Originally posted by RMF
Explain why you think its a shill bid...I just don't see it. Perhaps someone thought that $299 was the reserve price, and liked one of the domains. Is there a connection between the seller and bidder that I don't see?.
I could be wrong... but here is what I see
* 21 fairly crappy domains
* A relatively inexperienced seller
* A statement of "no reserve" but an auction that ended with a reserve in place
* A "brand new" buyer's bid below this mysteriously appearing reserve price but at what
I consider to be a pretty inflated price
As I said, it may be nothing, but it doesn't smell quite right to me.
Originally posted by devildude8989
Does it matter?
The reserve isnt met..
i doubt it.
It matters only if you want to do your part to maintain a safe environment for buying and selling domains over sites like ebay.