At least I put in the time to explain my reasoning. Most poeple just give a dumb appraisal that is way too high, and those doing the appraising generally are not in the least bit interested in offering real money for the name that is even close to their over-inflated appraisal.
I am not going to be right all of the time. There will be times when someone is willing to pay real money, right in the thread, for a name I appraise at zero. But saying you would pay money for a name and actually doing it are often two different things. I know for sure that is worth ZERO. That is in the world of domain names, which is the world we are talking about. I also believe that even if the OP had the dotcom version, he would soon find out that it wasn't as valuable as PokerPie suggests. That is, if he actually factored in the time and effort put into acquiring the name and then turning around and spending time on the forums or Googling leads trying to sell it. All that for low XXX, at best. That is bad math.
Now, if you can find a way for interested buyers to appear magically without the seller expending energy and effort to find them, and without the seller spending time thinking about the name, listing the name at their parking service, arranging payment with buyer, transfering the name, etc. If you can make those costs dissappear and then have the money somehow find its way into the account of the seller without said effort, then feel free to offer higher appraisals.
i would pay xxx for - run that through the adwords keyword tool and you might change your mind WhoDat
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