Originally posted by FineE
The new.net domain sex.shop (or sex.shop.new.net) was the subject of an UDRP proceeding. That would put its value to at $1500 or more. Granted .shop is the best new.net extension and sex is the best domain in any generic extension.
I differ on your differing. I think that makes the UDRP proceeding on this domain a bit farcical (however necessary). I think most folks are rating new.net domains a farce because they cannot be registered with search engines, and MOST users on the Internet cannot see them. Note that many extensions like .us, .tv, .ws, .nu are rated "worthless" by most speculators due to the lack of strong popularity.
By comparison, if new.net domains cannot even be SEEN by most folks on the Internet, they are much much worst off.
People initiate legal proceedings (nevermind UDRP) for all sorts of reasons. I don't think that is any reasonable way to determine value. Someone protecting their trademark needs to protect themselves regardless of the value of another business or property. It's not something the equates into clear "value" for anyone EXCEPT the person not looking to have a precedent set. With trademarks, not pursuing violations can be problematic later on.
~ Nexus