Domain name is pretty good. If that domain name has been with you all the time can you please tell more about projects which have been running and statistics of the domain name?
I've only had it parked all this time for the most part. Several years ago it used to bring in decent type in traffic revenue from the parked page. However, there came a point in time where all of my domains decreased in traffic to their parked pages and revenue went way down. I'm guessing it was a global thing and not just me. I think I remember reading something about google cracking down on the parked pages and delisting any pages that got indexed. Have you heard this before?
So as of right now, the domain is getting about 10 to 20 uniques per month of type in traffic and about 5 to 10 clicks per month. The past 6 months has only generated about $5 in click through revenue. However, about 5 years ago it used to make over $100 in a year of type in traffic revenue.
I have stats that go back to 2007.
June 1 2007 to June 1 2008 it received 335 unique type in traffic visits with 451 clicks that generated $72.86 in revenue.
June 1 2008 to June 1 2009 it received 250 unique type in traffic visits with 323 clicks that generated $41.21 in revenue.
June 1 2009 to June 1 2010 it received 196 unique type in traffic visits with 163 clicks that generated $20.52 in revenue.
So as you can see it's been going down. Back in 2005 and 2006 it used to make over $100 a year in type in traffic revenue.
I just want to know how much the name itself is worth. No website or anything else comes with it. I can see it being a very big site for the temp job world.