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Transfering over 2'000 domains - Any advice to get bulk auth keys ?

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Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
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We need to transfer away from Dotster over 2'000 domains but they're making our life hard because it's quite impossible retrieving their auth keys in bulk through their interface, we tried in small bundles of 10 names per query but we continue to get failure notices or not working auth codes.

Is there an Icann rule which can force them to retrieve all keys on our behalf ? What's the best way to transfer away our full domain portfolio from there ? We're ready to hire a lawyer if necessary but we need to know our rights first.

We're totally unhappy with Dotster/Domain.com lately: we tried to renew small bundles of domains directly there, some renewals failed and we're fighting hard to get such orders refunded, every time we open a support ticket, they don't understand our requests and they reply quickly with an off topic discussion and so on ... It's really time to leave them now.

In January they'll upgrade our main account to their new platform (already tested from a secondary account, even more disadvantages and no option to try retrieving auth codes in bulk).

Any advice to come easily out from this frustrating situation ?

Thanks :)


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2004
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Hmmmm interestingly the auth codes are not in the domain report ("Send domain report to" button at bottom of DomainCentral). I'm not sure either. Renewals failing - that's a bad issue which I have not heard of.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
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If we renew big bundles of domains per time (ie: 50), some of them usually fails (from our main account, old panel).
From a secondary new account where we've been moved to the new interface, if we select let's say a bundle of 25 domains to renew in bulk, we're unable to get them added to our chart.

Now we only wish to leave that damn company forever but retrieving auth codes is hard and often we get wrong keys so what should we do ?
I think that after Christmas they'll hear from our lawyer :)


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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i had the same problems of renewals failing. i also had domains disappearing from my account and i would get 500 internal errors when trying to retrieve auth codes and unlock domains. it took a month of going back and forth with them. i had to call several times, have hour long "conversations" that never solved anything but what they need to do is to get you to a second tier support. those people are the only ones with the knowhow to do anything, and even, they are slow but after a month they were able to renew the domains that failed and got all the domains back in my account. i still can't retrieve auth codes or unlock domains though which sucks because i can't trust my domains with them anymore.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Ah sure from time to time some domains disappears from our account too ... lol, Dotster was a good company in the past but since it moved to new hands, anything stop working properly.

I only need to know if we've the legal right to be able to retrieve in bulk our auth codes then we'll find a lawyer who'll follow our case, no more interest in wasting time behind them ... Or they'll assist us in getting our auth keys or they'll refund us for our wasted time and caused damages.
I've been extremely patient for months with those people, now I reached my limit.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2004
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I only need to know if we've the legal right to be able to retrieve in bulk our auth codes then we'll find a lawyer who'll follow our case, no more interest in wasting time behind them ... Or they'll assist us in getting our auth keys or they'll refund us for our wasted time and caused damages.

I am sure you have the legal right, but they probably don't have the obligation to provide transfer codes to you in bulk. In any case, why not simply retrieve them one by one. Do you have a 13 year old kid or someone who can do the busy work? Pay them $20 for the whole job of going in your account and sending each domain's code one by one.

As for getting recompense for wasted time, good luck on that one.

The main reason in my opinion for the problems at Dotster now are that your domains are not really with Dotster! The registrar of record is Domain.com (an EIG owned company), but the registrar behind the scenes -- the true registrar of your domains -- is Tucows. Dotster subscribes to Tucows' "OpenHRS" service for registrars. Tucows is the registrar they are the ones "really" managing your domains. Don't believe me? Check the whois for your Dotster domains and you will see it is the same as any Tucows whois except the registrar says 'DOMAIN.COM'.
Months ago, Dotster domains were apparently transferred to Tucows, without customers even knowing this.

So, you need an auth code, you need a domain unlocked from their persistent privacy service, you need a domain pushed and to have it work in the second account, you need this or you need that, then it is the Tucows registry in the background that needs the input for the change, and what is probably happening is that the communication system/interface between Dotster and Tucows is not seamless.

Hopefully some of these glitches get ironed out, but you can all but forget about one-on-one attention to your issue. They seem to focus more on fixing an issue for everybody, so you simply won't get resolution on your particular issue until they fix it on their end and then the 10,000 or so tickets in the system for that issue will be resolved.

Is some of this becoming more clear now? I don't have all this as official info, but it is what my experience tells me and I am fairly sure of all of this.

The question becomes, do you stick with Dotster / Domain.com / MyDomain / 000Domains / etc etc etc ? Well, a couple things to consider are whether you like the new interface (which all accounts will be migrated to), and whether you are satisfied with the ability to manage domains (but keep in mind, as they hammer out some of the technical problems, by the time you move all your domains out, they'll probably have most of the issues fixed! -- or, maybe not, who knows), and whether you like their customer service and the ability to get a hold of someone there who doesn't just blow you off. To me, this third issue is the one that is the most non-negotiable. But, I am of the belief that there are so many customers -- so many people -- that they simply do not have the work force to tackle each and every ticket in a personal way. Many of the tickets have to essentially be burned "for the greater good" of this monster company. In other words, they just don't have the time or resources to handle our issues individually and sing us Holiday Carols....(and more to the point, they can't do anything for you anyways, until the issue gets fixed for everyone, and they are still working on fixing things slowly).

Add to this the additional complication that the customer service representative that you are calling has no idea whatsoever what issues are being fixed and what the company they are representing is even doing. This seems to be the case all the way up to Tier 3 support. Furthermore, whereas the company used to be located only in Vancouver, WA, now when you call you will likely reach a call center in Arizona, or maybe MA or somewhere else. I believe the staff who worked at Dotster before the buyout is mostly gone, except maybe some senior management people.

It's an entirely different company. The only thing that is the same is that the website still looks (on the outside) as the old Dotster site used to, same logo and design. I hear some people saying that they want to remain loyal to Dotster after being a customer for so many years, but as I see it, Dotster has left the building. They are gone.
Last edited:


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Thanks for the interesting and detailed feedback, I didn't notice so far that they were using Opensrs to manage our domains, this sounds very interesting to me.

We submitted a ticket asking them to retrieve in bulk the auth codes for all domains under our account and, amazingly, they replied positively in a couple of hours, assuring us we'll get all our keys "soon" ... This would solve forever our problem, we're planning to move anything to godaddy.

My dream would be to open our own registrar (just for our internal use) in a far future ... The real problem is not only it seems to be quite expenive (over $50k) but that we should first learn to manage it ... I heard about an annual license fee of $8k which's not cheap too but our assets are very important to us so, at least for a couple of years, let's hope we'll have a smooth life with godaddy.

For our past experience, godaddy has for sure a good customercare, an user friendly interface and the ability to hold multiple bulk tasks with no issue (bulk whois/dns changes, locking etc ...) and this's very important to us.

GD has also 2 disadvantages:

1. Domains get locked for 60 days every time a new change is applied to their whois;

2. Every time someone contact them to contest our ownership right over a domain, they charge ad admin fee around $20 and there's for sure no reason for such fee, this happened a couple of time in the latest years but it's a minor issue comparing to the advantages we hope to have here.

Gd applies us the same fee for com/net/org renewals while gd applies a lower fee (about $2 less) for .net and a bit lower fee (40/50c less) for .org but I guess this's our best choice at the moment.

Moniker & Enom are excellent registrars but much more expensive and there's no way to negotiate too much on their fees.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
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NEW UPDATE: We got nothing from Dotster so far just a promise to send us auth codes but nothing has been done.
We opened a new ticket with a reference to the previous one (they close each ticket after having replied to it, unprofessional service and poor customercare), this time they considered us real idiots so they explained us how retrieving individually our auth codes, one by one ... lol ...

We opened a third final ticket (considering they've just moved our account to the new platform where's just possible retrieving the codes individually and it's a big time consuming job, we'd need 100/+ hours to retrieve them all manually) by explaining they're limiting our freedom by not allowing us to easily retrieve our auth codes and to freely move to another registrar.

Now, or they'll retrieve in bulk all codes on our behalf or we'll go through legal ways and we'll cause them a lot of problems for sure ...


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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thankfully I have none at dotster
you will get this sorted dude, will be worth it when you do
I would do them in batches of 20 or so
starting with first to expire and just do 20 a day or something
then when start arriving at godaddy after 5 days or so at 20 a time

good warning though to never ever reg any there or accept a push
always transfer away

I want to have all my domains at godaddy too
they are far and away the daddy! literally


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Still no reply to our ticket but we'll try to get our Auth Keys in bulk directly by them.

Another issue: yesterday they migrated our account to the new platform and, still today (after over 36 hours), most of our domains seems to be inactive, this means we can see them in account but not managing them nor retrieving their codes, this's for sure another abuse from their side.

On 2nd January, with no further delay, we'll ask to a lawyer to get in touch with them to get this issue sorted once for all.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2004
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Another issue: yesterday they migrated our account to the new platform and, still today (after over 36 hours), most of our domains seems to be inactive, this means we can see them in account but not managing them nor retrieving their codes, this's for sure another abuse from their side.

The "More Info" notation in red, next to the domain, means the domain is not manageable because it is not actually in your account (yet). It's in a holding or "pre-migration" account, or possibly in someone else's account. It occurs if your domain(s) were pushed around between Dotster accounts (or reseller accounts) on the old platform. You have to put a ticket in to get this fixed.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
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We've opened a ticket to get this issue fixed, a second ticket to get urgently the auth code of a sold "inactive" domain, a third ticket asking for our bulk auth keys ... No reply yet to any of them ... What bad company is becoming now Dotster :(


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2004
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... No reply yet to any of them ... What bad company is becoming now Dotster :(

They are deluged with tickets right now. Just give it some time. I have opened tickets and they each got responded to and the issues resolved. It's the weekend, too. Best thing is to just relax and it will all work out soon.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2004
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I had 5 tickets in over the weekend and through the Jan 1st Holiday, and none of them were answered in order. In fact, the oldest tickets were answered last,
and the newest tickets they got to rather quickly. No logical order whatsoever. The quality of support is so-so, but seems to be getting a little better, hopefully
they are having training sessions or group meetings or something to train the customer service reps better.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Major issues for me as well at Dotster. I have a large volume of names there and will be posting about the nightmare more in detail later on. As far as sticking it out at Dotster I would not even consider it at this point, even if they got everything ironed out (yeah right). I would leave on principle alone for their incompetence and willingness to allow many of the problems to occur in the first place.

I am currently ironing out a great deal with another major registrar, the best I've ever worked with in my 10+ years of domains. If any of you would like to see if I can get you the same deal just PM me, happy to help anyone else caught in the middle of this nausea...


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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good luck guys
let us know when you have them all transferred away from that hellhole
and let us know what new registrars you chose, just out of interest


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2004
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Boy, these are some rough reviews. I have a reseller site at Dotster, and sadly, I've had to get most of my customers out. Because if you think you have problems with main accounts, the problems are much worse with the resold accounts. "On principle alone" -- the comment by Poker -- I so believe in this rationale, and to "vote with your money". I really think many customers of any business you can think of, stay with the business even though they are not being treated right. Vote With Your Money.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Also, anyone that would like to join up together to create more leverage on them let me know. The more domains you have there the better but even if you only have a few the more clout we will have. I have been calling them everyday as well as submitting tickets for documentation. During the week hold times have been 40 mins minimum...even supervisors have proved themselves inept. The only traction I have gotten has come from telling them my 3k+ domains there will be walking out the door very soon and the rest of my names will never come in. I have warned them a few times and now it's three strikes your out. If your in, hit me up.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2004
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One thing I noticed if that if you are real nice in the ticket, it will get responded to sooner. I was a bit "snappy" in one of my tickets where the rep. really bungled the ticket, and that was it, it sat there for days and days without a response. They got the upper hand, and they got our domains.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Our Domains are in demand by other registrars. If they don't respect you and your business they don't deserve your business.
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