality is not optional in order to make sales.
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