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Upgrading membership using DNF$

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Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 12, 2005
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How much does it cost to upgrade using DNF$

whats the exchange rate? to US$? :wink:



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 11, 2004
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100 Dnf = $1.00


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2005
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Upgrade to platinum (as gold) would be 3500 DN$. Upgrade to exclusive (at gold) would be 38500 DN$


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2005
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You only need 35,000 posts to upgrade to exclusive as a silver member :)


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Pleski said:
You only need 35,000 posts to upgrade to exclusive as a silver member :)

Hi Pleski

From the chart it says you need 39,500 DNF$ ($395.00) to upgrade from Silver to Exclusive, meaning I can save a silver member $118.50 if they get the DNF$ from me.

If you're seeing some other information indicating 35,000, please send me a link so I can check. Once you make Exclusive, the upgrade requirements page goes away so I don't think I can see what some of the Bronze, Silver or Gold members see by hitting the upgrade button link.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 19, 2003
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The best (cheapest) option to upgrade to any higher level is to post a request for 'bulk DNF$' in the DNF$ section yourself, asking for people to give you a great deal on DNF$ if you buy a ton of them at once! Let them compete! :-D
Exactly one month ago, I needed DNF$ 33,333 and I think I paid about $166.66 (i.e. just $0.005 p/st) for them to a DNF member. Ideal! :cheeky:


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Prosperous said:
The best (cheapest) option to upgrade to any higher level is to post a request for 'bulk DNF$' in the DNF$ section yourself, asking for people to give you a great deal on DNF$ if you buy a ton of them at once! Let them compete! :-D
Exactly one month ago, I needed DNF$ 33,333 and I think I paid about $166.66 (i.e. just $0.005 p/st) for them to a DNF member. Ideal! :cheeky:

Great that worked for you, looks like you grabbed the lowest DNF$ price ever.

Don't expect to see that again.

The problem is that few members have that amount to sell, or are willing to sell at anywhere near the rate you got.

There are NO posts offering DNF$ for sale at any price currently on that thread.

I have seen occasional DNF$ sold at around .0065 in smaller lots, but if you got the time to watch for those all day and MAYBE beat others to the slim pickins then fine.

I do see a current post asking to BUY DNF$ for .0065 or lesser with NO replies.

Just remember you can come see me for the full 35,000 at .007 needed for upgrade to exclusive from platinum. No fus no muss. :approve:



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Stocdoctor said:
Great that worked for you,
Yeah, it was pretty awesome!

looks like you grabbed the lowest DNF$ price ever. Don't expect to see that again.
Well, I'd managed to get a similar deal last year as well. So don't be so negative, I will expect it again if the need for a huge stack of DNF$ would arise here. :cheeky:
Now if only all my wishes came true that smoothly...

The problem is that few members have that amount to sell, or are willing to sell at anywhere near the rate you got.
May well be the case, but like I said, it doesn't hurt to post in the DNF$ section and -just in case- ask for the best deal possible. 'Ya never know'...

There are NO posts offering DNF$ for sale at any price currently on that thread.
Correct, but it still won't hurt to ask there.

I have seen occasional DNF$ sold at around .0065 in smaller lots, but if you got the time to watch for those all day and MAYBE beat others to the slim pickins then fine.
See above. And abover. And my previous post.

I do see a current post asking to BUY DNF$ for .0065 or lesser with NO replies.
"PM me please". Hence you should not expect to see a reply to his request there (BTW, I got my response per PM last month as well, the offer was not made in my thread). :-D
Anyway, againnnn, it still doesn't hurt to ask, especially if you let them know you'd buy a huuuuge load.

Just remember you can come see me for the full 35,000 at .007 needed for upgrade to exclusive from platinum. No fus no muss.
No worries, doc, they'll remember, at least as long as you boldly keep on advertising your own services in this thread; a thread that isn't even in the 'Advertising and Related Offers' section! :cheeky:

Either way, I wish you the best of luck!

Provide and Prosper!


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Prosperous said:
May well be the case, but like I said, it doesn't hurt to post in the DNF$ section and -just in case- ask for the best deal possible. 'Ya never know'...

"PM me please". Hence you should not expect to see a reply to his request
You left off "or post" on his thread, and there aren't any posts replying to sell at his rate of .0065.

No worries, doc, they'll remember, at least as long as you boldly keep on advertising your own services in this thread; a thread that isn't even in the 'Advertising and Related Offers' section! :cheeky:

Offering DNF$ on the DNF forum doesn't qualify as "advertising and related offers" in my book. also, this is a thread about DNF$ and my response is appropriate. I'm not making much on my 2+ years worth of DNF$ earnings and purchases, but I would rather speed up the upgrades and lessen the time it takes for me to sell. That's why so "bold". What's your motives for posting?

No offense, but that's why I take the opportunity to challenge your advice here. You suggest because you were able to buy DNF$ "last year" or "last month" for a rate nowhere to be found currently, (of course your own ad had you selling a small amount recently at .00649) that others take your advice and post when they need a big chunk. Most all of what I see in the DNF$ forum are threads offering domains etc. for DNF$, and NONE 4 sale. That should tell you and others something about DNF$ supply and demand.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Stocdoctor said:
You left off "or post" on his thread,
You're absolutely right there, my bad. I'd see the 'thread description' bit of his thread and that only mentioned the PM but I should have read the actual post better and noticed that it did indeed also invite posts in his thread.

Offering DNF$ on the DNF forum doesn't qualify as "advertising and related offers" in my book.
In my book it does if it is not in an 'advertising' section, but hey, good luck to you. Hah, maybe I'll try something like that myself one day if the mods indeed don't mind it.

What's your motives for posting?
:huh: You would like to hear my 'motives' for posting (in this thread)? As in 'justify' them? How odd! But oh well then, I'll happily oblige:
I am simply pointing out that there may be a way to get DNF$ for cheap, the same way I did. I.e. 'just some friendly advice' based on my experience (twice). Advice that I have given before, in the forum's 'Suggestions and Feedback' section on March 29; http://www.dnforum.com/showpost.php?p=538825&postcount=14 (and back then my 'motives' were not asked for by anyone, BTW. I wonder why... :-D)
As it turns out, my advice is a (potentially even cheaper) alternative to you selling huge lots (at a fairly decent price) of DNF$.

No offense, but that's why I take the opportunity to challenge your advice here.
No offense taken, challenge it all you like. People will decide for themselves if they find my advice (or yours, for that matter) of use, and may then act accordingly. Or not.

You suggest because you were able to buy DNF$ "last year" or "last month" for a rate nowhere to be found currently
As far as I know, the DNF$ 0.005 rate was nowhere to be found 'last month' either (as in: not offered in a sales post by someone in the DNF$ section at the time I needed a huge lot of 'em), but I did wind up with DNF$ for that price because I simply asked for a deal in that direction, by starting a thread. If I hadn't done so, I would most likely not have found DNF$ at that price at that time and would likely have bought them at a higher price from someone else/various others.

Most all of what I see in the DNF$ forum are threads offering domains etc. for DNF$, and NONE 4 sale. That should tell you and others something about DNF$ supply and demand.
It tells me that they may well not like the asking prices of the domains and/or may not want to spend their DNF$ on (those) domains.
But anyway, that's another discussion.



** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Hey Rob

How bout we put this to the test?

You and I will post a thread offering to buy DNF$ for .005 like you got them for and lets see how many we get? I'll pay for 1/2 of them and you do the same?

Might be tough going for us as there is another thread currently offering to buy them at .0065 (30%) higher, but it might really show members whether it's worth the time and effort for them to try the same thing.

Heck if we don't get anyone to sell at that, we can start to bump up the price and really find out where the market is for DNF$ and how long it takes to accumulate 35,000 for an upgrade. I'll tell you now though, when we get to .007 (my sales rate) I'm not selling them to myself.

You game? Could be fun.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 19, 2003
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I don't see the point of buying DNF$ -i.e. spending money on 'em- when I even currently don't need any of them and for the sake of an experiment that doesn't really serve a purpose other than you hoping to prove if my advice or is, or isn't, worth someone else's 'time and effort' (which I guess would 'prove' if my advice is 'right' or 'wrong'. Big deal, lol).

I know 'my advice worked for me', that's enough 'proof' for me that it can work, and if it doesn't for others then that's a pitty and then they can still knock on the door of your DNF$ Vault. :wink: (And by then you hopefully still have enough DNF$ left for them to buy).

So, thanks but no thanks. (and) On top of my previously mentioned reasons (er?) for not taking you up on this offer is that it would also not be 'worth my time or effort'. This thread is already expanding the way it is just because I gave some simple advice -that people could try out if they wanted- and then you felt the need to dive into it, eventually wondering what my 'motives' were and stuff.
Crrrrazy! :cheeky:



** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Prosperous said:
it would also not be 'worth my time or effort'. This thread is already expanding the way it is just because I gave some simple advice -that people could try out if they wanted

Exactly my point. Rather than buying from me at the currently lowest offered DNF$ sales rate of .007, you post saying the "BEST" way to get the cheapest rate is to post to buy in the DNF$ forum. Of course this stuff isn't worth your time, but you offer "advice" suggesting other members waste a bunch of time trying to out buy a current posted bid of .0065 to save .0005 per DNF$. :rolleyes:

I'm trying to give members a discount on the upgrades by offering my hoard of DNF$ (in blocks) with the least time and pain for them and myself, and then I have to deal with a post maybe leading them to some promised land of lower prices where none currently exists. I liked wasting my time on this stuff. It made me feel good. I can always take my little DNF$ piggy bank home and just buy services for myself.



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Stocdoctor said:
and then I have to deal with a post maybe leading them to some promised land of lower prices where none currently exists.[/quote}
Oh woe you: You had to 'deal with my post'!? DotComGod forbid! :-D
Listen, even though you are treating (and actually, have turned) another person's thread here as/into your very own sales thread, this is/was not your sales thread. Not even your thread period. It's OK for everyone to post their tips/suggestions/advice here, and they are not trying to compete with you by doing so either.

Now, if I had posted my advice in your OWN (sales) thread, then you would have had every right to cry wolf, for 'having to deal with my post' as well as for a whole lot more. But not here, no sir.

I guess you saw my advice in this thread as an ill-intended (potential) thread to your self-promotion here :cheeky:, or something, and thus you hope to try and prove 'my wicked ways' (i.e. my posting some friendly advice) wrong?

Rather than buying from me at the currently lowest offered DNF$ sales rate of .007
See, there you go again! lol, stop treating this thread like it is your sales thread!

you post saying the "BEST" way to get the cheapest rate is to post to buy in the DNF$ forum.
Yeah, such nerve er? But needless to say, it was 100% OK for me to suggest it is, just as it is for you to think that your 'solution' to the upgrades is the best one (because, in your words, your way is the one "with the least time and pain for them and myself") and thus that is what you gave as advertisement -oops, I meant advice- here. :cheeky:

Of course this stuff isn't worth your time, but you offer "advice" suggesting other members waste a bunch of time
No, that is what you assume they would do, 'waste' their time. Who knows, you may even be right that my advice won't work for them (right now), but hey, if it worked for me twice, then why could it not work for others, period? Won't hurt trying, and hardly any time 'wasted' unless they are desperate and instantly want/need to upgrade, rather than maybe save another $30 or 40 or even more on the upgrade by trying my method.
Either way, it must be getting clearer and clearer to the DNF readers here that you are so against my advice here, 'cos you have these huge stacks of DNF$ to sell yourself and don't like the 'competition' I suggested.

No hard feelings though!


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Prosperous said:
Either way, it must be getting clearer and clearer to the DNF readers here that you are so against my advice here, 'cos you have these huge stacks of DNF$ to sell yourself and don't like the 'competition' I suggested.

Yeah, I need the big DNF$ sales. :rolleyes: I was against your "advice" because in this case it stinks, and I think it was self motivated by your frustration in trying to sell DNF$ in the DNF$ forum with me coming in with blocks outside. (I never had an ad to sell DNF$ in that forum, but you did)

That's it, I'm done with the sale, so there you go. When the next member comes to me for DNF$, I'm telling them to look you up cause you have some "advice" on the "best" way they can "save" a few bucks. When they spend all their time screwing around for $17 they can thank you instead of me.



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Good morning, class.

Stocdoctor said:
I was against your "advice" because in this case it stinks
Yeah, doc, thanks to you they now all know my advice stinks. And that your attitude in this thread doesn't. Sure... :rolleyes:

and I think it was self motivated by your frustration in trying to sell DNF$ in the DNF$ forum with me coming in with blocks outside. (I never had an ad to sell DNF$ in that forum, but you did)
Yeah, I was really really frustrated... that I sold my measly DNF$ 929... (Within 17 mins of starting that thread) one day before you started your very first 'DNF$ for sale thread in the DNF$ section!! :cheeky:
Start making sense, doc.

When the next member comes to me for DNF$, I'm telling them to look you up cause you have some "advice" on the "best" way they can "save" a few bucks. When they spend all their time screwing around for $17 they can thank you instead of me.
$17.... You're a riot! I hope your book-keeping isn't that 'creative'. :-D
If I had purchased the DNF$ 33,333 I needed at your rate of DNF$ back then then I would have paid $233.33. Instead I got mine at the DNF$ rate of $0.005, i.e. at $166.66. That's a difference of $66.66, not $17. And simply because I decided to post a request to buy DNF$ 33,333 DNF$, instead of waiting for someone/various people to maybe one day come along that would offer me DNF$ at the rate of DNF$ 0.007, or maybe DNF$ 0.0065.

Have a great day, folks, may it be blessed with GOOD advice! :-D



** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Prosperous said:
$17.... You're a riot! I hope your book-keeping isn't that 'creative'. :-DIf I had purchased the DNF$ 33,333 I needed at your rate of DNF$ back then then I would have paid $233.33. Instead I got mine at the DNF$ rate of $0.005, i.e. at $166.66. That's a difference of $66.66, not $17. And simply because I decided to post a request to buy DNF$ 33,333 DNF$, instead of waiting for someone/various people to maybe one day come along that would offer me DNF$ at the rate of DNF$ 0.007, or maybe DNF$ 0.0065.

About my math above. That's the difference from .0065 and .007 figuring since there already is a bid standing at .0065 and anyone looking to buy would have to step over that.

I'm in a much better mood today. You had me going there a bit, but I do feel like I should have just left it alone. Most of yesterday was me ticked about waiting 3 months for parts on the new bike that should have been there 2 1/2 months ago. No excuse. I think I took it out on you prosperous, and made you my whipping post. Still disagree, but I went overboard on nothin. Sorry bout that.

I see that I ticked you off a bit too, but you were pretty good about it.

Still think it'd be fun to test out the market.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 19, 2003
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All the best,
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