Hey all,
Someone was recently trying to sell my domains at namepros after breaking into my account both there and at godaddy. These domains were stolen, so do not buy them from anyone. They are not for sale.
Please PM me if you have already attempted purchase of any of these. Godaddy, the FBI, FTC, WIPO, NWC, IC3, and ICANN have all been alerted and are looking to help resolve this. This list is as follows.
Here is the list:
ckz.org , cyj.net, eql.us, eyw.net, nkz.us, qjz.org, qlz.org , xyb.net, zsn.org , zuh.us
Also, if you have any info about the person who did this, please PM me.
Someone was recently trying to sell my domains at namepros after breaking into my account both there and at godaddy. These domains were stolen, so do not buy them from anyone. They are not for sale.
Please PM me if you have already attempted purchase of any of these. Godaddy, the FBI, FTC, WIPO, NWC, IC3, and ICANN have all been alerted and are looking to help resolve this. This list is as follows.
Here is the list:
ckz.org , cyj.net, eql.us, eyw.net, nkz.us, qjz.org, qlz.org , xyb.net, zsn.org , zuh.us
Also, if you have any info about the person who did this, please PM me.