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Time to Revisit Minor (under 18) Participating in DNF Adult Fora?

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 25, 2003
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In light of the "Zuccarini" episode, I am sure a lot of websites are revisiting their "warnings" pages in particular and tightening up the perimeter around their Adult content/fora in general..

Wouldn't it be a good idea that DNF also does the same, especially in light of the following facts?
  • DNF has Minor Members (including Platinum members).
  • Adult Fora are known to contain links to porn.
  • Minors are known to participate in Adult forum. Buying/selling/Posting, etc.
  • Yes, there is a Warnings page sticky'd at the top of Adult forum that warns Minors to stay out of that forum, but it is well known that some minor member over here routinely ignore that, and continue to participate in these adult fora.
  • It is common knowledge that the Warnings Page does not come into picture when some one views "today's active threads" from the home page, and then clicks on one of the active threads in Adults Forum. This amounts to open acess to Adult fora, not even a warning page gets presented!
In light of the above, I hereby move that the dnforum review its Adult Forum related policies ASAP and enforce the same to keep minors out of such adult content.

Let's work together to solve this serious issue.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2003
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One solution would be...

to make the adult section an exlusive members forum only
and when the trials are over after the verifcation Adam can easily have no minors theres as i beleive exclusive will be for people 18+ anyway


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2003
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That will kill the adult forum Corey.


Its not a serious issue. Turn your concern away from 16 year olds accessing adult content. :rolleyes:

John don't feel tempted to enter. I understand you have a polemical reaction to everything. :p

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Originally posted by lotsofissues
... Its not a serious issue ...
Oh ... it [color=ff0000]is[/color] a serious issue.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2003
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its very serious IMO

people under uge shouldnt be reading that kind of stuff
although you can argue that they look at porn every day
it can get dnforum into serious trouble

it just takes one complaint ..


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 17, 2003
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I want to complain
Now there is one complaint


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 25, 2003
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Originally posted by lotsofissues
That will kill the adult forum Corey.

If the "adult" forum gets killed because it restricts access to "adults" only, so be it.

When it comes to protecting the children, the letter of law only specifies the lowest level of conduct that would keep someone out of the nut house. As responsible adults, we all can do better than that.

Not doing any thing about this, soon enough, has a potential to kill this fine forum in its entirety. I simply dread the possibility. THat's why I said, let's work together to make this better. Looking the other way does not equate to responsible member participation in my books.

Its not a serious issue.

Thank you for trying to recalibrate my gauges. :)

It's is a VERY serious matter. Anyone that thinks these are just unfounded concerns, why not check this out for yourself? It's easy test this hypothesis - just setup a page or two of FFA porn on one of your domains, and answer the door bell when Feds come knocking. Geeze! It's not just a question of morality or personal preferences. It is a legal obligation.

Turn your concern away from 16 year olds accessing adult content. :rolleyes:

Do you think this would make a valid defense in front of a judge? NOT!

Doing so would earn someone a one way ticket to the nuthouse, lots.
John don't feel tempted to enter. I understand you have a polemical reaction to everything. :p

Oh, Lots, you just preempted a fine post from John! It would have read something like:
Whereas some DNF members have preferrered to ignore this issue, I hereby move that the dnforum be moved from it's present location to the Hollywood, Florida Holiday Inn, Room 448.

Joking aside, let's keep our emotions, personal preferences out of this, and try to help address this major issue in a responsible manner.

Allowing minors to access porn is a serious issue. If you still don't belive me, Lots, ask Mr. Zuccarini or any of these fine legal eagles over here.

Jack Gordon

Serial Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 6, 2002
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I have resisted getting involved in this up til this point because, well, I don't find it to be a particularly interesting topic. But perhaps I can inject a perspective that has not been represented yet (to my knowledge anyway)

The facts (as I see them)

1) Slashroot, you have been persistent on your crusade to restrict the adult domain discussion forum to adults only.

2) DNF has so far resisted your calls for restricting the forum in some tangible way

3) Minors are accessing adult-oriented domain-related conversations in this forum

It seems to me that the reason you have failed to get a lot of support on this issue is that the content in the adult forums is significantly tamer than porn that is easily accessable through other methods. Having said that, your point is valid in the abstract sense, and should be respected to a certain extent.

I do not believe that the extreme measures of an AVS or otherwise restricted forum is the appropriate response to what appears to be a fairly isolated problem.

Whether we like it or not, adult web sites are a major part of the Internet, and therefore a major part of the domain business. This forum has every right to have a section featuring an adult domain discussion, and lotsofissues is right - it is not reasonable to ask DNF to hide this forum behind a $250 annual fee.

The fact that there are minors on this board, and that they can access the adult domain discussions is an issue, but it is not an unmanageable one. The reason we have so many mods is to help regulate all of the threads and to enforce the rules in each thread.

If the rules state that minors are to stay out of the adult domains discussion, then they have agreed to stay out and the mods have every right to cancel out their messages if they do happen to post in one. If a minor insists on continuing to frequent the adult discussions, their membership should be revoked.

During the signup process, there ought to be a way to flag a minor so that their age status is tied to their identity in a visible way. That status could automatically fall away the day that person comes of age.

I would encourage the adult domain discussion mods to adopt a strict attitude enforcing the rules the best they can.

With some common sense and a little vigilance, this should be a nonissue around here.

Just my two cents.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 25, 2003
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Thanks for your input, FrontRow.

You make some excellent points. My thoughts are inlined below.

Originally posted by FrontRow
The facts (as I see them)

1) Slashroot, you have been persistent on your crusade to restrict the adult domain discussion forum to adults only.

No, I am not on a crusade of any kind. I have nothing against adults industry. I don't judge people either.

I take my membership to any organization very seriously. A forum is what its members make of it. When I decide to contribute to a forum (monetorily, or through my active participation), I try to do my very best to make it better. I see here a room for improvement, something that will add to the value of this forum, and that is what I am trying to draw attention to.
2) DNF has so far resisted your calls for restricting the forum in some tangible way
You're right, it does appear that way. However, I do respect their right to make an informed decision. BTW, I don't think I am the only one expressing concerns over this issue.
3) Minors are accessing adult-oriented domain-related conversations in this forum
My concerns excatly. The posts do contain links to porn sites, FWIW.
It seems to me that the reason you have failed to get a lot of support on this issue is that the content in the adult forums is significantly tamer than porn that is easily accessable through other methods.

I am not looking for any support. I reckon this may not be the most popular thing to post here, but I think it's responsbile thing to do. Only trying to help make this forum better, mate!

Having said that, your point is valid in the abstract sense, and should be respected to a certain extent.
Thank you.
it is not reasonable to ask DNF to hide this forum behind a $250 annual fee.
I agree. I never suggested anything like that.
The fact that there are minors on this board, and that they can access the adult domain discussions is an issue, but it is not an unmanageable one.
I agree. It just needs to be addressed.
During the signup process, there ought to be a way to flag a minor so that their age status is tied to their identity in a visible way.
Actually, this can be handled the same way the content is currently rendered to a member depending on his(her) membership level.
With some common sense and a little vigilance, this should be a nonissue around here.

My thoughts, exactly. All I am pointing out is a need for a clear, urgent, good-faith effort to keep adult content away from those who are not supposted to be looking at it.

I consider DNF to be a good resource. I am trying to help make it better.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to be at least 18 to legally own a domain name? The heck with kicking the minors out of the Adult areas (which is an obvious necessity legally), kick them off DNForum.com entirely. I'm sure it would also increase the maturity level of the conversations here.


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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No minor is being "deceived" by clicking on a link in an "Adult Forum".

The law under which Zuccarini was arrested deals with the knowing use of a misleading domain name to deceive minors into viewing porn. That's not going on anywhere here.

Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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IMO the principle remains that we should not endorse the accessing of pornographic material by minors, whether or not this has anything to do with the Zuccarini case.
This is a case of exercising a proper sense of responsibility - how to exercise this responsibility is surely the only point that needs debate.


Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 9, 2002
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If I'm not mistaken, anyone under 18 must have a forum signed and faxed by their guardians when they sign up for these forums. I'm sure Adam can have his programmers make the Adult section unavailabe to anyone who is under 18.

However, isn't the ownership NOT responsible for posts unless they edit the content of the posts? John, is that right?

Also, is an adult domain name considered porn? I consider "porn" to be photos/mpegs or adult stories...not domains names or words. John, what about this?

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Originally posted by TopNames.com
If I'm not mistaken, anyone under 18 must have a forum signed and faxed by their guardians when they sign up for these forums.
It's 13.

Jack Gordon

Serial Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 6, 2002
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Originally posted by TopNames.com
Also, is an adult domain name considered porn? I consider "porn" to be photos/mpegs or adult stories...not domains names or words. John, what about this?

I think the issue is the links in the forum that go out to porn pages (content suppliers, for example) and the general nature of an adult business discussion being conducted with minors present.


Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Originally posted by FrontRow

I think the issue is the links in the forum that go out to porn pages (content suppliers, for example) and the general nature of an adult business discussion being conducted with minors present.

Ahh...I understand what your saying now. I think someone mentioned that you need to be 18 to even own a domain (I am assuming this is right), so if you're going to ban under 18 year olds from the Adult section, then I feel they should also be banned from the entire forum.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2003
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Originally posted by SlashRoot.Com

If the "adult" forum gets killed because it restricts access to "adults" only, so be it.

When it comes to protecting the children, the letter of law only specifies the lowest level of conduct that would keep someone out of the nut house. As responsible adults, we all can do better than that.

Not doing any thing about this, soon enough, has a potential to kill this fine forum in its entirety. I simply dread the possibility. THat's why I said, let's work together to make this better. Looking the other way does not equate to responsible member participation in my books.

Thank you for trying to recalibrate my gauges. :)

It's is a VERY serious matter. Anyone that thinks these are just unfounded concerns, why not check this out for yourself? It's easy test this hypothesis - just setup a page or two of FFA porn on one of your domains, and answer the door bell when Feds come knocking. Geeze! It's not just a question of morality or personal preferences. It is a legal obligation.

Do you think this would make a valid defense in front of a judge? NOT!

Doing so would earn someone a one way ticket to the nuthouse, lots.

Oh, Lots, you just preempted a fine post from John! It would have read something like:
Whereas some DNF members have preferrered to ignore this issue, I hereby move that the dnforum be moved from it's present location to the Hollywood, Florida Holiday Inn, Room 448.

Joking aside, let's keep our emotions, personal preferences out of this, and try to help address this major issue in a responsible manner.

Allowing minors to access porn is a serious issue. If you still don't belive me, Lots, ask Mr. Zuccarini or any of these fine legal eagles over here.

All silliness and hyperbole. We aren't children, and our voluntary access isn't going to cause a shut down of this forum. :rolleyes:


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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"The posts do contain links to porn sites, FWIW."

Yes, and television commercials contain telephone numbers for phone sex services. Discussing a subject, and pointing out where it can be found, is entirely different from running a porn site. My goodness, there isn't a newspaper or news website on the planet which hasn't run a story on "sex.com" which, naturally, includes the address of sex.com. So what?

"I think someone mentioned that you need to be 18 to even own a domain (I am assuming this is right)"

No, it is not right. Individual registrars may have a policy against it, but that is their choice.

A domain name registration is a contract. You can, if you want to, enter into contracts with minors. Minors may choose to render their end of a contract void if they want to, because minors can do that. Your end of the contract, however, is perfectly enforcible by the minor (unless the minor has voided it).

And, slashroot, Room 448 of the Holiday Inn was the room where Zuccarini was arrested. What that has to do with this thread is a mystery to me.

Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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Why would any responsible person want minors to be able to visit porn sites?
If it is within our capabilities of trying to prevent this happening from this site then we should do it.
It may well be that newspapers and tv ads refer to Internet Porn sites, (in some countries this may be prevelant, in others it may not), but we have the individual power here to take what is a responsible course of action - IMO we should do so.
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