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Welcome to the new climate...$10 gallon gasoline anyone?

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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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Welcome to:

Yet another Global Warming rant.




DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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$10 gallon gasoline may be the only answer to global warming.....providing the excess over the normal cost is used to stop the warming threat. If thats what it takes to stop or at least slow down global warming then I'm all for it!


In the UK and parts of Europe, we've been pretty much paying that for a few years now - guess what - new cars sales records still keep getting broken...


In the UK and parts of Europe, we've been pretty much paying that for a few years now - guess what - new cars sales records still keep getting broken...

I knew gas prices were high over there but not that high. What do they do with all the gas tax....and I'm assuming that most of the extra high price is a gas tax?

GoPC..."Yet another Global Warming rant".

GoPC, I was hoping you wouldn't start yet another global warming rant claiming its all a lot of rubbish and lies. Especially since over 70% of the population now knows the truth about it and they also know burning fossil fuels is the cause of it.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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more facts pulled out of your assume to be true?

I don't mind a healthy debate, but rubbish is what you and those like you spread with your "Creative Spin".

Statements like "70% of the populations now knows the truth".

If you expect to be taken seriously, stop spitting up other people's assumptions and do the research for yourself.

You're a joke.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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What do they do with all the gas tax....and I'm assuming that most of the extra high price is a gas tax?

They spend most of it on commitees, whose sole raison d'etre is to come up with new ways to screw the motorist out of even more cash.....hence, Londons 'congestion charge'.

It was supposed to go into improving public transport.....

BTW, check out my signature - 786,000 Ovt searches in December for 'new cars' in France! No slow down there.


more facts pulled out of your assume to be true?

I don't mind a healthy debate, but rubbish is what you and those like you spread with your "Creative Spin".

Statements like "70% of the populations now knows the truth".

If you expect to be taken seriously, stop spitting up other people's assumptions and do the research for yourself.

You're a joke.


If you would stop your person attacks on me and use that time to do a little research of your own you would know what I've said is true. Do you ever read the latest news on global warming or do you just denounce everything posted as a lie?


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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No... the burden of proof is on you.

Show me one documented statistic that says that 70% of the World KNOWS that Global Warming is true and caused by Fossil Fuels. PROVE to me that you are being honest with us and yourself.

I dare you.



No... the burden of proof is on you.

Show me one documented statistic that says that 70% of the World KNOWS that Global Warming is true and caused by Fossil Fuels. PROVE to me that you are being honest with us and yourself.

I dare you.


I know this won't satisfy you but it was the first easy news I could find. I will post more conclusive proof later as I locate it. Its all out there...I have read it many times. I know you haven't because you won't find such information on those paid-for-skeptical-articles you read.

Note how the Head Global Warming Skeptic In Chief made a u-turn in the last sentence. That's much the same way you and your other skeptic buddies will be doing before long. Look for big news on this subject next week and after that we will probably be talking about 80 or 90% believers. You will be even more in a MINORITY then.....unless you wise up.

Angus Reid Global Monitor : Polls & Research
Global Warming Serious for 70% of Americans
January 25, 2007
(Angus Reid Global Monitor) - Many adults in the United States express concerns over climate change, according to a poll by CBS News. 70 per cent of respondents think global warming is an environmental problem that is causing a serious impact now.

The term global warming refers to an increase of the Earth’s average temperature. Some theories say that climate change might be the result of human-generated carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

In 1998, several countries agreed to the Kyoto Protocol, a proposed amendment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The agreement commits nations to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The U.S. signed the protocol but has not ratified it.

In June 2005, U.S. president George W. Bush defended his decision not to adhere to the protocol, saying, "Kyoto would have wrecked our economy. I couldn’t in good faith have signed Kyoto."

On Jan. 23 in his State of the Union address, Bush discussed his energy policies, saying, "America is on the verge of technological breakthroughs that will enable us to live our lives less dependent on oil. And these technologies will help us be better stewards of the environment, and they will help us to confront the serious challenge of global climate change."

Polling Data

Here's more...
Most Americans Believe Global Warming is Real, and Linked to Hurricanes
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