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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
I picked up when it dropped last week, and I am having a hard time zeroing in on its value. The pros and cons as I see them are:

Pros: dictionary word; 22,200 exact global monthly searches; 9,900 exact local (US) monthly searches, it's at least a .net

Cons: length, not a noun or verb, end user unclear, age (since it had dropped), it's not a .com

Everyone's thoughts are greatly appreciated. I've got it parked at Sedo right now, and the feedback I get will likely what, if anything, I do with the domain.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 24, 2002
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Low XXX - I just don't see a lot of commercial appeal to it and it is a .net.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the feedback. My gut instinct was that undeveloped, that might be the range. The exact search volume and an undeveloped .com was what tempted me. PPC is low though, so I am still considering how much effort I may want to put it into it.

Anyone else's thoughts are more than welcome!


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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The domain has a negative connotation. But comfortable would have been a nice domain for anything home-related like furniture for example.
Maybe it could be developed around sexually insecure people.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for your thoughts, Katherine. And thanks for saying "developed around" and not "developed by." I would've taken offense to the latter. :)

I had actually considered a mental disorder site, but I was thinking social anxiety. Although, maybe there would be more traffic for sexual issues. I'd have to do some research. Also, I'm not completely unconvinced that it wouldn't be appropriate for furniture, mattresses, etc., ie., as an alternative to an uncomfortable competitor's product. Again, I'd have to do some kw research to see what people are really searching for. I agree that most brands may not want to be associated with a negative word even if it meant capturing that additional traffic.

Thanks again.

Anyone else?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
My first thought:

Main page with drawings depicting lot of bad ways to sleep, then the right way (and simultaneously showing ads of fancy pillows, cushions, matresses and other accesories for a comfortable sleep). Monetize ads either by direct sales, affy sales or infoproducts about good sleep habits.

Migh be a "discomfort test", sort of score of bad habits, then telling people how to improve that by using recommended products.

(everything withot bashing other brands, just bad habits, good habits, good accesories)

Domain as is is under $280 IMO.
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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for your thoughts, Varlin. That's exactly how I'd develop it if I went the furniture route. I'm still torn between that and the social anxiety angle. I also agree that your valuation is in what I figured was the ballpark.

I've got a lot on my plate so I'm still trying to figure out how determined I am to develop vs. looking for a quick flip.

Great feedback from everyone. I appreciate it very much. I'm going to leave this open for a few more days to see if anyone else wants to chime in.


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score
As Katherine has already suggested, there are negative
connotations with this one. It could, perhaps, be made
out in to a satire-type site 'though, but for me the .net
is a real problem...

Low-mid $xxx.

Good luck!


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks, brian1234. I had also considered some type of social site where users could share uncomfortable situations or maybe a site that aggregated "uncomfortable" tweets, blog content, news, etc. The problems there include development time/costs, monetization, and like you said, it's a .net so the .com is always looming to cut you off at the knees.

The consensus seems to be mid $xxx for the domain at the very best. This one won't ever be a barn burner, but with the search volume and appropriate content it should definitely be profitable in the right hands

Going to mull it over for another day or so. If anyone else wants to contribute, please do! I'm thrilled with the dialog so far.


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score
Well, not only 'gr8names' but a great attitude too :)
I predict you'll go far in the domaining 'industry' (yuck,
I hate that word). may not be the
'vehicle' that will take you to the giddy heights, on this
occasion, but there will be many others I have no doubt!

I think that 'uncomfortable' is a valuable selling
proposition. After all, who wouldn't want to watch
or read something that's uncomfortable?! It's edgy,
interesting, and infers that good entertainment may
be found there.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
Well, I've been thinking long and hard about this one, and I've come to the conclusion that properly developed by the right person, this domain has the potential to be quite profitable. Sadly, due to lack of time, that person will not be me.

I want to sincerely thank everyone who contributed ideas to this thread. I am consistently amazed by the amount of both positive support and constructive criticism members of this forum offer to one another.

I've made available for sale at Sedo as "make offer" and will try to see if I can get someone here to push it to a no reserve auction for $60. If anyone following this thread wants to try and snag this name for $60, the Sedo link is:

Thanks again, everyone!

Mods can close this thread.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
Well, I've been thinking long and hard about this one, and I've come to the conclusion that properly developed by the right person, this domain has the potential to be quite profitable. Sadly, due to lack of time, that person will not be me.

I want to sincerely thank everyone who contributed ideas to this thread. I am consistently amazed by the amount of both positive support and constructive criticism members of this forum offer to one another.

I've made available for sale at Sedo as "make offer" and will try to see if I can get someone here to push it to a no reserve auction for $60. If anyone following this thread wants to try and snag this name for $60, the Sedo link is:

Thanks again, everyone!

Mods can close this thread.

Isn't there a $50 minimum commission fee at Sedo? You might be better off selling it for $60 through PayPal and push it to the buyers account.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
Hi, hockey. Yes, the fee is 15% for sales originating in their market place with a minimum fee of $50. Honestly looking for a push to a no reserve auction is an experiment/gamble more than a sound business decision on my part. I don't have a lot in the domain so I'm going to try to satiate my curiosity as to whether or not the exposure provided by a Sedo auction can get me closer to an end user price. If I'm wrong and I only get the single bid then I will take a small hit, but the lone bidder will still get the name for well below the value generally agreed upon in this thread.

So, anyone want to help me out?

There's lots of reasons: 1) You genuinely want the domain. 2) You're kind of curious, too. 3) You're sure I'm off the mark and want to teach me a $50 lesson. :)

Either way, I appreciate feedback and the ongoing, honest dialog.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
About $50 lessons... They are very educational at an affordable price :)

Losing is better than losing more.

Trimming imperfect portfolios might bring the peace of mind one needs to think better and make better biz.

If I were you... This kind of domain goes well with ebay audience. Even ff it sells for $11 you will be better served than $60 minus $50 = $10 using Sedo.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
This should help:

uncomfortable with........Low....246,000....135,000
uncomfortable shoes........High....12,100....8,100
feel uncomfortable........Low....14,800....6,600
i feel uncomfortable........Low....14,800....6,600
uncomfortable seats........Medium....6,600....4,400
get uncomfortable........Low....8,100....4,400
feeling uncomfortable........Low....6,600....2,900
uncomfortable feeling........Low....6,600....2,900
uncomfortable chair........High....4,400....2,400
uncomfortable heels........Medium....3,600....2,400
uncomfortable chairs........High....4,400....2,400
uncomfortable bed........Medium....3,600....1,900
synonym uncomfortable....Low....3,600....1,900
synonym for uncomfortable....Low....3,600....1,900
uncomfortable synonyms....Low....3,600....1,900
most uncomfortable shoes....High....2,400....1,900
very uncomfortable........Low....3,600....1,600
pregnant uncomfortable....Low....2,900....1,600
pregnant and uncomfortable....Low....2,900....1,600
thong uncomfortable........Medium....1,900....1,300
thongs uncomfortable........Medium....1,900....1,300
pregnancy uncomfortable....Low....2,900....1,300
uncomfortable pregnancy....Low....2,900....1,300
uncomfortable position........Low....2,400....1,300
comfortably uncomfortable....Low....5,400....1,000
uncomfortable moments....Low....1,900....1,000
definition of uncomfortable....Low....2,400....1,000
uncomfortable definition....Low....2,400....1,000
uncomfortable humidity....Low....1,300....1,000
stomach uncomfortable....Low....2,400....1,000
uncomfortable stomach....Low....2,400....1,000
uncomfortable high heels....Medium....1,300....880
uncomfortable car seat....Medium....1,600....880
define uncomfortable........Low....1,600....880
uncomfortable silence........Low....1,900....880
uncomfortable car seats....Medium....1,600....880
uncomfortable situation....Low....1,600....880
uncomfortable clothes........Medium....1,300....880
uncomfortable situations....Low....1,300....880
uncomfortable meaning....Low....1,600....720
uncomfortable around people........Low....1,300....720
an uncomfortable truth........Low....2,900....720
uncomfortable truth........Low....2,900....720
the uncomfortable truth....Low....2,900....720
uncomfortable sleep........Low....1,300....720
uncomfortable quotes........Low....1,000....720
bra uncomfortable........High....1,000....720
uncomfortable bra........High....1,000....720
uncomfortable questions....Low....1,300....720
uncomfortable bras........High....1,000....720

Based on the "High" competition phrases, I believe your market is ill fitting clothing.
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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
Very interesting information, ImageAuthors. Thank you.

It seems that of the top 8 results, at least 5 of them:

"uncomfortable with"
feel uncomfortable"
i feel uncomfortable"
"feeling uncomfortable"
"uncomfortable feeling"

have serps dominated by mental health, physical health, and fitness pages. As far as I'm concerned, that answers the best type of site to develop on the domain. A health and wellness site would have relatively decent CPC (compared to clothing and furniture) and would also be the best way to put a positive site on a "negative" domain imho.

Varlin - it's been a decade since I checked out domains at eBay. Heading back over tonight the first one I stumbled across was for the entirely reasonable BIN of $21 million. So yeah, not much has changed there. LOL

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