Originally posted by izopod
I think the biggest concern is the porn issue. If you sell "Joe Blow 14 year old" GreatXXX.com and he/she creates a porn site, are you liable for damages if this kid gets into trouble with it. Could it be considered selling "Porn" to a minor?
That sounds like a little bit of a stretch, but selling developed websites is not uncommon here on DNF. If someone sold GreatXXX.com and it had CONTENT on it, you'd certainly be in trouble if the buyer turned out to be under 13 years old. All sorts of worms being opened up. Under 18 but above 13? I think there would only be "contract" problems. This is why age is important... if everyone under 18 is considered a "minor" (and they are), it should be noted that selling with SOME minors can be more serious than selling to OTHER minors.
I think the problem is a clear concern. I think it would be really good to move away for "noticing" it, to figure out some possible solutions to address it. Some people will never think its a problem, but I think for those that do, figure out what possible solutions may exist might be more worthwhile.
I think one SOLUTION might be this...
I'll preface this by saying that it may be wholly unnecessary and be solved be telling everyone to "ask your buyer/seller their age"... moreover, any solution could not be considered "authoritative", but could at least be grounds for misrepresentation on the part of the party who is a minor. Many respectable members have been surprised in retrospect that they were doing business with minors, and that's kind of scarey.
DNforum establishes three automated categories:
Categories: Minor13, Minor, Adult
EVERYONE is required to enter a valid birth date to be a member in the forum. If it is discovered that the birth date you entered is incorrect... your account can be terminated (after failing to correct it after being reported). As I noted, these "categories" would be automated. As time passes, they are always displayed based on the existing birth date in the system (in fact, there would NOT be a real field added called "age level" in the database or anything, it is always a dynamic valuation). You may elect to have your birth date public (and appear in the calendar when it is your birthday, as it does now), or you may elect to have this be "private" (and not show up ANYwhere except in determining your age level valuation), but it DOES need to be in the system (currently mine is blank, because if entered, it is immediately public information, and I feel that with ID theft on the rise, I'm aware of why this may be dangerous to bandy about). Once your birth date in the system, you are automatically designated as a
Minor13 (anyone 13 and younger), a
Minor (Under 18 and over 13), or an
Adult (18 and over). These automated designations can be viewed in any full user profile view, though it would appear no where else (no one need wear this on their virtual "sleeve", ie. under their user avatar or post count in every message they make).
While members are encouraged to do business with one another, doing business with minors or minor13's should have encouragements to involve parents or guardians in the process, and like the great URDP advice that has been posted, it would be useful if some "doing business with minors" tips could be posted as well.
Well, that's my constructive solution. It is left up to individuals to act accordingly, but at least people are "armed" with the tools to conduct business competantly.
Best Regards,
~ Nexus