Originally posted by snoopy
In my view .us is another speculators extension, probably a better bet than some of the others but still at very long odds!
I doubt .us will be big. I agree with what Snoopy said. It is a speculator extension. How many ccTLDs are popular and fetch high prices? None that I know of. Sure, .co.uk and .de have some demand in comparision to other ccTLDs, but compared to .com, .net, and .org, forget it. All the speculators know about .us, but ask yourself this: Who in the general population knows about .us? If you were to walk down the street of and major city and ask them if they knew for certain what .us was, how many would know? Can you say about nobody? The general population (at least here in the US) only knows .com, .net, and .org.
.WS was VERY hyped and was supposed to be the next .com.
.TV was VERY hyped and was supposed to be the next .com.
I would say .TV had a better chance than .WS and it failed miserably (needless to say, .WS crashed and burned too).
There have been a lot of unveilings of ccTLDs over the last 2 years. All have been hyped. None have succeeded past the initial hype. Everybody wants the original gTLDs.
People keep talking up the ccTLDs. .NET is the next one to gain a lot of value. I picked up on that 1-1/2 years ago. As more and more time goes by, I see the indications more and MORE.
If .us is going to be big, it will not be anytime soon. It will take YEARS (10-15) for it to take a root. Are you willing to wait that long?