At first glance, it seems like a good name. However, my guess is that you have had the name for a number of years, and in your mind, you value it at a certain amount. Of course, you haven't received a nice offer yet by way of an unsolicited email from a prospective buyer, so you want to be "sure" that this name has the value that you assign it in your head.
For it to be worth a nice sum, you have to imagine that someone would be willing to build a business around it. So far, out of the thousands and thousands of wine related businesses that have been started, not a one of them felt that they "had" to have this name. They seem to be able to do without it. The name gets zero traffic. There is actually a site at, so it is pretty telling that people feel that they can brand their business around a name like that. People just don't need isn't even part of a business. It is a sales page. I'm sure they feel that someone will come along and NEED that name. So far, they are wrong on that. I can only imagine how much the asking price is on that. For someone to build a big business around, they would probably be able to figure out that they would be doing the owner a huge favor, and that is the case every time someone tries to build a site on a .net. If someone is going big, then they would go for, and then, after being told the absurd asking price for, they would then go for another dotcom.
The ones on the first page of Google are,, and,, and So, it seems like people are doing fine without it. Generally, when people throw around appraisals in the thousands, you would expect some PM's from people looking to scoop up the name. That is, if the name was really worth that.
What is the name worth? Is it possible that someone could contact you and be willing to pay you 10K for the name? Stranger things have happened. If they are starting a business, that is 10K less that they have, or put another way, another 10K in the hole before they even open up the first day. Are the odds 50 percent that you will get 10K for it? I would say the odds are lower than that. What could you get if you put it in a thread here, with some of the most knowledgeable domainers in the world having looked at it? Will people offer cash right now for just 50 percent of their appraisal, or are these appraisals just a chance to talk about things that could possibly happen?
The question for names like these is pretty simple. The question should be: "What are the chances that I can sell this name for multiples more than the leading domain experts in the world would be willing to pay right now?" That's what it comes down to. Whatever your highest offer here is....legit offer....not someone saying that they "would" buy it if they were looking for something similar. That is your starting point. Add 25 percent or so and that is what it is worth. In the real world, things just aren't worth multiples of what the leading experts will pay for them. The name of the domain game is to sell things for more than they are worth. is only worth a little more than what someone would pay for it right now on this forum, even if there is a small chance that you could sell it for multiples to someone else. That is how most assets are valued. Assets are not valued at prices that can only be achieved if the stars align. is a name that is better than 99 percent of the names in the appraisal thread. But there is a reason that you need reassurances on this name. It does not bring the business owner as big of a competitive advantage as you might want to think, and that has to be the only possible reason someone would pay good money for it.
If and $1,500 in cash was sitting right in front of me, and I could choose one of them. I would choose the cash without even thinking about it. If I choose the name, I have to then spend time and money finding someone to pay me more for it, and that work has already been done by the current owner, with no success. So, at what price would I be willing to take over the business of finding someone to pay me good money for Not sure on that, because the ceiling isn't huge here. You probably can't change your life if you take over the business of finding someone to pay good money for Unless I am expecting to get lucky out of the blue, something that the current owner hasn't had happen, then the odds are high that for me to sell this name it would cost me a lot of time and effort. And how would I find someone just starting a wine business? Is the name strong enough that I could convince a current business to change their name?
If people think it is worth 5K, would they work a regular job making $10 an hour for over 12 weeks, if they were getting paid with and not cash? Sounds like a bad deal to me. Would anyone work for one week at JC Penney, if they got paid with Sounds like something nobody here would do. I would work a week at JC Penney for a name that might have a high ceiling where I had the potential to change my life for the better. For I would put in a few months at JC Penney (in theory...haha).
Sorry to rain on the parade. If you get offered 5K, 10K, or 20K next week, it wouldn't change the reality of what it is worth right now to most people right now, including those starting wine businesses.