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Second Month iMon CPM Reports? Here's ours.

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Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2004
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Hello All,

OUR CPM for the domains in the second month for the first four days is $133.95.

Granted, however, this is an very early sampling of second month's CPM, but thought it would be good to get the conversation rolling on whether this system works or not.

We just started the second month - so far the uniques are still about half of what they are elsewhere and even though some domains have very impressive click amounts the low reported uniques negates any advantage of a higher click amount. The CPM is fairly high, but if the parking companies that IMON uses or if IMON itself does not report all the uniques, but reports all, or most of the clicks, then obviously the CPM goes up. I'm not saying IMON is involved in doing anthing like this, but it could be their system, or other causes. These domains should have been accepted by all parking companies so the uniques should be higher by now by about roughly double.
Some days are at 20 percent of regular uniques - these are domains we have owned since 1995.

I don't know what the case is, but so far income has not gone up as expected or even matched what the domains get elsewhere.

Anyone have any other reports on thier experiences for MONTH NUMBER TWO?

How are your uniques looking? How's the CPM looking?


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 19, 2004
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After 2 months on IMON, I gave up and switched back to ND.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2003
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My 2nd month wasn't looking much better either; so I decided to add keyword suggestions to my domains & things are looking better already... however I have to go through the whole 30 day re-optimization period again..


CEO - iMonetize.com
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 25, 2002
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Hello All,

OUR CPM for the domains in the second month for the first four days is $133.95.

Granted, however, this is an very early sampling of second month's CPM, but thought it would be good to get the conversation rolling on whether this system works or not.

We just started the second month - so far the uniques are still about half of what they are elsewhere and even though some domains have very impressive click amounts the low reported uniques negates any advantage of a higher click amount. The CPM is fairly high, but if the parking companies that IMON uses or if IMON itself does not report all the uniques, but reports all, or most of the clicks, then obviously the CPM goes up. I'm not saying IMON is involved in doing anthing like this, but it could be their system, or other causes. These domains should have been accepted by all parking companies so the uniques should be higher by now by about roughly double.
Some days are at 20 percent of regular uniques - these are domains we have owned since 1995.

I don't know what the case is, but so far income has not gone up as expected or even matched what the domains get elsewhere.

Anyone have any other reports on thier experiences for MONTH NUMBER TWO?

How are your uniques looking? How's the CPM looking?

Hi Kelly,

You have only had these names pointing to us for 1 month, not 2?? And some of your names are still optimizing and the rest JUST stopped 3 days ago. It will take more time to see results, at least a week after optimization. And out of all the domains in our system less then 1/2 are actually pointing to us. Looks like a bunch are still at other providers. Another point is you are only using 2 of the 4 provided nameservers on the few names i spot checked. While this is normally OK, you will sometime see better results using ALL 4 nameservers.

Also As I explained to you in 1 of our many emails there are several factors involved in this process that can cause these results. I will reiterate here:

Your names will have LOW traffic during the optimize process.

1: Some providers MAY not accept the name
2: Some may not have it added yet, (NOT BECAUSE OF US, just it takes them a long time to add"
3: Could be Bot Traffic or NON us traffic that can be blocked by SOME of our partners
4: Each PPC partner we work with considers a VIEW differently - Some may only count uniques, Some may Count Only US Vistors, Some may not count Bots. Some may count any or all of these things as a view. THERE IS NO STANDARD... Believe me I wish there was, it would make our job Significantly Easier..:) So while if you have it at a provider that counts everything and then point it to us and it ends up residing at a place that only counts US traffic, it is possible that the stats would reflect lower traffic.
5: Stats can be delayed from any one of the providers.

After the optimize process is OVER and your names have been with us for a week or so you should start seeing the views return to normal for the most part, (except if they land at a provider that counts Views very aggressively, IE NO BOTS, ONly US, and Uniqes etc etc etc...) And the money should go up.

Again, your names haven't been with us long enough to determine if the optimize process worked for you or not. Give it another week or 2 to see if the stats come up. If not I would be happy to go over the keywords with you personally to see that they are pointing right, and if there is anything else we can do to help you.

I hope my clarification helps you understand better... And as I have stated before:

Please understand this system is not for the squeamish, the 1st month is hard, but the rewards are usually worth it. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.. ;-)

Either way thanks for trying us and I hope we can help you maximize your revenue.


After 2 months on IMON, I gave up and switched back to ND.

I would be interested in knowing why? :greenconfused: Please PM me your username and details and I will look at your account and see if I can see any issues?




Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2004
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Hello JN,

I am just trying to start a healthy discussion as to what the iMon service pays out since everyone is investing time, money, etc.... testing the service - no hard feelings. It's good for others to know then, as you point out, that it could be well into the second month before the uniques/rev increase.

I realize your system has cred or we would not even try it - we have heard some stellar reviews from others as well. I also realize that you must address anything written that comes accross as having a negative connotation or an influence on others. My only intention is to get this conversation going under the iMon header at DNForum, as no one really seems to be talking much about iMon's potential or their experiences.

As I pointed out it the CPM we reported was a sampling of only four days in the Second Month - hardly a good sample, but designed to get folks talking. This sampling is only the domains that started on around Oct. 29. - not all the domains we have at iMon currently. It has been more than a month on those we pulled the CPM from. We also are not pointing many domains in our iMon portfolio to iMon currently b/c we are waiting to see the outcome of the ones that are currently being optimized there. The others were added b/c it takes a long time for your providers to add the domains to thier systems and we wanted to make sure they were added before we start sending traffic that does not make us money. That is the reason for the other domains not pointing to iMon currently.

In terms of waiting until after the first week in the second month to start seeing things go up - I had not heard that before, if that is the case then I was mistaken. We had been under the impression that Uniques and Payout would go up starting month number two, now that the process of optimization was over, but I see we need to wait a few more days.

I don't believe the five reasons for low Uniques apply to the domains we pulled the CPM from.

You Say:
Your names will have LOW traffic during the optimize process.

1: Some providers MAY not accept the name
I don't know who does not accept domains having to do with fishing or water, for example.
2: Some may not have it added yet, (NOT BECAUSE OF US, just it takes them a long time to add"
These domains I speak of have been there more than a month
3: Could be Bot Traffic or NON us traffic that can be blocked by SOME of our partners
These domains are almost exclusively U.S. traffic, top-tier generic, family friendly domains and bot traffic is not an issue on them since we have been watching the referrers for years and years. I could be wrong on that as things always change, but the REAL uniques are definitely there.
4: Each PPC partner we work with considers a VIEW differently - Some may only count uniques, Some may Count Only US Vistors, Some may not count Bots. Some may count any or all of these things as a view. THERE IS NO STANDARD... Believe me I wish there was, it would make our job Significantly Easier.. So while if you have it at a provider that counts everything and then point it to us and it ends up residing at a place that only counts US traffic, it is possible that the stats would reflect lower traffic.
These domains have been parked at the majority of parking companies iMon uses and the Uniques have been pretty much consistent with each company - with the exception of Sedo which runs higher numbers than normal at times.
5: Stats can be delayed from any one of the providers.
Ok, granted, I can accept that. I'll keep an eye on the stats to see if they change over time.

As far as only using two DNS entries - the domains we pulled the CPM from have all the DNS entries added. But, I'll check on the rest.

One thing I should note in favor of iMon is that we have seen some mid and bottom tier domains get high click amounts which has been impressive - like, 40, 50, 60 cents, when they make 5 to 20 cents elsewhere - granted, only on certain domains - but I think that is worth noting.

Maybe what we should have said was, "Anyone else care to share experiences of having been with iMon two months or more?"

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