One day .info may well be no.2. It is many years off though. The really cheap reg fees haven't helped the integrity either. Without doubt the general vibe is well on the up though. It is i think 37 countries that info means the same thing. That is incredible.
I have always thought it's a nonsense that certain .infos are worth less than country tlds. An example is in my country, England where area names.co.uk go for very often low thousands, but the counterpart .info can go for low hundreds or much less. This is for one reason, what the public type in. Sometimes even a small amount of marketing can change this. Just printing the new address on particulars & flyers, it sinks in.
If lots of companies follow suit which they are doing , it can snowball & awareness grows.Another example if you are a small company in England, why are you paying £1000 - £2000 for 3 letters.co.uk? you can have the .info for a fraction of that & frankly i think looks much better. Part of the problem is our customers are very much in the dark.
I wish i had lots of quality .infos. I only have about 5 .infos in my collection of hundreds of different domains.
That is the point i think. Quality generic .info's are just that. Forget the bad ones, people will let them drop. It's exactly the same comparison as .com's. For every good one, there's hundreds, if not thousands, average or bad ones
You can't bracket them off into one group. Cheers, Guy :eyebrows: