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For Sale The futility of trying to get expired names

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David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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After having spent the past few hrs looking at my attempts and possibilites of reg'ing expired names I again realize the futility of it all.

Almost every 'good' domain I looked at which had recently expired was grabbed by Ultra Search in Hong Kong or BuyDomains (Rare Names).

Between the 2 of them they grab almost all the good ones, only leaving the marginal names to everyone else. :mad:

Hopefully Wait List Service will result in decreasing the success of these two name hoarders so others also have a chance. I welcome WLS.

It seems like WLS can only help things as the expired name situation could not get any worse than it already is.

Has anyone here had much success grabbing some good names? If so, how did you do it?

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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What makes you think UltSearch/BuyDomains won't be first to the WLS slots too, if WLS is approved?? Their skill in identify good names before you do certainly won't be diminished if WLS is adopted.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2002
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GeorgeK....WLS certainly won't help them any and that is a start.

What makes you think why they are so adamant about not having WLS.

Just a thought...

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by GeorgeK What makes you think UltSearch/BuyDomains won't be first to the WLS slots too, if WLS is approved?? Their skill in identify good names before you do certainly won't be diminished if WLS is adopted.

Yes, that may be so but at least it would force them to prepay significant money to get reservations, requiring lots of working capital. :D

WLS will cost them plenty of money paid up-front vs the current system they use of paying only upon the registration.

I would be surprised if UltSearch and BuyDomains decides to participate heavily in WLS due to the prepaid expenses involved with no guaranty the names will ever expire.

Perhaps they will only try to grab slots on top-tier names, at least leaving some good ones for others to reserve. With the current system they seem to get all the top-tier and also 2nd tier names, also known as mid-cap names (an old Afternic term). Maybe others will be able to get some mid-cap names due to WLS. :)


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2002
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My only problem with WLS is verisign....


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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"I would be surprised if UltSearch and BuyDomains decides to participate heavily in WLS due to the prepaid expenses involved with no guaranty the names will ever expire. "
Dream on.They will participate.Bigtime.
And as for it being impossible to beat Buydomains and Ultsearch:
Not true.
Sorry to sound arrogant, but it's a matter of if you made your homework or not.Actually it IS possible to beat Buydomains on names - but how that works you have to do a LOT of research.
Well i did.
Look out for my whois details in the coming months.:)
So my point is:
I dont like the current system, i don't like Buydomains, i hate to have to do the things i have found out about to be able to compete with Buydomains - but all i know is that WLS won't make the situation better but worse.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz "I would be surprised if UltSearch and BuyDomains decides to participate heavily in WLS due to the prepaid expenses involved with no guaranty the names will ever expire. " Dream on.They will participate. Bigtime. And as for it being impossible to beat Buydomains and Ultsearch:
Not true. Sorry to sound arrogant, but it's a matter of if you made your homework or not.Actually it IS possible to beat Buydomains on names - but how that works you have to do a LOT of research.
Well i did. Look out for my whois details in the coming months.:) So my point is: I dont like the current system, i don't like Buydomains, i hate to have to do the things i have found out about to be able to compete with Buydomains - but all i know is that WLS won't make the situation better but worse.

That's amazing you know of a method how to compete or even beat them! Do not understand how your Whois details could indicate how you do it? :confused: Can you please share the information now?

If you want some money for your valuable knolwedge I will pay it as long as it's reasonable and it is something I can do myself and really works.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Mar 22, 2002
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it is possible to beat the major players. they go for too many names to have a 100% success rate


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 7, 2002
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Its still possible to get decent domains, just depends how much you want them, if you put the time/research in and use all the resources possible then you will see positive results.

I agree with beatz re Ult search & buyD will still do pretty well when the WLS is introduced, they have the tools and resources both technically & financially to have an edge but even this can be beaten by thinking ahead well in advance and taking calculated judgements with finances available.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 11, 2002
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if there's a will, there's a way. :D

The only winner in the WLS will be Verisign.

How many of you are going to take out WLS subscriptions on "good" names, betting they will drop? When they don't drop and your WLS subscription comes to the end of it's year, you will renew it again? Then again the next year? Then again? Again?

Will you wait until the domain expires before you buy your WLS subscription? The only way ICANN is going to approve the WLS is if it also approves a mandatory 30 day grace period and process for domain renewal. This process will certainly include a more rigorous notification process as well by all accounts. If I am a domain owner sitting on a domain that I don't know is interesting or not, I'll let it expire, wait 29 days and see if anyone buys a WLS subscription, then renew if someone does. Wanna buy my domain? You've already told me it's worth $50 to you. I'll sell it to you for $1000...

Now if Verisign does not also enforce a mandatory drop period, remember that all domains expire and are automatically renewed by the registry - billing the registrar. The Registrar has 45 days to DELETE the domain and get their money back. Is there a WLS subscription on the domain? Why would the registrar let it drop unless ICANN forces them to do so. I've not seen anything in the current list of ICANN proposals that deals with forcing a domain to drop. The registrar paid the renewal and the domain owner did not renew within the 30 day grace period. Who owns the domain should the registrar decide not to DELETE the domain between the 30th and 45th day?

The only winner in the WLS will be Verisign. They get paid whether you get the domain or not, year after year after year.



Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 12, 2002
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very, very, interesting observations that should rattle the board every which way but loose.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Thanks.Finally someone who seems to have a clue.:)
I just don't get it how people still praise WLS when in fact they will not get a single piece of the cake.


With the whois thing i was just saying look up the whois of good names that got grabbed after having expired and i think you will find my details.In the near future that is.
As for the knowledge thing: That's something i just found out about recently, and it's not a single "secret" but a number of things and actions.I won't sell my knowledge but i'm looking for a partner with a will to invest.If you're interested, drop me a mail.
[email protected]
And yeah, it's reasonable and it works.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2002
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Originally posted by thewitt
The only winner in the WLS will be Verisign.

The only way ICANN is going to approve the WLS is if it also approves a mandatory 30 day grace period and process for domain renewal.

The only winner in the WLS will be Verisign. They get paid whether you get the domain or not, year after year after year.


Amen, brother. You covered about all of the bases.

Only thing you left out, is that Verisign and Snapnames claim THEY DON'T NEED ICANN approval for the WLS. They state that ICANN can only control the pricing. You gotta admit, Verisign makes Bill Gates and Microsoft look pretty humble by comparison!


this is a circular argument that repeats itself over and over.

the bottom line is nobody has a "right" to be able to acquire any names - you have to work at it and invest time/money.

its like opening a business and expecting a never ending supply of customers for no effort.

The continued statements from Verisign that they don't need ICANN's approval, and that only Verisign will determine whether the WLS is successful - and based on secret criteria that only they know - continues to make me fear the Verisign monopoly more and more...



Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2002
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Originally posted by thewitt
The continued statements from Verisign that they don't need ICANN's approval, and that only Verisign will determine whether the WLS is successful - and based on secret criteria that only they know - continues to make me fear the Verisign monopoly more and more...

I say again, AMEN brother.

There is a story about the ICANN meeting on the website. At the end of the story, it mentions that WLS is on track for approval by the end of the summer. Presumably that is for price approval, since we now know that VGRS doesn't need ICANN's permission for anything. Of course ICANN doesn't give much of a rat for OUR input either, so in that sense turn about is fair play...




DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 1, 2002
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"Whereas, the Board, although very anxious to ensure that action on VeriSign's request proceeds without unnecessary delay, believes that its consideration of the request would be assisted by receiving the final report of the DNSO's bottom-up consensus-development effort, including its views on the modifications recently proposed by VeriSign;

Resolved [02.84] that the Names Council is requested to provide, no later than 26 July 2002, its final recommendations, with its supporting rationale and any separate positions of DNSO constituencies, on the VeriSign WLS request (including the modifications made on 27 June 2002), so that the Board may act shortly thereafter."

So, the debate can continue at DNForum for at least another month or so. Next ICANN Board Meeting is around Halloween in Shanghai.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 28, 2002
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Goto and register for the Platinum Membership for $679 - now you can register domains for $6.69 each.

Now Login and click Bulk on the left - One Step Registration

Now at 2pm EST enter the list of your valuable and traffic drops for that day in the domain list box.

complete the "Registrant* full name(individual or entity)" box

Tick the " I have read, understood and will accept the Domain Name Registration Agreement of OnlineNIC Inc. "

Now click "begin Registering

And it will attempt to register the domains

just keep clicking register and register more domains

reg - back - reg - back - over and over

for a full 30 minutes or so at drop time.

When you are successful it will tell you when it has registered a domain


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
May 6, 2002
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>Yes, that may be so but at least it would force them to prepay significant money >to get reservations, requiring lots of working capital.

Someone obviously has NO CLUE as to just how many millions of dollars of CASH ultsearch and buydomains have sitting in a bank account waiting for the start of WLS.

Right now, you have a chance to beat them. With the WLS YOU WILL NEVER BEAT THEM.

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