I just dont get the program.. its the same google feed as normal SEDO a few added stats. Makes me wonder why they couldn't just do that for normal SEDO?
Most other parking programs just upgrade their old outdated program, but SEDO like to spin what they have and make you think your getting a better deal, where in fact its the same thing with a different name and a GMAIL ripped off marketing tactic with the referral codes.
It then gets its staff to post Comments like SEDO Pro is great and encourages them to offer referral codes only because they are not allowed to advertise them here themselves.
Stealth marketing? hmm maybe.. Trying to manipulate the domainer? yes more likely.
They can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
My rhetoric maybe getting tiresome, I am sick of it myself.
but who do they think they are fooling with this BS?