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URL Collection - Price increase

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Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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This is a continuation from posts made on thread: http://www.dnforum.com/f122/urlcollection-com-thread-1873.html

This addresses a transfer-in price increase, placed on my Enom account in which URL Collection is my reseller.

URLCollection said:
Next – this Raider Girl in this thread claims she bought a reseller account from our company which is wrong. We never sold her an account of any kind. Never even heard of her before. Guess we never sold very many accounts at all – usually just set them up for free. She bought this account she is complaining about from a sub account of ours.

We purchased the Enom account in question from Ebay in mid 2004, Last week I located the Paypal receipt for this account and I PM’d you a copy, soon after I realized a member here “tekz999” was the actual seller of that account, I sent Gilbert a PM and he confirmed he indeed sold me the account. I acknowledged the error and apologized to you at least twice now, but somehow you feel the need to bring it up over and over again, as if it’s the only thing you have to prove me wrong with.

URLCollection said:
True it appears that her transfer in rates (as well as some other accounts) raised in mid 2006 and from I have found out from ENOM – it was a glitch that happened after they offer a reduced transfer rate as a promo. When the sale was over – for some reason the accounts transfer in rate only, jumped to $7.95.
Our domains department tells me they tech supported a few that contacted them and the rates were re-set to $6.95 by ENOM when they were notified. They say they never heard a word from this Raider Girl’s account so they could never have know that her account was affected.

I'm having a had time believing this "Promo Glitch" story, Please provide the name of the Enom rep you spoke who stated the transfer-in increase was in fact an Enom “Glitch” I have a Enom rep that has gone on record stating the increase came from URL Collection.

As for contacting you (URL Collection), WE DID and you know that.…..You have NO ticket system, NO auto-reply with a receipt, kind of makes me wonder why a company with 7000+ accounts under them would operate in such a way….by not having this, you created a situation where customers have no evidence to support that a email was submitted, so it comes down to your word against the clients…

As God as my witness, we sent you at least 2 support emails soon after the price increase, and BOTH went completely unanswered, It does not stop here, you have NEVER answered our email requests about other issues since mid 2004 when we took over the account, only up until now do you respond when I posted a comment on DNF….As with any other Enom account holder, we have had issues with our account, such as other TLD pricing and CC TLD issues, you were contacted each time and neglected to reply to each and every one.

URLCollection said:
This person now has demanded that our company refund what she paid another person for the account in full, over 2 ½ years ago.

FALSE, I never “demanded” that you pay me anything…..You have repeatedly suggested to convert this account to Enom management, stating it will become a $8.95 account, I replied back to you stating if this were to happen, I would want the $249 that I paid for it, PLUS the amount I was over charged for the transfer-ins, This was NOT a demand as you say and I have the PM’s to prove it.

URLCollection said:
From what I saw in her account, only a limited number of her transfers were affected.

“Limited number”, I like that, please share with us what this limited number is? and how you had your Domains Director “Heather” quote “tear” into my account only to find 7 domain transfers, and how you claimed I NEVER had 400 domains in my account ever, All of which is completely absurd…..

URLCollection said:
I went to bat for her with ENOM and our company and they both say – no refund. I even offered to pay her the difference out of my pocket – instead she wants to play it out on this thread. If she did not like the price at the time she should not have made the transfers and should have sought immediate tech support. Instead of after the fact, in an open forum over a year later. Kind of like complaining that I had to pay $3.40 a gallon for 680 gallons of gas today to fill up my boat – a year or so later. Bet Mobil Oil would be standing in line to help me out then.

You were in fact contacted and we objected to the increase, Why did we transfer domains in anyway at $7.95? because we had little choice, we didn’t want to shell out another $250-$300for another account.. .You also NEVER went to bat for me, what you actually did was send me a number of PM’s accusing me of lying, claiming I only had a handful of transfers, 2 domains in my account, and used the account primarily to setup reseller accounts…..It was NOT until I sent you a PM of an accounting report that showed I processed nearly $3000 a year from this one account, in which I had over 400 domains before moving all of them out last week….What you describe as going to bat for me, was actually you gathering the facts, something you should of done in the first place before calling me a liar.

After you blamed and blasted Gilbert for the price increase (tekz999) and convinced me he was the guilty party responsible, I refused your offer to pay me because I wanted the person responsible to pay….Now that its determined that URL Collection or as you say Enom is responsible, I informed you I would accept your refund, If you want to rid yourself of this account and turn it over to Enom control, you can buy me out of it for what I paid….$249 plus the $71 you claim I lost from the transfers, I even provided my Paypal address, but you never followed through with it….

If you don’t wish to honor your word and refund it for whatever reason, just say so now, I have better things to do with my time than to deal with someone who continues to misrepresent the facts.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 16, 2004
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@Raider - let it go.

you bought an account from a third party, and now you keep bashing URLCollection for increasing their price?
as Steve suggested, go or an ETP account -either by paying the non-refundable $1500 fee, or by adding $7000 in your account.
between 2004 and now, you had a $6.95 account, and if you have enough domains, the $241 investment paid off.

so stop trashing URLCollection and move on.
I know I am.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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@Raider - let it go.

you bought an account from a third party, and now you keep bashing URLCollection for increasing their price?
as Steve suggested, go or an ETP account -either by paying the non-refundable $1500 fee, or by adding $7000 in your account.
between 2004 and now, you had a $6.95 account, and if you have enough domains, the $241 investment paid off.

so stop trashing URLCollection and move on.
I know I am.



Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Nobody is trashing or bashing, Why is it that when big corp's post false statements about members here, it's never a bashing, but whenever the member replies with facts, it's always interpreted as a bashing? If you were called a liar via PM's and posts, you would defend yourself like anyone else would...

If URL Collection simply answered the emails from years ago, and stated this was a standard price increase, I would of understood it and moved on, and this would of been avoided, but they deny the increase and have blamed 3 different parties, Tekz999, Enom and even myself, everyone but themselves... I dont let this go kind of stuff go unanswered....sorry.

I want the name of the Enom rep that stated this was a Enom glitch.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 19, 2003
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Dear Mr. Sony (Japan),

I bought a used Sony TV at a pawn shop.

They told me it had a warranty. But, I don't have any of the paperwork.
I have contacted Sony customer service twice giving them the serial number.
But, since I was not the original owner on file they don't want to respond.

The tv is not working correctly. I want you to repair it under warranty.

I contacted the Sony National Sales Manager and he tried helping me but he
will not agree to what I want. He suggested I go buy a new one.

Please fix the TV to its original factory condition.

If you can not help me, please give me the name of the chairman of the board of Sony.

Best regards,


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Dear Mr. Sony (Japan),

I bought a used Sony TV at a pawn shop.

They told me it had a warranty. But, I don't have any of the paperwork.
I have contacted Sony customer service twice giving them the serial number.
But, since I was not the original owner on file they don't want to respond.
The tv is not working correctly. I want you to repair it under warranty.
I contacted the Sony National Sales Manager and he tried helping me but he
will not agree to what I want. He suggested I go buy a new one.
Please fix the TV to its original factory condition.
If you can not help me, please give me the name of the chairman of the board of Sony.

Best regards,

Dear Sony Customer,

This is not my department but I will try to help you. We apologize for your TV not working properly, Please note that when you buy one of our Plasma TV's, we reserve the right to charge a user fee everytime you press the "ON" button, regardless of what pawnshop you bought it from....If you were not OK with this fee, you should of thrown your Plasma TV away.....It is true you sent us the payments and we thank you for your patronage, however we did not see a profit from it, It appears that your TV was the only one in the world effected by a glitch in the system where we buy our remote controllers, A rat crawled inside your remote control and altered the coding, this is why you were charged $1 more than the usual user fee, I am sorry but we can not disclose the rats name, as he is envoking his 5th ammendment priveledge.

Even though we managed your account and accepted your money all these years, please ask the Pawnshop to reimburse you, since they are the ones who sold it to you. :rolleyes:

Mr. Sony.
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