Supposedly and according to sedo that is not the only way to get on the auction list. If you contact a sedo broker and offer a name, reach a reserve price etc, they will add it if they feel you are reasonable. So.... I did just this, was very reasonable etc. Reply was as follows, " sedo has decided to NOT add any domains to the auction that have not first had a bid that was accepted ". Therefore their sedo/broker add your name option is BS. I can imagine they get a ton of shit requests but the premium names deserve attention. Below is taken from their site...
Brokerage Auctions for Premium Domains
If your domain qualifies you will work in collaboration with a Sedo Broker to determine an optimal auction strategy and reserve price. In addition, your dedicated Sedo Broker will prepare for a successful auction by promoting the listing to potential buyers
hhhmmm premium generics in top extension or 2-3 words with a $60 start..lmao Sedo is the best :hail: