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.Store is not a great domainer opportunity after all


Andrew Allemann

Between high premium prices and renewal fees, opportunities for investing in .store are slim.

I was originally excited about the launch of .store today. It’s one of the better top level domain names, and it seemed Radix had priced it similarly to .com. Many registrars are offering the domains for about $15.

Alas, it’s not actually that cheap.

It turns out that’s just a first-year promotional rate. After that, the wholesale price is $40 per year. Ouch.

So if you register a few domains at launch, you need to sell them within a year or make the tough decision a year from now if they’re worth keeping.

A bigger problem is that just about everything you can think of has a premium price. I think Radix has gotten its premium pricing wrong across a number of domains, and here’s another example.

I randomly thought of pickle and typed it in. I don’t think online pickle sales are a huge business, but you’ll pay $6,500 at GoDaddy per year to own Pickle.store.

Or, you could make a one-time payment of $4,999 to buy PickleStore.com outright.

Doesn’t make sense.

Pickle.store isn’t a great domain, but I thought of some worse ones. Here are a few less-than-pleasant domains, all priced at a premium of $6,500 per year at GoDaddy.


Now, just in case there’s a business model for selling scraps online, you can pick up ScrapsStore.com at registration fee. And HugeDomains will sell you crapstore.com for only $2,595.

I think a lot of registries have gotten premium pricing wrong. This is another example.

Again, I don’t want to knock .store as an extension. It’s one of the better ones. But I think a) it doesn’t look like a good opportunity for domainers and b) much of the premium pricing is out of touch with reality.

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The post .Store is not a great domainer opportunity after all appeared first on Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News & Views.

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