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Selling all my possessions and fleeing the country!

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DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 3, 2005
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I have assets of above $1M currently but what if something happened that would take pretty much all of that away...

What would the best route be to cash out, transfer the money to something like a swiss bank and go to a non extradition country? What countries wouldn't send me back to the US yet I'd be able to have my money in a good bank account where its safe...

I'm rather sick of the US Government screwing me over.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2005
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I wouldn't trust millions of dollars based on the advice of us internet geeks. Go spend a few thousand to get a quality lawyer who knows the detailed information you are seeking.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Oh, for a second there I thought I opened junk e-mail. All that was missing was for me to send my routing and account number. No but really, JonR is right, pay a lawyer.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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You can run but you cannot hide.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 5, 2004
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You can run but you cannot hide.

Not true, You can goto the mountains of Tora Bora in Afghanistan or any Anti USA country and noone will touch you.

But 1Million$ is Not worth running for!


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 8, 2003
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Well, if I were in your position, I would buy several good generic .com domains for $500K and would convert another remaining $500K to traveller cheques and would go, with the cheques, to Indonesia or Iran where anti-US feelings are quite strong. With the Swiss banks, your money is not quite safe as Uncle Sam can easily locate it.

Good luck.

Chris_Usavio said:
What would the best route be to cash out, transfer the money to something like a swiss bank and go to a non extradition country? What countries wouldn't send me back to the US yet I'd be able to have my money in a good bank account where its safe...


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 5, 2004
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They can take away his domains though from him :)

So best thing is to buy some gold or other goods that increase in value and he can carry :)

maybe get a diamond!


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 20, 2005
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Sell everything and change the $ to DNF$, exchange rate is great at the moment better be quick though as the sale ends soon.


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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I'm rather sick of the US Government screwing me over.

Yeah... you and Fidel Castro. Go to Cuba and make $1M. It is fascinating that those who have benefited the most by living in the US are the ones who are the most contemptuous of it. Like those right-wing flag wavers who are perfectly happy to spend $300B of other people's money to send other people's kids to fight other people's wars, but, heaven forfend that anyone should have to PAY for that nonsense.

Mr. Deleted

DNForum Mod
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Jul 24, 2004
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jberryhill said:
Yeah... you and Fidel Castro. Go to Cuba and make $1M. It is fascinating that those who have benefited the most by living in the US are the ones who are the most contemptuous of it. Like those right-wing flag wavers who are perfectly happy to spend $300B of other people's money to send other people's kids to fight other people's wars, but, heaven forfend that anyone should have to PAY for that nonsense.
Why are you ragging in the right wing... I may be right wing, but don't want to flee the this country even with those crazy democrapers in Washington!


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 5, 2004
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Its even more amazing, UK/Isreal has a hand in most wars usa is involved in yet most directly see USA as the enemy and the other countries go un noticed.

You don't have to escape usa if you dont agree with the government, you can just move out. I suggest India, Iran, China.

by saying you are fleeing the country makes me think you are running away from something!


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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jberryhill said:
Like those right-wing flag wavers who are perfectly happy to spend $300B of other people's money to send other people's kids to fight other people's wars.

I can see this thread quickly moving to the Political forum. Well put though John, as that's exactly what is happening. Only clarification would be it's that Bone Head Bush and his sidekick Cheney's war. After all it's their buddies in the defense and the oil industries that profit by the $300B. Us little people die and the rich get richer. Cool huh? Middle class is soooo dumb. :mad:


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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Stocdoctor said:
I can see this thread quickly moving to the Political forum. Well put though John, as that's exactly what is happening. Only clarification would be it's that Bone Head Bush and his sidekick Cheney's war. After all it's their buddies in the defense and the oil industries that profit by the $300B. Us little people die and the rich get richer. Cool huh? Middle class is soooo dumb. :mad:

stocdoctor, as long as thread is against USA,bush cheney and there policies it is acceptable and covered under free speech, try nocking another country and thread would dissappear


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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fatter said:
stocdoctor, as long as thread is against USA,bush cheney and there policies it is acceptable and covered under free speech, try nocking another country and thread would dissappear

See that's the mistake. I'm pro US and it's people. Bush et all don't represent me or anyone else who isn't the richest 1%. The dopes in the middle class just buy his hype and tv commercials and support his buddies.

He says he supports the troups, but votes down any pay increase for the soldiers, and hides coffin pictures for months. He wants them to die cheaply for his cause, not the majority of the people. He throws money at this war and the contracts for Cheney's old company and cuts health care or other programs etc. for us. Should be pretty clear.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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I would be happy to debate USA policies all day, but my point being DNF said politics and religion discussions aren't permitted, hopefully they will make a hidden political link so domain discussions that turn political can be transferred there, I enjoy open exchange of ideas, but as it stands now the only political links that stay are those ant-USA ones. PS: I understand most of the worlds population hates the USA, and being this is an international forum thats going to be the results


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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as long as thread is against USA,bush cheney and there policies

It is just unflipping real the number of people who think that way. "Bush and Cheney" are not the United States of America.

George W. Bush is the first president in US history who claims it is an inherent right of his office to have a US citizen detained on US soil and indefinitely imprisoned without any charges or trial. That alone makes him the single greatest threat to what the USA stands for, and a much more profound threat than any terrorist. He was a failure at everything he did prior to becoming elected, and he will continue to be a failure. He is an international embarrassment who has managed to make enemies out of longtime friends.

This is not a monarchy and "USA" does not equate to "whomever is holding office". It is truly sad that you think criticism of these idiots is "against USA". Sorry, I have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution, and these people and their blind flag-waving, bible-toting sheep are going to destroy it.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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The majority of US citizens voted for them in last election, the antiUSA sentiment (while not as bad as now) has been growing for years. of course Bush/Cheney certainly has fueled it


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 21, 2005
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jberryhill said:
It is fascinating that those who have benefited the most by living in the US are the ones who are the most contemptuous of it.

This post is turning quite political fast. But on what jberryhill said I do agree. Our leader, his friends, family, and companies have profited the most and have the biggest contempt for our country.

"I'm a uniter not a divider" a quote from you know who, not only has he divided us, he has divided the rest of the world against us.

But it doesn't matter I guess in the long run, the largest deficiet, large cuts in spending for public transportation, education, and scientific research. Not to mention the huge decline in the value of the US dollar. I wouldn't have faith in that million here either, 30 years from now it won't be worth the paper it's printed on. Buy gold, silver, and platiunum, not paper, or you may just end up wiping your ass with it.

Mr. Deleted

DNForum Mod
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 24, 2004
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“BREAKING NEWS! Stronger laws to curtail corrupt corporate executives will soon be passed by crooked politicians.”


An issue reaching critical mass are the illegal immigrants flowing across our southern border. The assertion that they are necessary to do the work that Americans will not is nonsense. With the exception of the agricultural sector that has always depended on migrant workers, there are many jobs American workers would take if they weren’t already being given to undocumented workers paid in cash. Illegal workers sent $20 billion dollars home to Mexico last year!

History will record that George W. Bush secured the liberation of the Iraqi people from one of the worst tyrants of modern times. Let us give him credit for that and for driving the Taliban out of Afghanistan. What rankles was the way the war was sold as an eminent threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction. I cannot think of a time this nation went to war on such poor intelligence. One gets the feeling, however, that the Bush administration has little faith in the intelligence of the American people.

Yet another distinctly un-conservative aspect of the Bush administration has been its approach to education. The “Leave No Child Behind” program has thrown billions at an already failed educational system. It is so awful that whole states are considering withdrawing from it. And the Bush administration is pushing for programs that would require all students to undergo mental health evaluations, thus opening the door to still more millions of them being required to take mind-altering drugs.

Just because Bill Clinton released thirty million barrels of oil to knock prices down for Gore when he was running for election doesn’t mean it’s a smart idea. All Gore had to say was “I will not go along with the apologists for big oil and support an agenda that is of big oil, for big oil and by big oil," Let us not forget the number of millionaire donors who earned their bucks in oil and donated to Kerry. One of my favs, Oscar Wyatt, is sort of caught up in that little food for oil scandal at the United Nations.

The Democrats are showing the usual power at all costs methods. They are a risky scheme. They should be put into a lock box so that we will be safe from their attempts to drain the Strategic Petroleum Reserves so that they can have a happier time and, as usual, weaken the nation. I guess that the Republicans passing a tax law that cuts the tax deduction by seventy-five percent for business owned SUV’s isn’t even a start in their minds. The Democrats as usual are blocking the attempts to deal with the need for domestic oil (read not foreign) and the new conservation technology that Bush is proposing. They still refuse to allow drilling in Alaska. But that isn’t too surprising really. Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton and a few others never did believe in drilling at home anyway.

This is yet another example of why they lost so big and have continued to lose so big. They just don’t get it. They don’t want to. They are blaming the religious right for their loss at the polls. They haven’t realized that they are the reason they lost. But anyone who ever tried to raise kids knows exactly what that really is.

When it’s one of your own kids, it’s pretty embarrassing and annoying. When it is a political adversary, it’s pretty darn funny. Keep it up, you yayhoos.


Bubba drains the reserves for his buddy Gore


not all America's problems are right wing, they are from both sides.
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