Originally posted by ClassicNames.com
The curse of the Billy Goat! Darn that fan at the Cubs Game
G-d bless Steve Bartman ... and the National League champion
Florida Marlins who, in retrospect, make the 1969 Miracle Mets look like a freakin' dynasty. From the outhouse (16-22) to the penthouse in the span of a single season.
And if you didn't see the 6pm SportsCenter, you missed a LIVE TV classic ... Dan Patrick interviewing Bartman by phone, when Bartman responds as follows to a question about death threats:
"Do you like Howard Stern's butt cheeks?" ... followed thereafter by 5 seemingly endless seconds of uncomfortable
dead silence and the Dan Patrick admission,
"Well, it looks like we've been had."
One of the great pranks of all time.
Sorry to intrude on your sales thread, but some things just
have to be said
Better luck next year.