is worth something, for sure. Let's say $40, since it won't get any traffic on its own. I can see where someone might want to turn it into something. Same appraisal as above. More, if it gets even a little bit of steady targeted traffic. I would say zero unless it gets traffic. Zero Zero Not much, but it is a wild-card. You would have to get lucky and find someone looking to create a job site, but if you found them you could get mid XXX or a bit more. The problem is that in trying to find the end-user you are spending time and effort to do so, and the further you go along and the more time you spend, the higher the sales price you have to get to justify the effort.
The effin right name is worth something, as well. Once again, you would have to put the name in front of the right end-user at the right time, but I could see you getting lucky and getting low-mid XXX. The problem with this name is there really isn't a scenario where you can really do well. Getting very lucky to get low-mid XXX means that the name is worth a lot less than that, mathematically speaking.