It's not about thinking somebody is exclusively allowed to have certain info.In fact this info is available to anyone through the drop lists anyway.
The point just is that in this business knowledge is power; nothing against giving knowledge away, afterall everyone has been a newbie at the beginning and we all live and learn BUT :
To just post these kind of names doesn't help anyone.It doesn't help the newbies because they're not told *how* to get information about a name like that, it doesn't help anyone else either. It might not harm me or others as they know in advance anyway still stuff like this for instance is one reason for outrageous bidding at NW.
Again, posting these names doesn't mean in any way "they don't get the name" for several reasons but i still don't get what posting these names is good for.
I mean, hey if you wanna know how to know about these kind of names ask somebody how to get that info and what to do with it, fine. At least that way you *learn* something.With somebody only letting you know a certain name will drop you'll learn nothing.
It's like somebody giving you a fish or a fishing rod instead.
So if you wanna have the info, fine, get some knowledge.
To just know about a certain name because Andrew posted it will learn you nothing.
Finally, i didn't say Andrew or anybody else doesn't have the right to post whatever he wants; that's why i *asked* him if he thinks these kind of postings are neccessary.But as much as everyone else is entitled to post their opinion, so am i.