Thanks for posting. When new members start paying money to sign up for, they will hope for more out of this board than what most current members are offering, i.e., posting a quick price or a one-line comment just to get a DNForum buck. Much of the traffic at my sites is other sellers emailing me to see what I think of their name. The names always look like junk to me, or seem to make no sense, but I like to try to help, and I take it seriously, and do some research. There's always a good or bad first impression of a domain, but before I decide on its worth I use a few tools such as Google, DomainSurfer, MarketLeap, TESS trademark search, Acronymfinder, and others. (Sometimes I am surprised to find that they just might be onto something; or my research might confirm to me that their name has little chance.) Also, I always suggest to domain collectors that they read technology articles and trade journals, not just for the articles, but to see the ads where professional enterprise domains are listed. This will give you a sense for how professional domains are crafted, and which domain prefixes and suffixes are hot in the various technology industries. For example, I read an article that streaming media will be used instead of Jpegs to show products to customers at E-Commerce sites. With the impending improvements in streaming media technology being planned for integration with E-Commerce solutions, the static concept of an online store may evolve in the future into more of a live experience. This inspired me to check the drop list for streaming media store domains, and I found While a domain may not seem to make sense now, and may perhaps have little current value, it may be well-positioned for future developments.