Actually, with China's current boom, and the booms being experienced by several other countries, whilst America going down is going to affect China for a bit, it's not nearly as badly as American economists wish it was, because it makes them feel all jittery.
As it is, English has become the defacto global language, so English teachers are highly sought after in mainland China at the moment, particular in the large cities and industrial regions.
In Australia, I've seen offers of 180-200 Yuan per hour for English teachers. That's nearly US$30/hr. The average wage for day labour is 4 Yuan per hour.
So frankly, you'll probably be doing better as a teacher for a start, and you will be able to save money to send back to you starving family in the USA due to the amazingly low living costs in China...
As for "AmericaTown"... wow, racist and ethnocentric much? And people are leaving China less becuase of the economy, and more because of a repressive & corrupt government.
If it weren't for the fact that I'm already doing better than the equivalent of 200Yuan per hour, it's something I'd be considering.