yeah u think flynt or guccione would have given max real lawyers
no such thing as 'pornography' ultimately, sure kids and animals are gonna bring heat in some countries
but the max stuff was not 'porn' and if he had real lawyers, no way he would of lost
also, the feds had no jurisdiction on his stuff
so that was the error his lawyer made
out of the gate
challenge jurisdiction
show me the net is inside the usa
it isn't
it's global
all of it
so there's really no legal grounds for any court to even try to prosecute over anything on-line
now, since the bags fake TM nfl stuff are real world goods, yeah, real world loophole
only way they got Max was if he used the mails to send his stuff
then, feds have jurisdiction
then you argue sex no matter how 'dirty' or nasty is 'sex' and not illegal
now kids and animals you will not win
but the stuff max did
that wasn't porn
I haven't looked too deeply into his stuff, saw some stuff on it on tv mostly
could really care less
but the bottom line is, if he didn't mail it, feds can't have jurisdiction, they don't own cyberspace
now they're trying to make laws to say they do
you challenge jurisdiction and take it to international courts
but a crime case is different than TM and IP cases
they got you arrested
they got your assets
you use 2nd rate lawyers
you get found guilty
now if it was flynt or guccione
you think they would of tried to prosecute them?
they only thing I've followed a little is the chick claiming he forced her to do the stuff
hey you answered his ad for sex for pay on video
then you signed a model release
then you did a video after the film saying he didn't force you to do anything
anyway, feds got max's name and they sure got the TM selling companies names
I doubt the china knock off guys even appeared to argue the case
so they got a few domains with no fight basically
max is a low grade porn dude that humiliates young dumb chicks
hardly 'porn'
but none the less he's doing time
bottom line is
if the feds harass you
you take jurisdiction to the USSC
it's never been done
you do
you win
then all the cyber laws come tumbling down
two bodies govern it, icaan and wipo