The name is worth less than zero. It isn't even worth anything in the singular. How anyone can even claim it is worth anything above zero is beyond me. Names like these are cancerous names. It is actually worth in the negative. Here you are making a thread about a name that is worth less than zero. Time is money.
There is no earthly reason why it should have any value, and therefore, it doesn't. If you take my post seriously you will save a lot of money and at some point you will thank me. Don't take it as a personal attack, but this name represents the exact opposite of everything that makes a name have value.
The type of insight that it takes to come up with this name is not the type of insight that will make you money in this business. Shame on the Registrar for allowing you to register this, and shame on all of the pumpers of this horrible extention. Shame on the .co registry, too, they represent the lowest of the low when it comes to domaining.
Shame on everyone else who doesn't tell it like it is and allows these new domainers to waste all of their time and money on this crap.
You are trying WAY too hard buddy to present yourself as an expert. No one is impressed by you. You haven't really giving out any real advise to the guy lol. Not "shame on everyone else" shame on you. Every few years one like you come alongShame on us all for not "telling it how it is" homie!! If you're going to make a lengthy post- build up the vocabulary and say something of substance... anyways... it's a "shame".
A "cancerous extention" - now that's rich. I'm sure you're the doctor for all domainers.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators