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Switched to Sedo Pro and Amazing More CTR and Earnings

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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 1, 2005
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Damn...Just parked most of my domains at Sedo Pro Jan 31st...one domain that was making about $2.50 a week on Fabulous is now earning me over$50.00 a day; now at ($7.46 per CT)...what's up with Fabulous? I mean they have the BEST Customer service...but the revenue share is nuts compared to Sedo Pro...


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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It's called bait. But don't blink twice, it will go down to $0.07
I'm moving out of Sedo as it's costing me thousands of dollars in the long run.

Mike Robertson

DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Hi rh287,

Can you please send me your account details and the domain that you are referring to and I can investigate this further.




Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Damn...Just parked most of my domains at Sedo Pro Jan 31st...one domain that was making about $2.50 a week on Fabulous is now earning me over$50.00 a day; now at ($7.46 per CT)...what's up with Fabulous? I mean they have the BEST Customer service...but the revenue share is nuts compared to Sedo Pro...
Using SedoPro, initially at the beginning of the month, the domains do seem to generate more as the advertisers refund their coffers, is my understanding.

As more and more funds are depleted as well as from where the clicks originate, they tend to go down...again, as it was explained to me.

I have had domains pay as much as $8.58 per click but drop to about $2.08 as the month goes on. But those same domains are back up to a little over $4.00 per click now.

Whatever methodology is used or whichever complex calculator is used to derive the pay per click revenue, I will never figure out.

But I think I would be hard pressed to find another parking site that pays over $2.00 per click consistently. I am open to all suggestions.

Sedo's customer service is going downhill fast. It took 39 days to get paid for a sale even after payment was made and now going over 2 weeks to get a domain that I purchased. Not once has customer service responded and I am tired of getting "out of the office until..." automated responses. Everything seems to be automated customer service until I bitch and raise hell.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Circa.. Parked pay upto and over $2 a click consistently. They also concentrate on just parking and leave the selling to likes of AfterNIC and SEDO.

I am becoming more convinced that SEDO set a budget for each domainer based on the amount of domains and initial traffic figures, they then slice up the daily revenue PPC so that it hits the budget target each month. Its never a true reflection of PPC as they make up their own PPC.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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I am becoming more convinced that SEDO set a budget for each domainer based on the amount of domains and initial traffic figures, they then slice up the daily revenue PPC so that it hits the budget target each month. Its never a true reflection of PPC as they make up their own PPC.

Very possible.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Using SedoPro, initially at the beginning of the month, the domains do seem to generate more as the advertisers refund their coffers, is my understanding.

As more and more funds are depleted as well as from where the clicks originate, they tend to go down...again, as it was explained to me.

that is logical reasoning.

if i were sponsoring "pay per click" ads, then after a certain number of clicks, this would soon deplete my budget.

However, there were overall increases in some SedoPro users accounts, as they were reflected in January's "Partner Program" stats!

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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that is logical reasoning. if i were sponsoring "pay per click" ads, then after a certain number of clicks, this would soon deplete my budget. However, there were overall increases in some SedoPro users accounts, as they were reflected in January's "Partner Program" stats!

I am sure that is also correct information, especially regarding budgets sometimes being depleted.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Do we have a general consensus as to who pays the best on a consistent basis?

NameDrive is not doing it for me, SedoPro is so over here-over there and all over the place...one domain that was paying $1.07 per click just a few days ago is now paying 17 cents, those that were paying at one time $8.58 are now $2.84...so give some feedback, please.

Between Sedo's all over the board per clicks and their sharp decline in customer service, I am not at all entirely pleased.

Perhaps we should also post which keywords are paying out the highest amounts at each parking site. Now sure how appropriate that may be but it seems like we all have something at stake here.

If we need to start a new thread then we can do that. I don't want to hijack rh287's thread on this matter but I also want him/her to be aware of how rapidly and sharply things can head in the opposite direction.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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All I can add to this is that for the whole of last year I shared all my domains over 4 parking programs. I removed all Bot and Search traffic before sending the visitor. My findings where as follows

SEDO: Sedo appear not to record all the traffic (less than 61%) that was sent to them, PPC had a consistent decline each month and the revenue was much the same, which led me to believe this Budget theory.

NameDrive: NameDrive recorded 82% of the traffic sent to them, revenue was consistant with Biggedons Month end theory as PPC did decline last week of each month and then a surge at the begining of the month, however NameDrive were bogged down with hack attacks and downtime.

Trafficz: Trafficz were by far the most consistant with 94% of traffic accounted for, revenue was above ND and SEDO for the first 7 months plus the added popunder revenue the figures were at times double that of the 2 above. Againm they were hit by problems late in the year, and withdrew the multiple click count rule, revenue plumetted, however overall its was 12% more than that of SEDO and NameDrive (including popunder revenue)

Parked: Parked were a short lived experience due to some crazy privacy issues and me spitting my dummy out the pram over some of Donnys comments. Regardless, revenue was on par with Traffic pre-multiple click removal. PPC revenue increased in line with domains being added, and if not for my pride at the time I am confident that they were the front runners accounting for 96% traffic sent to them (includes traffic relayed to trafficz if parked could not monetize)

Fabulous would not allow framed traffic and therefore I only tested domains for 2 months and it did not even compare to the respective programs above. Based on prior and subsequent months, the traffic they recorded was only 52%.

Now I am not a niche domainer, I have over 3000 domains parked covering just about all the major markets and verticals so I believe that it was a broad enough test.

I rarely support a parking program, however the last few months of 2006 and coming into 2007 my revenue has doubled with Parked.com.. add the fantastic passion for customer service from Donny who is my account manager, and also the fact that parked allowed me to negotiate my revenue share (I actually got more than I asked for).. They are without a doubt the best parking program on the internet today. Barring any major negative changes I will be parking with parked for the forseeable future.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Now because of this non-niche results will be at times a landslide difference, as many domainers do concentrate on a particular vertical which will no doubt allow them to do well with a single particular program like SEDO and therefore I can only comment on what was best for me overall.

I know that I give Sedo a hard time, but if I am honest it is 100% down to what I know about them and the things I learned while being a moderator on this here forum. I know that I could ask ANY question to all of the other programs and I will get a straight answer, my contempt for sedo on the other hand comes from their need to Spin and Alude, take the god awful customer service and the fact that they still allow sales of newly regged domains with 10,000 hits a day.. and the fact that they really do not know who the customer is.. is it the buyer who buys one domain or the seller who parks 1000s of domains with them.

I am of the opinion that SEDO Account Managers get paid more overide from the buyer than they do the seller and hence the contempt for the domainer.

I am a seller and a parker.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I am a seller and a parker.
DAMN! I don't know where to begin.

Very informative and insighful, first of all. And I will begin with the quote above because that is what it is all about...being a seller and a parker.

For a minute there, I thought perhaps you might have been a good ol' southern rebel boy with that "this here forum" thing. ;)

I also have around 3000 domains parked also, nearly all at Sedo. Had it not been for an aquaintance in Cologne that is one of those good ol' boys from down here, I would have been gone. And now it may be time to cut the ties.

Here's the latest example and the response:

What these two domains have in common is not once has anyone from customer service contacted me to respond to any of my inquiries.

11/22/06 Agreement reached
11/22/06 We have invoiced the buyer for the sale of your domain. As soon as the payment reaches our escrow account we will inform you and begin the technical transfer.
11/27/06 We have received full payment for this domain. Please await further instructions from your transfer agent. It is often the case that we have to wait for certain details from the buyer so please be patient during this period.
12/28/06 The domain has been successfully pushed to our Sedo account. We shall now process your payment. Your part in this transfer is now complete, and we shall assist the buyer in taking control of the domain. Once the buyer has control of the domain, the listing will be deleted from your Sedo account.
12/29/06 The payment has been released and the transfer is now complete.
12/29/06 This transfer has been successfully completed!

The above is how long it for me to get paid for a sale. Well more than a month since payment was made.

01/18/07 Agreement reached
01/19/07 Please send us your payment for the domain. The invoice for this sale can be found here:
As soon as your payment reaches our escrow account we will inform you and the technical transfer can begin.
01/22/07 We have received full payment for this domain. Please await further instructions from your transfer agent. It is often the case that we have to go through certain preliminary stages with the seller in order to prepare the domain for transfer, so please be patient during this period.
01/23/07 The domain is now unlocked.
01/26/07 This domain requires an authorization code (AUTH-Code) in order to be transferred. We have asked the seller for the code and will send it to you as soon as possible.
01/29/07 2. Reminder: This domain requires an authorization code (AUTH-Code) in order to be transferred. We have asked the seller for the code and will send it to you as soon as possible.

Regarding UPZ.NET, I still have not been contacted by this mysterious Erich.

Payment was actually made the day of the sale (the 18th) but seeing that it was going into the weekend, I guess the automated email answering service had the weekend off also.

Again, I only get updates by going into my account and looking to see if there is an update. Going on two weeks now. If he is not contacting and updating me, is he contacting and updating the other party?

Customer service is now near non existent.


Thank you for your message!

I will be away from the office beginning Wednesday, January 31st, and will not return until Monday, February 5th. I will have limited access to email during this period, so I will return all messages after February 5th. If you have a general inquiry, please contact our Customer Relations division at [email protected] for immediate assistance. You may also reach them by telephone at +1.617.758.4268.

If you have an urgent matter specific to an ongoing project, please contact Matt Villa at [email protected] for assistance. You may also reach him by telephone at +1.617.758.4261. Thank you have a nice weekend!

Best Regards,
Eben G. Smith


Time after time after time I have complained about the service. Each time I am reassured and stroked about how valuable I am and what a great customer I am.

How many holidays and vacations does Sedo take? And again, not one word from this mysterious Erich.

pals.info was only paid out after raising the damn roof at sedo. Wanted to tell me that the customer had not submitted the transfer request. Who's damn fault is that? In the meantime holding funds for well over a month? Numerous emails not answered. Every body and their mother, brother, and sister out of the office. Even the referrals to contact while so and so was out of the office were out of the office!!!

Sorry, burns my ass up.

Something has to give and I guess it will be me giving someone else a chance.

I would also be curious to hear from those that have tried Traffic Club and voice their opinions on all the parking sites.

Again, sorry to occupy so much of this thread but I think we can all learn something constructive.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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I have tried just about all the Second and Third Tier Parking Programs, even ones you may not have heard of yet.

The lower down the food chain you go the worse your revenue is, they do tend to tease you with great first months revenue then its downhill all the way.

I have been silently campaiging to get Parking Programs Audited just like the Online Casinos, perhaps I need to shout louder.

If you are going to park your domains then stick with the Top 8

In No Particular order.

1. Parked.com
2. Sedo.com
3. NameDrive.com
4. DomainSponsor
5. Trafficz.com
6. Skenzo.com
7. AfterNIC
8. Fabulous

Enoms Parking Program is not to bad, but the pay out sucks.


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Ever looked at Godaddy's program? Also, it would be good to include who these parking programs are connected to, or affiliated with. Sometimes if you know who's behind some of these programs, you wouldn't get close to them.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I have tried just about all the Second and Third Tier Parking Programs, even ones you may not have heard of yet.

The lower down the food chain you go the worse your revenue is, they do tend to tease you with great first months revenue then its downhill all the way.

I have been silently campaiging to get Parking Programs Audited just like the Online Casinos, perhaps I need to shout louder.

If you are going to park your domains then stick with the Top 8

In No Particular order.

1. Parked.com
2. Sedo.com
3. NameDrive.com
4. DomainSponsor
5. Trafficz.com
6. Skenzo.com
7. AfterNIC
8. Fabulous

Enoms Parking Program is not to bad, but the pay out sucks.

A resounding "YES!" to auditing. That's what I've been talking about for a year+ now.

Why no particular order? That'd be more useful.

Now because of this non-niche results will be at times a landslide difference, as many domainers do concentrate on a particular vertical which will no doubt allow them to do well with a single particular program like SEDO and therefore I can only comment on what was best for me overall.

I know that I give Sedo a hard time, but if I am honest it is 100% down to what I know about them and the things I learned while being a moderator on this here forum. I know that I could ask ANY question to all of the other programs and I will get a straight answer, my contempt for sedo on the other hand comes from their need to Spin and Alude, take the god awful customer service and the fact that they still allow sales of newly regged domains with 10,000 hits a day.. and the fact that they really do not know who the customer is.. is it the buyer who buys one domain or the seller who parks 1000s of domains with them.

I am of the opinion that SEDO Account Managers get paid more overide from the buyer than they do the seller and hence the contempt for the domainer.

I am a seller and a parker.

Please make this a sticky. I agree 101% on all points.
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