yahoohaha: You`re jobless and still you have enough money to register few domains each day? I see your posts here everyday, asking for appraisal of the domains "you couldnt resist" not to register

So where do you get the money for it then?
And how many sites are you actually developing?! From what Ive read from your posts, almost everysite you reg, you have some kind of plan what youll develop it into.
My guess is: You are a passionate (ex) smoker, alcoholic, or a gambler. Probably combination of all. You are used to act uppon impulse, and most things in your life are mess. You dont have a girlfriend. You want to make it all better, with as less effort as possible. You are probably playing lottery and other "luck games" on regular basis, and usually you loose. And than you play some more, and loose even more. You are playing until you spend a last dime, and then you get drunk to forget all the problems. In the morning, when you wake up with a huge headache, you turn on your computer and suddenly all these great ideas how to make easy money over net bump into your head. You start regging every domain name you can think of (usually still under influence of alcohol

) and start thinking, how this time it will finally work. And it doesnt, so you repeat this pattern day by day.
My advice would be: Think of the domains you find good, BUT DONT REG THEM! First, put them on the paper (write them down). Think about them for a day. Think about them for another day. Think about them for few more days

After that, In 70% you will realise that that domain is not as good as you thought at first, and youll save your self a reg fee, and probally your LIFE.
Am I right about you? Did I guess at least something?

Im sure most of us here have made sam mistakes somewhere in our life. Hey, most of us are still doing them sometimes. But it seems to me, that you are doing them a bit more often than the others

I wrote this in good faith, so please dont get me wrong, Im not judging you. I dont want to say anything bad about you, im just trying to open your eyes, and at same time try my luck, to see am I any good in "reading peoples mind"