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Can you please appraise the domain StolenCars.net ? Here's the idea behind it:
Everybody hates to have their car stolen, especially if you're the least bit into cars (like most males are). When this happens, you feel angry, sad, emotionally unstable... And you continue to search for hope in the back of your head even when all odds are against you. At the end, you just want to talk to people who've been through the same thing, and possibly spread the word still hoping that the car would be recovered.
StolenCars.net - Forums where you can talk to others who may be in the same boat as you, and post helpful details of the account as well as your car description in hopes that somewhere, somebody, someday, might bump into it.
Plus, statistics based on submitted incidents as well as geographical data. Forums are sorted by country, state, or vehicle manufacturer and model. Tips and resources for future prevention of car theft.
Can you please appraise the domain StolenCars.net ? Here's the idea behind it:
Everybody hates to have their car stolen, especially if you're the least bit into cars (like most males are). When this happens, you feel angry, sad, emotionally unstable... And you continue to search for hope in the back of your head even when all odds are against you. At the end, you just want to talk to people who've been through the same thing, and possibly spread the word still hoping that the car would be recovered.
StolenCars.net - Forums where you can talk to others who may be in the same boat as you, and post helpful details of the account as well as your car description in hopes that somewhere, somebody, someday, might bump into it.
Plus, statistics based on submitted incidents as well as geographical data. Forums are sorted by country, state, or vehicle manufacturer and model. Tips and resources for future prevention of car theft.