Enrico, I don't believe that the OP is interested in the tm itself but rather, if it's "orphaned".
...the quotes around "orphaned" being the key point there.
Assets don't disappear, they go somewhere.
The real question, as Enrico mentioned, is whether the mark is abandoned.
Regardless of how long the registration lasts, the underlying mark may have been abandoned. A mark is presumptively abandoned after three years of non-use. That can be countered if there remains an intent to use the mark - i.e. you could have stopped using it for re-tooling, product development activities, or some other manifestation of intent. Less than three years, and the burden is on the claimant to show there was an intent to abandon the mark.
Getting back to your "orphaned" point - if it doesn't appear that anyone cared what happened to the rights, regardless of whence the rights may have devolved upon dissolution of the company, that lack of caring where the rights went, could itself be evidence of an intent to abandon the rights.