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Sedo - A Definition

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The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Sedo (sē-dō) Slang.

v. To contradict.. even there own policy

  1. To contradict themselves.
  2. To deceive.
  3. To be contrary to; be inconsistent with.

  1. To Really Screw up a domainer
[Middle English sedo, from Old English lobotomy.]


Former DNF Admin
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2004
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It would help if you posted details...

namestrands said:
Sedo (sē-dō) Slang.

v. To contradict.. even there own policy

  1. To contradict themselves.
  2. To deceive.
  3. To be contrary to; be inconsistent with.

  1. To Really Screw up a domainer
[Middle English sedo, from Old English lobotomy.]


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Just got the following email:

Dear Mr

I am writing to inform you that Sedo has received a legal complaint regarding your registration and use of the domain <removed>.com. While Sedo takes no position to the validity of your registration for the domain, after making a reasonable investigation into the complaint, we have removed the domain from the Sedo marketplace and have blocked it from our domain parking program. While this action does not affect your Sedo account, or any other domains listed in your Sedo account, without written verification that it is free of any legal claims, the domain <removed>.com may not be listed for sale or parked with Sedo.

I urge you to contact the complainant, COMPANY and resolve the issue with them directly. They may be reached at:


Sedo takes great pains to strike a balance between the legitimate rights of domain owners and third party intellectual property owners and requires verification of legal complaints before taking any action against a domain listed for sale or parked with Sedo. If you feel that this decision has been made in error, please contact us at your convenience. Pleasant Regards,

Your Sedo Team

now also received the SEDO newsletter boasting about the new RPP policy and that reads

After we receive your complaint, both you and the domain owner are sent an email confirmation which will outline the domain in question and the party submitting the complaint. Domain owners are given three days to respond, and within ten days of when the complaint was received, the domain will be reviewed by a Sedo staff member trained in intellectual property matters and a decision will be made whether to remove the domain in question at which time both the complainant and the domain owner will be notified via email.

which is all very well, but it would of been nice to get the 3 day warning to respond and they could of waited the 10 days to delete the domain.. instead they by pass there very own policy and delete the domain and tell me after..



Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Make a page for the removed domain and point it to buns dot com :-D


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2002
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I should have checked the box to receive the newsletter. I just signed up with Sedo last month, and after hearing about this and their recent change in their payout policy, upping the limit and trying to make it seem that they are doing the customer a favor, I'm starting to worry about just how reputable this company is.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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greggish, things often come full circle with SEDO, just when you think you can talk to them and they understand.. they drop a bombshell.. I really would love to know who is pulling the strings.. Dan has left and well I actually give Matt some credit of intelligence.

I also got an email from Nora the other day and no more than 5 times did she mention her job title in an email of no more than 2 paragraphs. It was not long ago this girl was an intern.. and now Director of English Something.. I mean seriously my mother knows more about the domain industry than this megalomaniac.. but I guess since everyone else has left who else would of taken the job..

Dom has left and also Ed.. 2 of the greatest guys I have had the pleasure of knowing I may add. Gemma is the only decent person left *we love you gemma*

I really wish someone else would launch a domain sales and Parking program..

Lets hope that all the former SEDO staff get together and form a Rival Company.. because I say it here and now.. YOU GOT MY DOMAINS ;-)

Sedo was once about the community.. now its all about.. actually I dont know what they are all about.. the way I see it is dont mess with a good thing.. but they have messed and tinkered and it was better the way it was.

I am just so so so dissapointed with it all.. and them deleting my domain without warning, without C&D or Court Order.. even ICANN registrars have the decency to wait until the outcome of a UDRP.. and whats more if 2 more people complain about one of my domains I get banned from SEDO.

well if anyone can find a better home for my 1900 domains currently at sedo PM me, I should just park them all on there own for sale page.. anyone know of some software to do this?


namestrands said:
Just got the following email:

now also received the SEDO newsletter boasting about the new RPP policy and that reads

which is all very well, but it would of been nice to get the 3 day warning to respond and they could of waited the 10 days to delete the domain.. instead they by pass there very own policy and delete the domain and tell me after..


Hello namestrands,

I just sent you a pm about this situation in particular but in general when a complaint is levied against one of our customers, we relay the message and allow three days to respond before taking any action. However, when a complaint is levied against SEDO directly, we may find ourselves in a position where we have to protect ourselves from liability, and remove the domain immediately.

[email protected]


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Jay, believe it or not I do understand your position, and I spoke with your legal counsel.. and the fact remains is that no UDRP or Court Order was issued against yourselves nor have I received a C&D.. my who is information is 100% accurate with Full Address Contact and Even Fax Numbers..

The domain in question is hardly passing off and would be an interesting UDRP if it ever got to that which you and I both know will never come to that. To be honest just doing a search for the company name turns up some interesting entries that would if challenged would be in favour of the complainant.. so therefore this does raise the question of the validity of the complaint.. (have sent you a sample of 2)

You decide: here is an example of the disputed domain (not the real domain)

free(company)coupons.com so domain like this are not allowed but sedo are happy to list:

(companyy)computers.com (a typo of there actual site) along with quite a few others.

It just makes no sense... bottom line is that I am not to bothered about the domain, if they wanted it I would be more than happy to give it to them gratis.

What I am upset about is SEDO's kneejerk reaction to this especially after the newsletter and your new policy all about how you are protecting domainers blah blah blah..

Whereas before we would worry about UDRP's or Hijacking, we now have SEDO...

IP law is always debatable, hence the reason for the ICANN UDRP regulations... there is due process in all cases.. but SEDO just has a little accident in there underwear when a big company say thats mine and I want it.. tail between the legs and sedo runs and hides. shouting DELETE DELETE DELETE...

Hey perhaps you will set a precedence now IP owners and Hijackers dont have to file for court orders or UDRPs. they can just write a letter to SEDO's new counsel and the domain gets deleted... without due process..

The fact of the matter is that if a domain owner submits that the domain is not under any legal proceedings (WHICH IT IS NOT) then SEDO should honour that request... It is up to the Complainant to file against the domain owner as the domain owner is the legal registrant of said domain name. SEDO provides an unbiased FREE PPC parking service, this should remain until such time as both parties have been made aware of any legal claims against the domain owner..

SEDOs pioneering efforts here to negate all TM domains will hurt only one person.. and it wont be me. Just surfing the highest traffic domains.. they are all Typos and blatant TM violations, most 2 and 3 letter domains are TradeMarks.. most dictionary words are Trademarks.

SEDO should protect themselves via guidlines and policies.. This new RPP (rights protection policy) is laughable.

And now SEDO expects that all domains listed should be researched for TradeMark issues... as SEDO operated in 20 countries a trademark in one country is no a trademark in all..

You are not expected to do a trademark search prior to registering a domain, this comment is even in the ICANN regulations, so why on earth should I do one prior to parking?

SEDO you are a parking program, not the IP police.

Domain registration still goes by its founding principle "FIRST COME FIRST SERVE"


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
May 27, 2002
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Sedo isn't the only company to handle complaints from companies like this.

Fabulous.com will pull your name if they get a C&D.

DomainSponsor.com has any domain with dell (among others) in it blocked I believe.

So rather than looking at it like Sedo is out to screw you over, how about looking at it like, the company you infringed on specifically picked your domain out as one they wanted shut down for whatever reason, and the names like (companyy)computers.com etc will get theirs in turn. :)


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Its not so much about the fact.. its more about the principle and due process. Sedo releases its new policy and in that policy it states that they give notice to both parties.. I am just upset about the fact they pulled the domain without due process. I dont think sedo are out to screw me, they manage to do that to themselves well enough..

This is just one of many issues that have been catalyst for concern as to the direction of the industry.

sedo hmm more like sedont
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