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Time to dump your internet gambling related domain names

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Title: To prevent the use of certain bank instruments for unlawful Internet gambling, and for other purposes.

It's a bill that is on house floor right now. Basically they are going to stop people from using their credit cards to gamble via internet gambling casinos.

Just got done with watching the debate unfold on C-Span. Looks like they got the votes to do it. Ammendments are going to be introduced to "water" the legislation down. Not sure if it is going to work as the lead sponsor of the bill is pretty much going to hammer this through.

We'll see... Personally I'm not comfortable with the gov't stopping people from gambling online. True it's "illegal" in the states to gamble online, but nonetheless, most of these operators are outside the U.S... It would be like going directly to a country where a illegal activity is legal.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 24, 2002
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I think the bill is really made even more unnecessary by the fact that it is almost impossible to use a credit card to gamble online now. Most credit card companies no longer allow you to use their cards for online gaming because of lawsuits they lost that left them stuck with people's gambling debts. Even debit cards!

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Even though I have been to most high-profile casinos around the world, I never like gambling. Gambling is plain silly because the gamblers always lose. (Please don't argue with me because that's an empirical fact.)


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 15, 2002
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Originally posted by nameslave
Even though I have been to most high-profile casinos around the world, I never like gambling.

I consider domain speculation gambling:D

Originally posted by nameslave
Gambling is plain silly because the gamblers always lose.


Originally posted by nameslave
(Please don't argue with me because that's an empirical fact.)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Sigh! I KNOW I have to explain this. Gamblers ALWAYS lose BY DESIGN. For those who have either been to casinos themselves or studied statistics will know that gamblers lose with a valid sample size (in other words, you only win if you play a game or two). I would recommend picking up an introductory statistics textbook or spend a weekend afternoon in Las Vegas or Atlantic City; when you understand that your chance of winning in a roulette game is NOT 1 out of 36, then you'll know why. I have always been curious why so many people go to casinos THINKING that they will win. [/Sigh!]


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by nameslave
Sigh! I KNOW I have to explain this. Gamblers ALWAYS lose BY DESIGN. For those who have either been to casinos themselves or studied statistics will know that gamblers lose with a valid sample size (in other words, you only win if you play a game or two). I would recommend picking up an introductory statistics textbook or spend a weekend afternoon in Las Vegas or Atlantic City; when you understand that your chance of winning in a roulette game is NOT 1 out of 36, then you'll know why. I have always been curious why so many people go to casinos THINKING that they will win. [/Sigh!]

and if you win to often ..they kick you out anyway's..

Increase your odds.. out the door you go :laugh:


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Will people actually feel happier after they have allowed Gov to reglement and forbid anything and everything so the "world is a safer place now" ?!

Even better, maybe they believe this bill is proposed "to make the world safer for our children" ?
Even more better, maybe it helps "the fight against terrorism" ?

Geez - yeah, your world may be "safer" in terms of such a bill will keep yourself from online gambling as you don't manage to stay away from it yourself....but will you feel happier ?

Will you feel safer AND happier if Gov regulates EVERYTHING ?

Gawd i cannot express how sorry i feel for those people who think every new law the Gov tries to implement is made for the better in the world.

If you don't wanna gamble online, just don't do it - but who needs a new law for it ?

Hey, maybe the bill is neccessary "TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN" or whatever similar rubbish nonsense alibis people seem to believe in nowadays ?!

Man, i really can't stand the people anymore that want to have the government be in charge for every single aspect of their lifes just because they're too dumb or lazy to take care of it themselves.

Ok, here is a little hint for you why the gov is REALLY interested in pushing that bill: TAXES.
Because of course in most cases, especially when operated from outside the US, most online casinos don't pay taxes - in contrary to offline real world US located casinos.
So the Gov's concern is not really to keep people from gambling or whatever myth you like to believe in, but to disallow creditcards for online gambling is just a try to actually keep the dollars in the country and hopefully make people go to offline casinos instead because THEN the gov earns through taxes paid by those casinos.

As said, just a hint.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz

Will people actually feel happier after they have allowed Gov to reglement and forbid anything and everything so the "world is a safer place now" ?!

Even better, maybe they believe this bill is proposed "to make the world safer for our children" ?
Even more better, maybe because of "the fight against terrorism" ?

Geez - yeah, your world may be "safer" in terms of such a bill will keep yourself from online gambling as you don't manage to stay away from it yourself....but will you feel happier ?
Will you feel safer AND happier if Gov regulates EVERYTHING ?

Gawd i cannot express how sorry i feel for those people who think every new law the Gov tries to implement is made for the better in the world.
If you don't wanna gamble online, just don't do it - but who needs a law for it ?

Hey, maybe the bill is neccessary "TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN" or whatever similar rubbish nonsense alibis people seem to believe in nowadays ?!

Man, i really can't stand the people anymore that want to have the government be in charge for every single aspect of their lifes just because they're too dumb or lazy to take care of it themselves.

Well I am tired of bailing out turds who max out there credit cards and bank accounts gambling then expexct society to clean up after them and I am tired of of mafia punks setting up bogus casino sites UNDERSTNDING that until a law is in effect they can still "dupe" innocent people (and stupid people) out of the bank account numbers and credit cards #'s ....

"WE" always et the bill for this BS..whether it is direct or trickle down..

You want to gamble that bad..you will find away.. I'll bet you $10 bucks .you'l find away :laugh:

I hear what you are saying Beatz..but you are NOT looking at all sides..much much more to this story than the "govt " wanting to take away your ability to gamble.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Yeah, much more to the story - for instance what i added above in terms of taxes.

And btw - what the heck to you mean by "innocent" people ?!

It's that kind of vague scenarios that i mean do help the gov implement any new law they like.

Whatcha mean by "expect society to clean up after them" ?!

When exactly was it the last time YOU had to clean up for these guys ?!


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz
Yeah, much more to the story - for instance what i added above in terms of taxes.

And btw - what the heck to you mean by "innocent" people ?!

It's that kind of vague scenarios that i mean do help the gov implement any new law they like.

Whatcha mean by "expect society to clean up after them" ?!

When exactly was it the last time YOU had to clean up for these guys ?!

You Dont pay taxes ?

Listen WE the TAXPAYER clean up this mess..we pay for it..

"innocent" people...innocent people are people who go on line ..find a casino site , handout all their personal information ..credit card #, Bank Account #s.. only to find out the casino..is either A..just a front and their accounts are now wiped out or B ..that they NEVER win..the games are rigged.

The object of this law is to simply prevent the SPREAD of this organized and disorgnaized thievery of INNOCENT people..
Make it more difficult for the thieves, swindlers and slime to "automatically" have access to ANYONES BAnk account or credit account.. Because thats what WE the taxpayers pay our government law creators and enforcers to do.. to PROTECT and SERVE the people ..not the crooks..

By not allowing "instant " access to these accounts.. puts an INSTANT damper in the crooks operations.. it stops the swindle.

Now .. like I said..you want to gamble ..you will find away..pleanty of legal ways to gamble.. AND you can certainly hire a lobbyist agency to work (and this will happen) to create a LEGAL internet gambling industry.. one that IS regulated..

Take 2 steps back Beatz and think this out before you post .. give it some thought instead of reaction..


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz

If you don't wanna gamble online, just don't do it - but who needs a new law for it ?

I totally agree with you beatz. When the government starts protecting people from themselves we are all in big trouble. REASON: When you start regulating "personal" destructive behavior you then let offenders "off the hook". If "joe blow" now somehow uses a credit card to "pay" off his gambling debt he can now point to this "legislation" to sue some company for "letting" him use his own credit card to pay a debt. Sound silly?? Not really, this type of stuff is happening everyday.

Pretty soon the government is going to figure out people spend too much time on the internet, which can be a "destructive behavior". No joke. I can see them coming up with a law, that will make "hosting" companies limit the amount of time you can be connected to the internet.

Where does it stop. It doesn't. Trust me. History is littered with examples. I'd rather "pay" for the personal destructive behaviors of a "few", then for the government to "continue down the line" sotospeak. Oh, and how do you like the new Nationwide "Seat Belt" law that went into effect... Christ, I feel like I live in the former Soviet Union. Yes, seat belts save lives, but I don't need the government to regulate what I do in my car.

Just my .02. The government does do some good things... provide security, quality products, safe drinking water etc... I just wish they would stay out of our private lives.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Bidawinner, believe me i give it more thought than you obviously it seems.

Are you seriously trying to tell me the reason behind that bill is because of fake online casinos that steal cc numbers and wipe out accounts ?! How often does that happen ?!

So you really think *that's* the reasoning behind that bill ?! C'mon...:rolleyes:

For gamblers never winning: Believe me, that's not either what the government is concerned about LOL

In fact every kid knows it's the CASINO that always wins in the long run and not the gambler - and that is in no way different from offline casinos.

But do they try to keep people from gambling in offline casinos for that ? No, of course not as the government makes MAJOR cash through offline casinos by cashing in taxes and for giving out licences - IN CONTRARY to online casinos.

Besides - i would not call people "innocent" who gamble online.
I rather refer to them as "stupid".


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Great article,

and bidawinner you may wanna read it too so you can see what it is when i am talking about the tax cash-in on the governments side.

Btw - i like this excerpt very much:

"The usual public demand to Do Something followed, with the predictable feeding frenzy of sensation-hungry news media, chest-beating politicians, and busybody moralists all striving to outdo one another in reaction to this "menace"."

That's exactly what's going on with that bill, what is going on with that nonsense bill that tries to disallow "innocent" domains redirecting to porn and what is going on with a lot of other new proposed bills.

And i like that expression form the article as well:

"The victimless crime"

Another aspect.
Many of these bills are supported by vague claims about potential victims or by pretending to "protect" someone/children/gambler/theworld/whoever when IN FACT there often is very little to no "danger" or "harm" that could be done to whoever they pretend to be the potential "victims".

Show me the "victims" - i don't see them.


RBS consultant
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2002
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I've nothing agains Vegas.. it's a great place to visit. And one should be able to participate in gaming in "real life".. anytime they wish.

The issue with the "online" gaming.. is the the fact that it's a grand front for terrorist funding... so the US gov'mt is outlawing it? I've no problem with that.

They'll never outlaw Vegas..

but the "online" casino's... is another story.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Man i just can't believe it :D

I mean, i said "maybe it helps the fight against terrorism" but that was meant as IRONY !!

Now, Texas Filly please do me the favour and tell me you do NOT seriously think online gaming is "a grand front for terrorist funding" - i mean, hey if that is what people really believe then NOTHING really surprises me anymore.Even not as to why/how or supported by whom these new bills are proposed like hot cakes every other day.

Wanda - would you mind sharing your indepth insight about online gaming funding "terrorism" ?! LOL

I mean that's EXACTLY what i meant by "vague scenarios" - exactly that.

Guess nowadays all you have to do if you wanna push a new bill is to say it either "helps the fight against terrorism" or "protects our children" as there are enough people who will instantly jump the wagon and believe that crap cuz they don't bother to think for themselves and if it was even only for a second...:rolleyes:

Oh man.

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Originally posted by nameslave
... Gambling is plain silly because the gamblers always lose. (Please don't argue with me because that's an empirical fact.)
When I said "empirical", I was referring to statistics. Gambling has nothing to do with luck; it's a calculated business in which gamblers always lose collectively and casinos always win statistically (guaranteed profit - remember the "0" and "00" in a roulette? :D ). Of course, I too am no exception to this. :cry: My personal advice is to play only at leisure for a game or two and not on a weekly basis.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz
Great article,

and bidawinner you may wanna read it too so you can see what it is when i am talking about the tax cash-in on the governments side.

Btw - i like this excerpt very much:

"The usual public demand to Do Something followed, with the predictable feeding frenzy of sensation-hungry news media, chest-beating politicians, and busybody moralists all striving to outdo one another in reaction to this "menace"."

That's exactly what's going on with that bill, what is going on with that nonsense bill that tries to disallow "innocent" domains redirecting to porn and what is going on with a lot of other new proposed bills.

And i like that expression form the article as well:

"The victimless crime"

Another aspect.
Many of these bills are supported by vague claims about potential victims or by pretending to "protect" someone/children/gambler/theworld/whoever when IN FACT there often is very little to no "danger" or "harm" that could be done to whoever they pretend to be the potential "victims".

Show me the "victims" - i don't see them.

Yawn..you just dont care to listen do you..

Hey, here's a n idea, why dont you have a poll ! and better yet live by the results of such a poll !:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Originally posted by TexasFilly

The issue with the "online" gaming.. is the the fact that it's a grand front for terrorist funding...

What a load of twaddle. You'll be telling us next that selling ebooks, porn ...infact any type of ecommerce is a "front for terrorist funding"....where does it all end? Maybe we'd all be alot safer if they just shut down the internet completely:laugh:

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Well, not to get too much into your debate, I just want to say that even though I weigh more for a free society than a totalitarian state, government intervention is needed sometimes. And I don't like that gambling actually preys on the weakness of people. Personally, I know first-hand of at least a couple of families ruined by gambling.
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