Sorry Lewr,
still dont see your deception thought process, its blatantly obvious that the chevrons point to the keyword listing related to the domain, this was simply the output from the search 'sim card' on overtures keyword lookup tool.
I personally find it offensive that you pass judment on what I have done as being 'deceptive'; not being oversensitive but what you have stated could be taken as a personal attack upon myself. The listing of the results in the way I have done gives a clearer representation of the output for 'sim card' and seeks to acheive the diametricly opposite goal of legitimacy rather than deceipt, sorry you still cant see that.
BTW not trying to make friends, or enemies, just sell spare domains, so please dont take my response personally, it is just important to state the facts as your posts will have been looked upon by others as a guide to help make a decision on whether to do business with myself and hence may have had a negetive effect on this and other sales.
Cheers Aguss, and is that Darius in the room...
Right back to business, offers please. ;-)