I watched a programme on tv last night - Grand Designs - good show. Anyway, the couple that were on it had a baby girl, and they named her........Beaver...
What the f**k were they thinking...?
i know a guy called Roger Rabbitte ( for real )
Years ago I ran a BBS, and of course there would be many fake accounts/fake names so we had to call each new account to 'voice verify'. But if the name was just too wacky, we would just delete the account, since they never pay anyway.
Got a signup from someone named "Hung Low". At the same registered phone number, "Joe Wang". DELETE, DELETE.
2 days later, their checks arrive, with their names pre-printed on the checks.
I had to call and apologize.
Wow, a 'brace' in one location!
No, it was a hatrick!
Their cousin joined up,...... Fuk Yu :smilewinkgrin: LOL
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