Yes - it's true.
Both my names this week - had spaces in them - crashed the auction - and then received no bids. I guess you could say I got what I deserved for trying to be a fancy boy! :shy:
The spaces have been one of my own little sales techniques to present my names in my sales threads. My '>>> <<<' and ': : : : : :' have also been part of my 'style'.
Often you will see my thread titles look something like this....
: : >> U L T R A . O R G << : :
... which uses all my little presentation tricks together. I've been doing this for a very long time. What's funny - is that if you go into the 'For Sale' section these days - you will see that many people have started doing the same (or similar) thing. Hehe
Lesson learned: Do not attempt to use spaces in names for the auction.
Spaces in sale threads = good.
Spaces in auction = bad.
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P.S. - I have sold > R I O T . U S - in my cheap clearance thread.
However > G O C E L L . N E T - is now available for $15 to the first person who contacts me.