If a person owns a 3 letter domain dot com somewhat random such as:
rst.com and lets assume it's worth about $1200
is it money smart to buy the dot net and dot org for
rst.net $200 ?
rst.org $200 ?
That would be $1600 for all three domains but a reseller could
almost buy another 3 letter dot com for the extra spent on the dot net & dot org.
What do you think is it important money wise to have the net & org?
Or should the net & org be priced more like $150 & $100?
Thanks Much, Ron
[email protected]
rst.com and lets assume it's worth about $1200
is it money smart to buy the dot net and dot org for
rst.net $200 ?
rst.org $200 ?
That would be $1600 for all three domains but a reseller could
almost buy another 3 letter dot com for the extra spent on the dot net & dot org.
What do you think is it important money wise to have the net & org?
Or should the net & org be priced more like $150 & $100?
Thanks Much, Ron
[email protected]