To all those who are having issues with loading specific websites and where unticking port80 helps with loading it, try to add it to TrustedZone...click v6...Settings>TrustedZone>TrustedApplications
v7...Settings>Threats&Exclusions>TrustedZone>Trust edApplications
...click Add, browse for the web-browser you use, tick only the "do not scan network traffic" box.
...click the blue "any" on the row which says "at any remote host".
...click "specify" and add the IP address of the site you are having problems with.
To find the IP address of the site you are having issues with, click Start>run... type in cmd... a black box should open up. in there, type in ping [website which does not work]. The IP address of the site is the long set of numbers with 4 decimal points between them.