They should be more proactive of informing their customers regarding this kind of issue. Stats are very information to us. They should do better or lose a customer.
Very irresponsible in my humble opinion.
Par for the course with the rest of Moniker's service as of late. It seems to me like the auction business is so profitable that they really don't give a crap about the rest of the business. It's sad that they are letting things fall apart like this. I moved a lot of my name over there FOR the service in the first place.
Funny thing is that I can tell them exactly how to fix it. I have script to grab my Skenzo stats, and it broke the same day TrafficClub stopped reporting. So Moniker, if you are listening, here is the deal: Skenzo now sets a cookie on the first page (, where they use to set the cookie at So you need to have your script visit first to get the cookie, otherwise Skenzo is going to not log you in, and give you an error that your browser does not support cookies. oh, and get your customer service back together, because moving thousands of domains is a PIA!