1and1 is a complete nightmare to deal with. I made the huge mistake of registering over 1,000 domains with them. You would not believe how many dozens of hours I have had to spent trying to deal with their ridiculous nonsense. They have no bulk control features at all. They set all your domains to auto renew and force you to cancel your domains one by one at a time in order to turn off auto renew. And even after I canceled domains and got confirmation email from their system, they still renewed the domains anyway. Get this, they only bill you a month at a time for the previous month. The problem is that you don't get any feedback from them or any way to check how much your bill is going to be. When I call them, they tell me that it is impossible for them to find out what they are going to bill me for at the next monthly billing cycle. So when I called to complain about my monthly bill showing charges for the domains that I had canceled and gotten confirmation from them for the cancellation, they asked me what the confirmation email said, it turns out that their email confirmations don't list any domains so that 1and1 can still bill you after you cancel the domains. After this happened to me twice, I called and did it while on the phone with one of their reps in the Phillipines, I was able to get that rep to send me a confirmation email that all of my domains had been canceled (This required a 3 1/2 hour phone call). A couple days later, they again charges me for renewal of domains that were canceled. When I told the rep that I had canceled them, they again, like before, told me that I had not canceled the domains and would have to pay for them. Only after I was able to produce that confirmation email directly from their rep in the Phillipines, did I get 1and1 to stop billing me for domains that were canceled. Oh, and they don't even allow you to see a list of your domains with the expiration dates, all they allow you to see is an alphabetical list of your domains with no expiration dates. They even refused my request to send me a list with my expiration dates. 1and1 has zero grace period. That means that they put your domains into the redemption period on the very day of expiration.
So while other registrars give you between 12 to 40 days after expiration to renew domains without any redemption fee, 1and1 will charge you a redemption fee on the very day of domain expiration. What's more, they will make you open a separate account just for a domain to be redeemed into and fax in a form to process it. Their specials lure many unsuspecting domainers. My friends, you have been warned.