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Taxes are Illegal! It's Proven - UNBELIEVABLE MOVIE!!

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Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2004
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Download Link: http://www.truthstream.org/video/Freedom.To.Fascism.wmv - Windows Media Video

Official Site: http://www.freedomtofascism.com/

The movie is now on video.google.com - Let's get this link out to everyone we know. It is an awesome thing to watch!

OMG, this movie is an eye-opener. It has NOTHING, to do with left or right wing agenda, this startling examination exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America.

Words cannot describe this movie. When you see it you will know what I mean.

One of the issues raised is the American tax system. I would bet that no American has a problem with a legal tax system. However, the Supremem Court has found that we cannot be taxed on our labor. That’s all, we can deal with the rest. What’s wrong with American’s demanding a FAIR and JUST system? I want to commend the works of Robert Lawrence. He and others are exposing this Gov’t cover-up!

Want proof, here’s the proof (hold on tight!)


In March of 2006, a Grand Jury indicted Lawrence on 6 counts of tax evasion from 1999 - 2001. - The trial began in April 2006:
http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTP2/PRA/PRA-Misc/LawrenceIndictment.pdf (PDF)

Two months into the trial, all of a sudden the DOJ and IRS want to drop the charges! See for yourself!!

IRS Begs for a 'Petition for Dismissal': http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTP2/PRA/Pleadings/27_MtnDismissWPrejudice.pdf (PDF)

The IRS has NEVER done this. When they go after you for 'tax evasion' b/c you didnt pay, they dont just drop the charges!

Too bad the IRS and DOJ didn’t know that Mr. Lawrence had an experienced tax atty who knows the LAW!

Need more proof?? Check out this letter: http://www.givemeliberty.org/rtplawsuit/simkanin/inouyeletter.pdf

For updates on this case, check out: http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTP2/UPDATES/Update2006-06-09.htm

Also, here's something real interesting that I had found. Article XVI which gives the congress the "power" to have a federal income tax, was found to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Supreme Court! How congress can ratify anything found UNCONSTITUTIONAL is BEYOND me!

The Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional in 1895. Referring to the explicit prohibition against direct taxation in Article I, the court argued that the income tax would excessively enhance federal power in relation to state power.

In 1895, in the Supreme Court case of Pollock v Farmer's Loan and Trust (157 U.S. 429), the Court disallowed a federal income tax. The tax was designed to be an indirect tax, which would mean that states need not contribute portions of a whole relative to its census figures. The Court, however, ruled that the income tax was a direct tax and subject to apportionment. This was the last in a series of conflicting court decisions dating back to the Civil War. Between 1895 and 1909, when the amendment was passed by Congress, the Court began to back down on its position, as it became clear not only to accountants but to everyone that the solvency of the nation was in jeopardy. In a series of cases, the definition of "direct tax" was modified, bent, twisted, and coaxed to allow more taxation efforts that approached an income tax.

Congress passed the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1909, and the states ratified it in 1913. The ratification of the amendment overturned an 1895 U.S. Supreme Court decision that had ruled a two percent federal flat tax on incomes over $4,000 unconstitutional (Pollock v. Farmer's Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429, 15 S. Ct. 673, 39 L. Ed. 759). Article I of the Constitution states that "direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states … according to their respective numbers."

What good is the constitution and the Supreme Court if the Senate and House and ratify anything found to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL . It is the Supreme Courts duty to overturn this UNCONSTITUTIONAL ratification.

Not to mention this has been backed up in court case after court case! Check it out: http://www.patriotnetwork.info/CasesOnIncome_files/CasesOnIncomens4.html

Again, all we ask for as AMERICAN CITIZENS is a FAIR system, is that too much to ask for!! Watch this movie, you'll be glad you did.
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Andrew Shaw

Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 27, 2005
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In the middle of watching it now. Ill let you know what I think when Im done.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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The tax thing is a scam alright - I watched this yesterday. Love how they say - show me the law!

Canada has seen the same underhanded move from government created money to private bank created money as well. Our debt went from about $20 billion to over $500 billion in two decades. It took five decades to get to around $20 billion. Those unaware blame it on government spending - and while they are partly to blame, the vast majority of the increase was the interest. Welcome to the world of compound interest.

Think of the bank scam this way - you own your own grocery store, would you shop at Safeway for your groceries knowing you get a wholesale price at your own store? Of course not, but that's what our governments are doing by using private banks for their monetary needs.

Creating money out of thin air is crazy. The fiat system as it's known will collapse - it's only a matter of time. The US founding fathers understood that concept very well and tried to ensure it didn't come to pass - but alas it has. Free market followers defend this practice, but I just can't see why.

One last tid-bit that holds for Canada and the US - there is more debt on the books than actual money to pay it back. Since all new money is created as debt bearing interest it is impossible to pay it all back. It just can't be done. For every dollar created it takes one-two-three or more dollars to pay it back.

As Russo and others point out - most people just don't understand the monetary system. If they did, coupled with the complete lack of need to pay income taxes to support the interest(in the US anyways - in Canada they were 'smart' enough to write it down) on that bank created money, there would be riots in the streets.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2004
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Between this and the 9.11 Cover Up. Im growing very tired of the US.

911 Cover Up Video - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5946593973848835726
( this will tear thru you... I had to walk away a few times... the narrator is hillarious)

Note: Im no conspiracy theorist, but I don't put it past our government at all! Its astounding when the facts are laid out plain as day!


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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9/11 coverup? I wouldn't go that far. Unanswered questions - certainly.

Thinking more about the documentary I think it was fairly well done, as Russo tried his best to include both sides in the debate. The IRS was just plain unwilling to co-operate or offer up a defence of their own actions. That doesn't implicate them per say, but it certainly doesn't help.

Rep. Ron Paul is a great Republican. I like reading his articles that are posted on various alternative news/magazine sites. An old school republican - true small government and for a more humble US foreign policy. His interview in the documentary was eye-opening for his straight out candor.

And what happened to all the gold reserves in Fort Knox? Why aren't the American people up in arms? It's your national treasure and at one time was the basis of the strong American dollar - real gold reserves. They won't even allow an audit of the people's gold? That's insane! Now the US dollar is pegged to the strength of the economy we are told. Money has always been based on something real and tangible - like gold or silver etc.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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There is a small movement under way for a consumption based tax. Where the tax is built into the price you pay when you buy things. That way the people who consume the most would pay the most tax, not the people who earn the most.
One thing you should know though, it is typically Conservatives who are for consumption based tax rather than personal income tax. People who are more liberal argue that it would put more burden on the poorest folks. This is probably a reasonable arguement but it still seems the most fair. Certain neccesity items would be excluded from the consumption tax, such as food and medicine.
I haven't watched the film yet but I will check it out. Here's something I can't figure out though...often the people who are most against taxes in general are the same people who feel that government should pay for social services, education, disaster relief, health care, etc. Where will the money come from?

Taxes require a lot of thought. If you undertax, you won't be able to build the infrastructure that makes a country great. If you overtax, you will stiffle production, growth and innovation. They say that many developing countries lose great job creating opportunities because they place a heavy tax burden on companies that would like to be there. It's a tricky issue and there's no clear-cut answer.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2004
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Between this and the 9.11 Cover Up. Im growing very tired of the US.

911 Cover Up Video - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5946593973848835726
( this will tear thru you... I had to walk away a few times... )

Note: Im no conspiracy theorist, but I don't put it past our government at all! Its astounding when the facts are laid out plain as day!

911 was not a cover up, give me a break. As far as the show me the plane crap watch this. The Pentagon uses very reinforced concrete walls, so forget about using that argument.

PS. Just try not to pay your taxes and use this argument even if you win it will cost you more in lawyers fees (they are the true scammers by the way)

Subject: : F-4 Aircraft vs. Concrete Wall

Take a look at this clip and you'll get a good feel for what happens to

an airplane when it hits a concrete wall. Many of you have seen the

produced (but not factual), Michael Moore-esque website that asks the


"If it's true that a Boeing airliner hit the Pentagon, what happened to

all the parts of it? Why do we not find more pieces of it?

Where did all that mass GO???" (Therefore, the paranoid loony liberal

reasoning, 9-11 must have been a US gov't conspiracy!) Well, for those

who question what happened to "all the mass of that

airplane".......watch this clip.

It's the old Air Force engineering tests of the concrete barrier that

surrounds nuclear reactor domes --tests to see if it will indeed survive

an aerial attack. With the hi-speed cameras rolling, they accelerated an

F-4 Phantom to 500mph and.........

Recall: "What happens when an 'Unstoppable Force' meets an 'Immovable

Object'???" (Remember, as you watch in slow motion as the F-4 turns to

vapor, the Phantom was one of the toughest airplanes ever built).



Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2004
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911 was not a cover up, give me a break. As far as the show me the plane crap watch this. The Pentagon uses very reinforced concrete walls, so forget about using that argument.

PS. Just try not to pay your taxes and use this argument even if you win it will cost you more in lawyers fees (they are the true scammers by the way)

Subject: : F-4 Aircraft vs. Concrete Wall

Take a look at this clip and you'll get a good feel for what happens to

an airplane when it hits a concrete wall. Many of you have seen the

produced (but not factual), Michael Moore-esque website that asks the


"If it's true that a Boeing airliner hit the Pentagon, what happened to

all the parts of it? Why do we not find more pieces of it?

Where did all that mass GO???" (Therefore, the paranoid loony liberal

reasoning, 9-11 must have been a US gov't conspiracy!) Well, for those

who question what happened to "all the mass of that

airplane".......watch this clip.

It's the old Air Force engineering tests of the concrete barrier that

surrounds nuclear reactor domes --tests to see if it will indeed survive

an aerial attack. With the hi-speed cameras rolling, they accelerated an

F-4 Phantom to 500mph and.........

Recall: "What happens when an 'Unstoppable Force' meets an 'Immovable

Object'???" (Remember, as you watch in slow motion as the F-4 turns to

vapor, the Phantom was one of the toughest airplanes ever built).


That's interesting. Very interesting. :popcorn:

However, as WB said...

....Unanswered questions - certainly!


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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I haven't watched the film yet but I will check it out. Here's something I can't figure out though...often the people who are most against taxes in general are the same people who feel that government should pay for social services, education, disaster relief, health care, etc. Where will the money come from?

When you watch the film pay attention when they discuss this. You are paying for this out of your local and state taxes already for the most part in the US. It differs in Canada slightly.

Consumption taxes can have an undue burden on the poor, but that can be remedied by giving them larger tax kickbacks on their tax returns at the end of the year.

As a Green I support consumption taxation - especially for harmful products like gasoline and high fat foods which both put strains on our health care systems. You don't need to be conservative to understand the potential benefits of such a system.

But finding the right balance in taxation like you mentioned is the trick. It's tough following an Utilitarian approach - the most good for the most people - when it comes to taxation. Face it - those with more money always have more sway over government. To them, the most good is served by having others pay more tax than they probably should.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 11, 2006
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I remember reading similar things about 20 years ago.
Not sure if it's legit, but, there was one person who charged
about $500 for filing hundreds of forms to proper offices.

He claimed that you can legally free yourself from income tax.
He claimed that by getting SSN, you gave govt. right to collect
income tax from you.

By giving back SSN, you don't have to pay income taxes.
somewhere within documents that relate to SSN says that
you give govt. permission to charge income tax to you.

However, there were some minuses if you give up SSN such as...
You have to bring tons of papers just to open a checking acct.
And it will take up to whole month just to open a checking acct.

He also claimed (not sure it's truth or not) that he successfully
freed over thousand individuals from income tax obligations.

Now, this video...


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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those with more money always have more sway over government.

Actually, those with the most votes can have pretty good sway over government as well. That's why we can't reform our social security system. Everyone knows that a lot of people are going to get hurt real bad 20-30 years down the road. But those who are receiving the benefits now don't want change. My grandfather paid social security for only 2 years before he died. My grandmother has been receiving it for 36 years. Yes, I'm happy for her, but who is going to pay for it, her great-grandchildren?

Expanding life-expectancy is probably the biggest fiscal problem facing government. We pay for health care to keep people alive longer so we can pay for their living expenses. It sounds awful to be against it, but anyone should be able to see that the system can't go on very long. There will be a heavy price to be paid in the future.


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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It's not just taxes, government itself is a scam and the biggest ever :dead:

Just for the record the US is also one of the few nations who will tax their non-resident nationals on their worldwide income.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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wether income tax is legal or not really wont effect my decision to pay them, anyone who has the power to put you in jail for tax evasion, or seize my house and bank accounts kinda has us over a barrel anyway, I think I will let others become the martyrs first


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Truth is, taxes are the best bargain you will ever find. If you add up what you receive for what you pay, you come out way, way, way ahead unless your income is extremely high (7 figures). It's heavily subsidized by the highest income earners and corporations (and borrowing).

I believe it was Bill Gates father said something like this:
Imagine God is going to send two people down to live on earth. One will live in The U.S. and one will live in Ethiopia. The one who is willing to pay the highest tax rate gets to live in the U.S. How much do you want to bet that the bidding will go over 40%?


DNF Regular
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Apr 8, 2002
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The document didn't make any sense in many ways. There can very well be a case that U.S citizens/residents are not stipulated by a clear-cut law to file a tax return and pay income tax.

However, like the remark that U.S dollar is becoming worthless because a dollar from 1840 is worth only 4 cents. I doubt that the average income was $30k or so back then... Plus some other arguments.


Level 9
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Jul 9, 2006
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A US dollar used to be just that - worth a dollar because of a gold reserve. There is no reserve so it's just paper. It only seems to represent something tangible, but it doesn't really. Money now relies on faith.

Somebody from Argentina could explain what happended to their banking system when it crashed - they ran down to the banks to discover most of their savings didn't really exist. Fiat money is useless - it is backed up by nothing more than faith that it is worth something. Why do you think in tough economic times people dump dollars for gold?


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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The power to tax is the power to destroy.

And Protect and Build. Power in itself is neither good nor bad, it's neutral.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Wow, amazing film !

Hope it will help to wake up some people.

I think the movie does a great job in compiling some of the worst things that are going wrong nowadays.

Here are some of the most remarkable quotes from the movie:

- "War on terrorism is the war on freedom."

- “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” ~ Henry Ford

- "The constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper." ~ George W. Bush, 2005

- "People have become food for the debt machine."

- “Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority.” ~ Strobe Talbott, Clinton’s top foreign policy advisor

- "Don't live in fear of your government."

- "The media is controlling the information..and is making sure the average american watcher is coming out with a certain mindset..that's all they have to do."

But my absolutely most favorite quote from the film is this:

- “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I can't think of a more perfect statement than this to describe the situation of America of today.

Btw, more quotes from the film can be found at:


As said, great documentary.

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