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Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2010
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Would like to ask members on this forum to appraise my domain:

estibot gave this number - $ 1,900 USD



Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 22, 2009
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The .org doesn't do it any favors.

I would say high $xxx to low $x,xxx. (City)condos names are fantastic. The .com would be worth $xx,xxx.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
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This name isn't worth anything. That is not to say that a realtor who lived in San Antonio would be 100 percent wrong in having a website using this name (even though dotcom would be preferred). The problem with this name is it does not give a competitive advantage to anyone who would buy it. It gets zero traffic, so nobody needs it. There are some names with zero traffic that are good names, though, but for this particular name the fact that it will get zero traffic is one of the reasons it cannot be worth anything.

It has to be worth zero, and cannot really be worth anything else. If you decided to try to contact some people in the real estate industry by way of Google, then that would take least a few hours, and you would almost immediately be too far behind to make that effort worthwhile. Time is money, and even if you got lucky and convinced someone to buy this (which is very doublful), then there is only so much you could get in a sale, and that is not a lot, and it will be less than the effort put in.

Even if you had you would be in trouble, and it probably wouldn't be worth the effort. A name like just might be worth the effort, and of course or would be worth an organized approach to maximize value. There are distinctions at every stop when it comes to real estate names. With very few exceptions you should stick with dotcom only. The highest value names end with Real Estate or Property, then there is a big drop down to Homes and even Houses. The only LOCKS that are practically guaranteed to be worth good money are the ones that end in Real Estate or Property and are dotcom. Anything else and you run a huge risk of spending a lot of time chasing potential buyers and not getting a sale.

Deleted member 111831

i would pay xxx for - run that through the adwords keyword tool and you might change your mind WhoDat


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
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I appraise domain names, not business opportunities. You might pay $100 for and so what? As long as you add up the time you spent figuring out how to set up your adwords, and as long as you factored in the time and effort it took to acquire the name, including the bath and forth negotiation, the transfering, etc.

As a pure domain name is not worth much, that is why I told the OP that he still would be in trouble. What you are suggesting is using as part of a business plan, and it took you years worth of learning and knowledge to acquire that knowledge.

And what you fail to realize is that even if there is someone who would pay $100 for, it is not like you just press a button and the buyer appears and you get your $100. You either have to attempt to contact a buyer through the Internet, or put in time on domain forums. Both of these activities take time, and everyone knows that time is money. Nobody would really pay much more than you would for, so very early on you will race through the equivalent of low XXX in time spent trying to sell the name.

That is why most appraisals are HORSESHIT when it comes to inexpensive names. Everyone conveniently forgets to factor in the real costs involved. That is why many more names are worth zero than people can even imagine. If you list a name for sale in a thread at Dn Forum for $15 and happen to get a sale, then that still takes work. You have to list the name, check back on the thread, come to an agreement, arrange payment, transfer the name, remove the name from your lists and parking services, etc.

So, you can say in the example I gave that the name was worth $15, but I will claim it is worth zero, and likely less than zero, since it probably cost you more than $15 worth of your time.

ZERO is the final word for The dotcom version is not the greatest, either, since you cannot get value out of it without having it being part of a business plan, and then it truly isn't a domain name, but a part of a business.....even if it is just Adwords. If the OP owned he really isn't much better off. Once you put up an appraisal or sales thread and then check back on it for a few day then you run into the brick wall of diminishing returns on the time spent.

If it were so easy to list a name and then have the money magically appear in your PayPal account without any other action, then that would change things for, but since the only way to reasonably sell it for low XXX is to put in at least a few hours of effort, then you are probably better off washing your neighbor's car and get guaranteed money for the time and effort spent. For every time you get lucky with you will strike out multiple times on similar names, so the net result makes the effort NOT WORTH IT. That means ZERO......even if the eventual buyer believes he got a deal when he paid $100 for it. The seller still is out the time and effort involved in the transaction, and that eclipses $100 when you factor in all of the sales as a whole.
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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 21, 2009
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WhoDatDog....if time is money, you sure as hell spend a lot of time on the forums writing essay responses and telling people that their domains are worth less than zero. Going back and looking at some of the domain names you have posted on here for sale haven't been very stellar either. Relief from what? Seriously, you took the "time" to acquire these domain names and then you expected people to pay $50+ for them when you are telling others that their domain names are worth less than zero?! What happened to "time is money" when you took the "time" to post on the board, responded to people, etc... Hypocrite.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
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At least I put in the time to explain my reasoning. Most poeple just give a dumb appraisal that is way too high, and those doing the appraising generally are not in the least bit interested in offering real money for the name that is even close to their over-inflated appraisal.

I am not going to be right all of the time. There will be times when someone is willing to pay real money, right in the thread, for a name I appraise at zero. But saying you would pay money for a name and actually doing it are often two different things. I know for sure that is worth ZERO. That is in the world of domain names, which is the world we are talking about. I also believe that even if the OP had the dotcom version, he would soon find out that it wasn't as valuable as PokerPie suggests. That is, if he actually factored in the time and effort put into acquiring the name and then turning around and spending time on the forums or Googling leads trying to sell it. All that for low XXX, at best. That is bad math.

Now, if you can find a way for interested buyers to appear magically without the seller expending energy and effort to find them, and without the seller spending time thinking about the name, listing the name at their parking service, arranging payment with buyer, transfering the name, etc. If you can make those costs dissappear and then have the money somehow find its way into the account of the seller without said effort, then feel free to offer higher appraisals.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2007
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At least I put in the time to explain my reasoning. Most poeple just give a dumb appraisal that is way too high, and those doing the appraising generally are not in the least bit interested in offering real money for the name that is even close to their over-inflated appraisal.

I am not going to be right all of the time. There will be times when someone is willing to pay real money, right in the thread, for a name I appraise at zero. But saying you would pay money for a name and actually doing it are often two different things. I know for sure that is worth ZERO. That is in the world of domain names, which is the world we are talking about. I also believe that even if the OP had the dotcom version, he would soon find out that it wasn't as valuable as PokerPie suggests. That is, if he actually factored in the time and effort put into acquiring the name and then turning around and spending time on the forums or Googling leads trying to sell it. All that for low XXX, at best. That is bad math.

Now, if you can find a way for interested buyers to appear magically without the seller expending energy and effort to find them, and without the seller spending time thinking about the name, listing the name at their parking service, arranging payment with buyer, transfering the name, etc. If you can make those costs dissappear and then have the money somehow find its way into the account of the seller without said effort, then feel free to offer higher appraisals.


You're seriously making yourself a very easy target for forum ridicule. Is your emotional intelligence really that low? Your extremely lengthy responses (with no substance I might add) are highly irritating and I would assume that you're alienating a large number of members on this forum. Furthermore, it also appears that you're starting to annoy / irritate the moderators. Just do yourself a favour and be concise and logical with your appraisals instead of writing meaningless essays (quit being defiant and stubborn).


I personally see this domain name as worthless (I personally wouldn't have hand registered it at GoDaddy for instance - so I think it is worth less than 'reg fee'); primarily because it has no potential in terms of type in traffic - it has a low exact search volume (480 exact searches per month) and it has the .org gTLD extension, and I feel that it also has zero potential in terms of brandability.



Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2010
Reaction score
thanks for your comment as well... However, I think I am going to develop this domain and put them in TOP google.
+ local searches are - 9,900 per month according to Adwords Keyword Tool
or 1,410 per month accordingly to Adwords Traffic Estimator


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
i would pay xxx for - run that through the adwords keyword tool and you might change your mind WhoDat

Fot the DOTCOM, even low-mid XXXX if you are a local realtor. The org doesn´t quite fit.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
easily a page 1 serp for a decent cpc term

you hit 'san antonio condos' at google

you call all the realtors on google BUYING the term

look mr realtor you want PAGE ONE now

I'm there

no setup fees

give me Y a month

you do that, then the name is worth 36 to 72 times the Y you can find

so 36to72timesY=value

I'd say 250 to 500 a month is realistic monthly residual from the asset

nice catch

not a major real estate term like real estate or homes or homes for sale

but a top 10 city in USA for a major niche real estate term

in a strong serp value TLD

nice reg

now learn some minor seo and or hook up with an SEO team that can put it on page 1 and then a few calls and you will keep this in the portfolio as a MONEY MAKER

great business term GEO

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